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Gareth Hughes

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Everything posted by Gareth Hughes

  1. It's not a solid orange - the grain is visible - it's more amber over blonde wood, so definitely not antique looking in any way. It's not a bad look - just not vintage.
  2. Sorry for your loss Keith. Take it easy.
  3. Cheers for that GW. That is a bummer. I've always had good dealings with Paolo there. Helpful guy - even called me up out of the blue just to see how i was getting on with my gear and if I was still happy with it.
  4. I don't know who makes what, but I do remember reading somewhere that one company does make the majority of strings out there, just like Cort makes a lot of instruments sold under different brand names. The jist seems to be that one company will have a different recipe/tone goal from another company and that's the difference in string. Being made in the same factory doesn't make them the same product.
  5. Nice one. Very inspiring. And well played.
  6. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1331977406' post='1581574'] Jealous Gareth ? [/quote] Me jealous? Nah, I'm still happy with the creamy white one you gave me last year
  7. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1331971675' post='1581481'] First in line for the red hot rod please Frank! . [/quote] Just to clarify - this is a bass you're talking about, right?
  8. Nice one Clarky. Fair play to ye.
  9. You slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag!!!!!!!
  10. Did the rug come with it? Very tonally matched. New optional extras - matched rug and headstock!! (and a very cool bass too, lest ye think I'm taking the Michael)
  11. I think I'm over-rated. I can't believe no-one thinks I'm as good as I do. Some people have no taste.... including me!!! I mean - check me out, I'm amazing!!!!!!!!!
  12. As far as height/instrument size goes - I'm 5'9" with small hands and a 3/4 size (which is the most common you'll come across) is plenty fine for me. Good thing to do if you can is to get in touch with your local education board, see if they have a music service nearby and go along to try out what they have. My local has a good variety from 1/8th to 4/4 sizes.
  13. Get some Anthony Jackson transcriptions and jump in. He's a great master of covering the whole fingerboard - often in seemingly inhuman ways.
  14. I have one of these: http://www.thomann.de/gb/km_stehhilfe.htm Great piece of kit as you can place the leg rest part at any height - tho that does restrict it's fold-ability a little. Good luck and rest up!!!
  15. I never knew my tuners were made of clay!!!!
  16. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1331234318' post='1570105'] I've done tours where your drinking capability was more important than your playing... I didn't last long on that gig [/quote] +1 to that. There's actually a regular gig going on in France right now that I never get asked to do simply because of the amount of drinking involved!!!
  17. Yup - it'll work just fine. I've been doing this for the past few years with a Boss TU-2 or Boss GEB-7 pedal, and more recently with the Boss LS-2 to mix two pickups. Sometimes the lower impedance of 1Mohm actually works better than a higher one. I was previously using a Fishman Dual Parametric DI as an impedance buffer but it's 10Mohm input just let in far too much low end that I ended up using the parametric eq to take out all the low end. Hooked things up back to front one day, with the Boss TU-2 first, and it instantly sounded better - like putting it through a high pass filter. But yeah, as mentioned -try it and if it sounds good then it works!!!
  18. It's a bit of a grey area as context is relevant - obviously drinking in the studio would seem way more out of place than drinking at a gig with a bar. Tho funny enough I just did a recording session on Sunday past where the drummer cracked open a can of beer as we listened through the first playback at about 1pm. And funny enough he doesn't play drums for a living and yes I do think the two are related. Not that his drinking affected his playing but rather it came across to everyone in the room as unprofessional, just as if you were in mid consultation with your doctor and he did the same thing. (side note - be wary of sessions where the record label has booked the musicians and not the producer. Not good) So my point there is that his conduct was not befitting to a professional situation. Drunk or not I know the producer would never call him again. Yes playing music does not have the same connotations as working in an office so there is the temptation/perception that it can be treated as a night out with the lads - but to me the bottom line is that if someone is paying me to do a job then I do it to the best of my ability and that means not doing anything that will impair my performance. Of course there will always be the fully functioning alcoholic that can run rings around me onstage and I do know one in particular who is a great player all round, but I couldn't, in good faith, recommend him to sub for me or pass his number along. I know his playing, sure, but the guy/girl that's never met him doesn't so it really is a case of first impressions last. I know several stunning musicians that I simply couldn't recommend for a gig because of this and that's sad I think.
  19. Yes - absolutely. Forgot to say - well done Bass Doc, that's a great job. Very lust-worthy - and that's really what it's all about, let's be honest.
  20. You're such a bass-tease showing only close ups first!!!! I feel so........frustrated!!!!
  21. I've had more than my fair share of ZingZillas and I'd still take Sesame Street any day. And The Muppets. But, yes, point well made - it is very cool to Mr Zender and others on this show - it's a great introduction to the wonderful world of music for kids. Dame Evelyn Glennie has been on a few times - very cool indeed.
  22. But which plectrum is best for metal?
  23. Yup - had one but got rid of it quickly. Great as a preamp with good eq but I was looking a more versatile overdrive pedal. Didn't like that you couldn't eq the distortion channel separately. But for your intended use it would be very good indeed.
  24. Could be anything from wrong height for you, not warming up/down enough to your bass neck causing it. I need nice thin necks from back to front or else my left hand hates me within minutes. And lowering you're strap in order to get the bass neck pointing up can sometimes be better than raising your bass to relieve pressure on your left wrist.
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