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Gareth Hughes

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Everything posted by Gareth Hughes

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1328356053' post='1525871'] Where are you measuring that 7mm height? [/quote] At the end of the fingerboard. That would be a variable to suggest to people, given that all fingerboards may not be the same length.
  2. Pm'd.
  3. These ones aren't as good as the earlier version tho. Buyer beware!!!
  4. Do you mean a Schaller magnetic pickup? If so, these are nothing like a Bass Max. Completely different design and approach. Here's a good list of what's out there: http://www.kontrabass-atelier.de/pickups_e.html And these are worth reading too: http://www.gollihurmusic.com/faq/11-PREAMPS_DO_YOU_NEED_A_PREAMP_WITH_YOUR_URB_PICKUP.html http://www.gollihurmusic.com/faq/30-OHMS_AND_IMPEDANCE_FROM_THE_INPUT_PERSPECTIVE.html
  5. 7-5mm isn't too low, in my opinion. Yes for slapping but I haven't read that that's what Artisan is going for. I'm suggesting 7-5mm only because I wish my first upright had action like that, or that I know it could be changed.
  6. I play music for my living. A big part of my income over the years has been down to the fact that I can read music. I learnt to read music from Chuck Rainey - in The Complete Electric Bass Player Book 1: The Method - So I can safely say that I wouldn't be sitting in my house now, with the basses I treasure, along with some great memories, if it wasn't for Chuck sharing his knowledge in a way a person like me could understand. Thanks Chuck. Noelk27 - this isn't begging and it isn't a failure to make provisions for all the 'What If?'s. It's life. Ed Friedland is helping a friend out. I'm helping out someone that's helped me even though he's never met me. We're bass players - the guys that support every one else, right? I truly hope that isn't too alien a concept for you to understand.
  7. In case you didn't, or they didn't suggest it - you can specify what action you want for the strings. I don't like fighting a bass (it's bigger than me and I bruise like a peach) so I have the E string at 7mm and the G at 5mm from the fingerboard. It won't be too late to check this out with them - and it might take a few weeks rather than days to arrive. My bass took at least three weeks to arrive from them. Frustrating but it's down to getting the bass set-up, what's in queue before yours at their luthiers, transporting to the UK and then however long it takes the local courier to get the finger out. Don't mean to rain on your parade - just don't want you jumping out of your seat every time a van drives past.
  8. Just took delivery of a well packaged and as-described scratchplate from skin_vert. Excellent communication throughout and I'd happily deal with him again anytime. Thanks Rich.
  9. I'm pretty sure I got my copy of 'Art Of The Bow' from Bassbooks.com. Here's the link: http://www.bassbooks.com/shopping/shopexd.asp?id=789&bc=no Yes it's pricey, but when you consider it's no more than the cost of two lessons it become instantly affordable and well worth while. As for which bow - to me it's a trial and error thing in that I've practiced for years with a French bow but right hand problems have my considering switching to a German bow. I had one for a while but it a cheap and very light carbon jobbie, so not a good introduction. And +1 to getting lessons. Even if you get only one or two to show you a proper bow hold and positioning, it'll be money well spent. Plus, and I'm regrettably speaking from experience here, you'll spend a lot more to correct things in years to come if you just plough on like the bull headed eejit I was (and still am).
  10. Can you imagine all the cases lying out the back - or even worse: Flight Cases!?!?!?!??!
  11. And posted. Hope it doesn't bring any of my dodgy intonation along with it. Good luck with the gig!!!
  12. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1327934011' post='1518990'] ......wtih a beautiful woman and all you can think of is getting through the performance without crapping your pants! [/quote] Well, that could be said about a lot of things
  13. Bummer. I have an Apt-flex (very similar to the Realist) and a Schatten wing pickup (like the Bass Max). Won't need them over the next few weeks so I can stick them in the post tomorrow/Tuesday. PM me with details if that sounds like a plan.
  14. One comical moment was having a nose bleed that just would not stop during an interval at a right proper posh gig. Even though the singers were happy to delay the second half until I was ready, I knew it wouldn't stop so on we went with my nose stuffed with toilet paper. To make matters worse, I already had the most rotten head cold so could barely hear a note I was playing to begin with. Not fun when you're reading charts on the upright. One not so comical moment was playing the first song of long show, feeling my legs begin to give way and realising I was having a panic attack due to claustrophobia. The gig was in an old German library, were the walls were two feet thick and no way out except through the crowd. It was a low ceiling with loads of pillars that flared out at the top - so when I looked out during the first song I realised I couldn't see the exit and then those ten steps down into the gig felt like a hundred. The panic was all down to 'how can I fix this?' When the singer turned round at the end of the second song to introduce me he saw I was not in a good shape. I told him what was going on and when he said "if you need to, just put your bass down and walk outside" I began to relax a little. Spent the rest of the gig staring at the floor, trying to picture myself onstage at some spacious outdoor gig. Not nice.
  15. [s]Oh hold pending.[/s] Now sold.
  16. And on hold pending...... Lordy I love the internet. *now sold*
  17. Folks - here we have a lovely little Aphex Bass Xciter for sale. These things make low notes swell with pride and high notes shine like diamonds. True bull. All yours for the handsome fee of £45 posted within UK. [attachment=98429:IMG_3980.jpg]
  18. Folks - up for sale is my four month old Tri-Logic Bass Preamp II by E.W.S. The pedal is in perfect condition and working order - barely been used since I bought it from Bass Direct. It's a great little preamp - very clean and un-coloured. Brand new these are £159. This one goes for £125 posted Special Delivery within UK. [attachment=98427:IMG_4014.jpg] Here's a little video to show it in all it's finery: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiBfM7Z4VF4[/media]
  19. Folks - up for sale is my Trace Elliot V-Type Preamp. Tis a lovely thing indeed, full of creamy goodness. Few scratches here and there but overall in very good condition given it's age. Looking for the princely sum of £225 plus postage. [attachment=98423:IMG_3995.jpg] [attachment=98424:IMG_3996.jpg] [attachment=98425:IMG_3997.jpg]
  20. Folks - love this thread for two reasons: 1) I'm a disco slut and 2) it's nice reading about what you were all doing in 1977. Me - I was being born For a colossal resource of 70's bass lines, check out this site: http://reader.feedshow.com/show_items-feed=e692d6bdc2073422f5d4e1c91698a356 You will like.
  21. It sounds like it's a pickup positioning issue to me. If it was an impedance mismatch I don't think you'd be having all the low end trouble. I have a Schatten RB wing pickup on my Eminence and it is very sensitive to positioning as well as too much/too little pressure.
  22. [quote name='swanbrook' timestamp='1327708736' post='1515867'] Hey Gareth Are you gigging at the minute ? [/quote] Did you mean me or Musicman20? Not sure as your post came straight after mine. Ignore me if I'm just seeking attention
  23. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1327709132' post='1515873'] ....and it`s pretty damn tight. [/quote] That could be a problem when it comes to getting a 'sweet spot'. I've found the best results to be when a wing pickup is firm but not tight. Too tight and there's far too much low end, too loose and there's too little. I've used everything from maple shims to thin business cards to get the right pressure.
  24. If this was me I'd double check with the store that the credit you have will still be good in 6 months, a year, whatever (no reason it shouldn't be) and then just leave well enough alone for a while. Get your car sorted, make a weekend out of it and take a trip down whenever it suits. Until then just play the gorgeous basses you have. I'm not being sarky here - been in exactly the same position of being more than frustrated on repeated occasions. Most recently a bass I have was seriously in line to becoming firewood because an earthing problem would just not go away. It literally took me packing the bass away out of sight before I could think about something else.
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