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Gareth Hughes

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Everything posted by Gareth Hughes

  1. These are exceptionally good value for money: http://www.thomann.de/gb/thomann_kontrabass_22_02.htm You can specify what height you want the strings at - which saves the added cost of taking a bass to a local luthier for them to do it. I've been playing one of these for the last two years and love it. The strings are the only shortfall - I replaced the stock ones with Velvet Blues, but the stock are certainly good enough to keep on, I was just looking for a different sound and feel. My Thomann (which is really a Hora bass that's been rebranded) replaced a fully carved bass that cost about £3500. Whilst the fully carved had a slight edge on tone, it fell down when trying to amplify live. In this regard a laminate or hybrid like this Thomann goes a long way to helping with feedback. For another (albeit indirect) recommendation, I recently hired my bass out to Carlos Bica and he said it was a good bass to play. I saw the gig and there were nothing that suggested this was a 'beginners' or 'student' bass. It certainly didn't seem to impede Mr.Bica in any way. Here's a clip of Carlos Bica to show the standard of sound he's used to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBqcHDDuDo8&hd=1
  2. Another one here. Not logical at all - in that when I'd play snooker it was with my left hand but when I tried golf it was with my right. Most other things are evenly split. Sometimes get confused with knives and forks.
  3. Been in this situation before - albeit for different reasons (band didn't like it when I sat down at rehearsals or to record). To me there are a few different sides to this but ultimately it boils down to: 1: If you're paying for my services I'll take your advice/follow your order, but I'll also be a little pissed that you're second guessing my experience of playing this instrument. 2: If I'm playing in this band for fun, then the moment someone starts telling me what to do and insists I set aside my way of doing things and follow theirs then it ceases to be fun for me. In the scenarios I mentioned above, the sitting down at rehearsals/recording, I was asked to stand up because it fit 'THE VIBE'. Well, the relevant bit here is that it's about THEIR vibe and not about yours. The other members put their vibe before mine which resulted in them all being happy if I stood up and me being more than pissed off that we wasted time and effort arguing over something trivial. Another way to look at it is this: great story from the LSO: Conductor says to the percussionist "I don't like that sound, try using the other mallets". Percussionist replies: "You tell me what sound you want and I'll tell you what mallets I'll use."
  4. Diggin that a lot. Somehow all of that seemed to slip by unnoiticed by me, so thanks for bringing it to my attention.
  5. Hey Folks - It's been a while since I've last been on your shores so it is with great pleasure that I'll be doing a few gigs in England and Wales with Simon McBride from November 28-December 3. If any of you make it along to the gigs do indeed say hello. Here's some of Mr.McBride's stylings: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSBYdYtd0pw&hd=1[/media] and one with the wonderfully supple Carl Harvey on bass: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPBz3rWt940&feature=related&hd=1[/media] Here's the where's and when's: 28/11/11 - The Duchess - YORK, UK 29/11/11 - The Musician - LEICESTER, UK 30/11/11 - The Met - BURY, UK 01/12/11 - HRH V, PRESTATYN, WALES 02/12/11 - Camden Barfly, LONDON UK 03/12/11 - Bootleggers, KENDAL, UK
  6. Until we get our hands on his memoirs, check this book out: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Everybody-Dance-Chic-Politics-Disco/dp/1900924560 Opens your eyes up to what your ears already knew - that there was a lot going on with Chic than just disco. Not to put disco down (I am a self confessed disco slut) but they were unfairly tarred with that brush, so when disco's popularity waned, so did theirs. Anyway, check it out - totally worth the price of admission.
  7. Easons? Or check here - http://basschat.co.uk/topic/159400-bass-player-magazines-for-sale/ Search function is your friend.
  8. My spare is either a direct copy - as in identical in function - or else it's a variation, as in my main bass will be a 4 string with roundwounds and the spare will have flats, or be fretless, or a 5. Unless I know a gig requires specific variations then I'll just bring whatever tickles my fancy that night.
  9. I haven't touched the action since I got it about ten years ago. It's pretty low, with 45-100 (or maybe 40-95, can't remember) medium scale Rotosound flats on it. Easy to get around on, but also easy to be unintentionally heavy handed with it too. For me, it works best with a pick and some compression - but I think the compressor is mostly needed for the nearly 50 year old pickup being a little weak.
  10. Nice one. I have one too - damn nice basses. Laughably light and infectiously groovy, especially to record with.
  11. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1320867392' post='1432596'] MB1. Your gonna need a price! [/quote] Doh - beat me to it!!!
  12. Yep, caught that one - really a great insight into that time period of making music and how intertwined it was with the social changes going on in the US. And some damn fine playing from Mr.Osborn. I mean, how cool is it to turn on the tv and see Joe Osborn?!?!?!
  13. Nice one Doddy. Hope it's a good one. And be as kind NOT to post about lovely the weather is in all your exotic locations. I'll personally start a petition to get you banned Take care.
  14. Gareth Hughes

    Boss LS2

    Amen to all that. Whilst I don't use mine all too often, when the time is right they are a damn useful tool. One glitch tho is that for blending a pedal with your dry signal, the effect needs to be in the right phase or else you'll lose some low end. Not a big deal, as 99% of the pedals you'll come across will be fine - just watch out for those inconsistent madmen at Electro Harmonix. We love them because they're crazy.
  15. Don't know much about them, but a mate has one here in Belfast that he brought back from LA in the mid-80's. Swears by it for a classic P-Bass and pick tone.
  16. From what I've heard from folks I know who have played on the show, it's simply a case of they either like you or they don't. There is no buying on to the show.
  17. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1320236793' post='1424059'] A second hand Lakland JO and either an on-board preamp (Sadowsky or Aguilar) or floor based pre. [/quote] I've played that Bigwan's Lakland JO and it is one sweeeeeeeeeeeeet bass. And if it was in Olympic White....well, lordy knows we all have limits to our restraint
  18. Hey Ronan - Nice one seeing Rory. Sadly before my time, though I've heard many's a story from my folks about seeing him in his early days. My dad booked him for his student union at Queens in Belfast. I played with The 4 Of Us in the Blue Lagoon, in about late May/early June of 1999. Still a good strong Sligo connection though - I just finished a 6 week tour with Kieran Goss, a Nordie yes, but now living up the road in Dromore West. Actually, the two Murphy brothers from The 4 Of Us were on the tour too. And I've been blessed to do many's a gig with Vinnie Higgins from Sligo on sound - he's done more than his fair share in helping answer all my nerdy live bass sound questions. Nice one getting the 5 string - hope the wait isn't too long.
  19. [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1319655707' post='1416997'] Musicians who started on 'cello ; Jack Bruce James Taylor [/quote] And Yo-Yo Ma I'm guessing? (actually, just checked and he started on violin. But you get my sarky point nonetheless;) )
  20. And Ray Brown too - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jazz_Cello
  21. It can indeed be done. Oscar Pettiford did it - [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWLo8xkOxDc&hd=1[/media] And coincidentally - I just got a cello yesterday too!!! Just like any other tuning - it's all about getting the right string gauges. As to what they would be for a cello tuned in 4ths - I have no idea.
  22. [quote name='wal4string' timestamp='1319279725' post='1412141'] Steve Glasgow did the original transcription plus several more I have used so a huge thanks to him. [/quote] Yep, Stevie has done some amazing stuff for the bass community. And a nice guy too!!
  23. This is, I do believe you will all find, THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE greatest thing since sliced bread!!!!! Thank you so much for doing this. Right now Chaka Khan's 'All Night's All Right' is grooving across my screen. Too much fun to be had with this. Thanks again.
  24. My bad - this pedal was sold a few months ago. Sorry for not updating.
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