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Gareth Hughes

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Everything posted by Gareth Hughes

  1. I have this: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/basix_kontrabassstaender.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/basix_kontrabassstaender.htm[/url] It's okay - not amazing. The endpin cup sits a few inches of the ground, which means if you were to rest your bass with endpin extended in it, the bass would sit quite high and make it a little prone to toppling. However, it works fine if you position your endpin behind the front bar that's on the ground (hope that makes sense). Having the arms around the bouts is confidence inspiring. Is this the new K&M one you saw?: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/km_141_mkii.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/km_141_mkii.htm[/url] This looks to address the endpin issue I mentioned. Hmmmmm, tempting. I previously used one like this for years: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/stagg_sv_db_double_bass_stand.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/stagg_sv_db_double_bass_stand.htm[/url] Only changed it because the lower arms that support the bottom of the bass were too low for me. This one seems to have movable arms.
  2. I saw that thread title earlier today and had an involuntary Charlie Brown 'Good Grief' reaction to it. Could it possibly be followed with a 'which foot should I get kicked in the balls with first?' thread - I think it should
  3. Thanks for this Bilbo - much appreciated. And now I await the depression to set in......
  4. Use a stool - you may get some stick for it but so what? I use one whenever I can, and after a few years of getting dodgy looks from bandmates I've noticed a few guys following suit. If it's a gig that it might look out of place sitting down, get a high stool, with a high foot rest, and semi sit/stand - ie: with your left foot on the ground and your right foot on the foot rest, giving support to your bass. It might help to explain what's going on to the band leader or anyone else that might have a problem with it. I do sympathise - I did a few gigs with a broken collarbone years ago (thankfully on my right side, not the strap side) but I still needed help getting the bass over my head. Get some rest!!!!
  5. If you fancy giving the Barge Concepts idea a go, I have this boyo for sale: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=52509"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=52509[/url] Yes, a blatant plug that was.
  6. Pretty cool, IMO. I know I've been stumped a few times and always felt a right noob not knowing what was going on. I know there will be times that this will be invaluable.
  7. Nothing to add except that this brought back good memories of running an Acoustic Image Focus 2, the 600w version, into an Ashdown BP1510 (1x15 + 2x10) cab. Mighty was the sound.
  8. Hey Sarah - Welcome!!! And glad to hear you're back to the bass. Where to start? Anywhere - really anywhere. As much as I favour learning as much theory and technical know-how, I'd put nurturing your passion for playing bass before all of that. Next time you hear a great bass line, sit down and work it out. Then balance that with the theory. Have a look at the Major's lessons here for starters: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=74284"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=74284[/url]
  9. With the Fishman BP100 you WILL need an input impedance of at least 1 MegOhm. Anything less and you'll notice a drop off in the low end - which you really don't want with that pickup - it's already bright enough being right beside the strings. If you have any Boss pedals - they all have a 1 Megohm input. Try that and then try going straight into your amp input and see if there's a difference. If it still sounds thin you might need a higher impedance. Not to read too much into this but the Fishman Dual Parametric DI I have has an input impedance of 10 Megohms.
  10. T'was more fluke than anything else - just happened to log on a few minutes after Chris posted it. Didn't even give my brain time to gets it's GAS-defence ready!!!
  11. This is a great one: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=134212"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=134212[/url] No, I'm not just saying that because I'm selling it. Ok, I am. But it's trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
  12. I'll take that sir!!! [quote name='Beedster' post='1227879' date='May 11 2011, 06:56 PM']Bought from BassBod a while back, to fit onto my Yammy SLB, having been so impressed with the same model on my DB. Unfortunately, I failed to factor in the narrower board and string spacing on the SLB, and even I can't justify having more PUPs than basses to put them on! Chris[/quote]
  13. That sounds odd to me. I run a passive Jazz into a Markbass LMK into 2 1x12 cabs. With the input gain set between noon and 2pm I rarely have to turn the master volume past 10am. The loudest gig I do is a seven piece wedding band with a massive PA and it's plenty. Sounds like something's wrong.
  14. Go pikey!!!!! If we were Ron Carter and performing on the stages and in the studios he does, then I might entertain the argument for different materials helping the bass project a different sound. But like Bill Hicks replied to his dad, when his dad said that Bob Hope doesn't use the F word in his routines - 'Bob Hope doesn't play some of the sh*tholes I do'.
  15. I have a Danelectro Daddy-O pedal that might suit your overdrive needs. PM me if you're interested. Cheers, gareth
  16. Try Jonas Lohse: [url="http://www.kontrabass-atelier.de/teile_e.html"]http://www.kontrabass-atelier.de/teile_e.html[/url] or Bob Gollihur in the US: [url="http://www.gollihurmusic.com/keyword/44-ENDPINS.html"]http://www.gollihurmusic.com/keyword/44-ENDPINS.html[/url] Jonas might be the more speedy service, especially if you prompt him. Bob can be pretty quick too. But if time is of the essence then the eBay route might be your best option.
  17. Maybe not the worst but up there was driving across Ireland (ok, doesn't take that long), setting up our gear and soundchecking only for the headline band to come in and tell us we weren't actually on the bill. It was a mix up between record labels. Fair enough, mistakes happen. What made it memorable was - as we were packing the gear up, obviously in a pretty pissed off and demoralised mood, this drunk guy walks past, looks at the gear and with complete deadpan seriousness shouts 'You's were sh*te!!!!' Our singer nearly lamped him. And we almost let him.
  18. Build bomb away - there's plenty here who will happily wait each new posting, myself included.
  19. Hello JC and welcome to these virtual shores. I'm guessing that's some of your handiwork as your avatar?
  20. Thanks to the wonderful patience of Herr Karlfer I am now the proud owner of a '75 Japanese RI in (yep, you guessed it) Olympic White. A pleasure to do business with, and a true gent on top of that. Cheers, gareth
  21. DigiTech now sold. Boss CEB-3 still for sale. Oh......bump.
  22. Check this out - it's not so much a walking transcription with fingerings but melodies with fingerings instead, working up from simple to advanced. For about £6 plus postage it's well worth it. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Jazz-Bass-Top-Left-Hand-Technique/dp/1423489535/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1304420269&sr=8-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Jazz-Bass-Top-Left...0269&sr=8-1[/url] (it did make me laugh (in desperation) when Andy writes that 'Teen Town' is a 'Great example of a line that is well suited to the instrument'. He may well be right, but he may well also be Superman.
  23. Just looked through this guys website. One thing jumps out to me - there's not a mention or a picture ANYWHERE of their former bass player. Acrimonious split perhaps? I could be wrong, but given that this band is a trio, it doesn't seem likely that one third of that trio has been deleted from history by accident.
  24. Hey Folks - Up for sale is my Boss CEB-3 Chorus pedal. The CEB-3 is in fine working order. About 10 years old but rarely used. £40 posted. [attachment=78848:Digi_And_Boss.jpg]
  25. Hey folks - just saw this on the TC Electronics site and it made my cold cynical heart inch up a degree or two. I hadn't heard of Simon Vignola before, so I'm probably coming late to the party. I'm digging the chops making a nice tune, not just nice chops. Enjoy:
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