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Gareth Hughes

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Everything posted by Gareth Hughes

  1. What about a Euphonic Audio Wizzy 10 or 12? Not sealed and they do have a whizzer cone that brings you up to about 5K, but they are 4ohm and quite small.
  2. [quote name='JPJ' post='1190462' date='Apr 6 2011, 01:32 PM']Troll: to fish for by dragging baited hook or lure but if your up for starting a sticky on correct usage of the English language......... [/quote] You're both right - but 'trolling' on a forum implies starting a thread for the sole purpose of sh*t-stirring. I'm assuming that's what Zach was correcting you on. And yep, I'd happily share whatever nuggets I'm collected over the years - if anything to just save someone a few quid and much frustration. Work shall commence shortly!!!
  3. You should get on to Trace Elliot for an endorsement now and make the circle complete. Well done on such a great job.
  4. No problem - hope it gets sorted for you. I've had no problems with either of my APT-Flex pickups - one a month or so old, the other over a year old. Lets hope you just got a dodgy one.
  5. Maybe not the solution you're looking for if you're suspecting the APT-Flex caused the Contra death - but you're welcome to borrow mine. I could have it in the post tomorrow morning, guaranteed next day delivery. Leave me a PM if that's an option and I'll get it tomorrow morning - having an early night tonight. Gigs and 2 year olds don't mix.
  6. Thanks for that - a good read indeed.
  7. Yep, Slava Publishing is where I got mine. But you don't need to go to such extremes - the one you get from there is just a bent bit of steel with a rubber tip, not an actual endpin with a threaded tip. They suggest a 45 degree angle, which I feel is a bit much unless you're leaning it back exactly like Rabbath. Using mine the bass is more like when I'm sitting down - it's still to the side of me, just leaning in more. One solution to try before you get your own endpin bent is to go to a steel works - where they make such things are fences, gates, etc (I handily have one here within walking distance) and try out something from there - such as an iron rod of similar dimensions. The iron isn't as strong as steel but it's plenty strong to take the weight of the bass. I recently took a new endpin (because it has a threaded tip for a good rubber foot I got for it) and got it bent rather than welded to the angle I wanted. Just brought in the old one and took the angle from that. They had a quite scary - made for Mafia torture scenes - bit of machinery that bent the steel like it was rubber. Yes, you need to have a flat surface to stop the pin rotating. I did this with an iron file I happened to have from my Grandad, but I also had it done on an iron rod at the steel works. Theirs is the quicker way I'd suggest if you go with the steel works way to just get it bent first - take it home and experiment with just where you have it placed in relation to the angle it exits the body (if that makes sense). The pin will hold enough for you to practice with without rotating. Then once you've settled on that take it back to get a flat bit grinded at that spot. Apologies if this isn't very clear - my 2 year old is wanting up from his afternoon nap and I'm ignoring him
  8. Ay, that'll be Laurence at Overwater. Good guy indeed. Helped me out with a few Euphonic Audio problems.
  9. Check out with Customs tho about the amp coming back to you. Unless you notify them they will charge you import duties on the amp coming back. Not nice. I had this explained once when checking about doing the same thing - sending an amp back to the US for repair. There's some sort of form you need to fill in to register that you already own the amp before you send it of. Doesn't guarantee you won't get hit with import duties but it should help reduce them.
  10. Great transcriptions and bass sounds on your site Mike - thanks for putting those all up there for us to check out.
  11. I'd totally vouch for Thomann customer service as being some of the best you'll find. They are at the mercy of the courier when it comes to delivery. Yes, they choose the courier but they have no influence on whatever gimp couldn't be bothered to get out of the van and walk up your driveway. I was told my double bass would arrive on a certain day. I waited in, it didn't arrive. Contacted Thomann who gave me the courier info. Contacted them, told them I'd wasted a day off work (blatant lie - work? me?). This was at Friday, 5pm-ish. Courier said it would be out Monday - I said I couldn't take another day of work, kicked up a bit of fuss. They delivered it the next morning. As for the dodgy finish around the input - I can't imagine you having any problems getting that sorted. If you do let us know.
  12. Fair points indeed. Thanks for that. Anytime I have to play it I try to get away from the intro line and just walk over the Dorian as soon as possible.
  13. If any of the music shops available to me had anywhere near the level of customer support that Thomann offers, then I'd have no problem keeping things local. I've even gone as far as having basses made locally to support business here. But when you're dealing with staff that won't order flatwound strings because 'they're crap and no-one likes them' even though you're standing there requesting them.... well, all of a sudden that £10 shipping charge and online buying seem pretty unbeatable.
  14. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1179202' date='Mar 28 2011, 10:17 AM']...listen to Moondance and you have a lesson in how NOT to construct a walking line.[/quote] Hey Bilbo - I agree from a listening point of view, but could you explain that from a theory standpoint? (I'll be the first to admit my knowledge in this area isn't the strongest).
  15. Thanks for this, and for everything on your site. After reading over the bass part I had a minor heart-attack listening to the clip on CD-Baby and realising the speed it is to be played at. Why do I even get out of bed?
  16. Make sure you double check that everything you've ordered is in the boxes BEFORE you sign anything. Thomann are very cool in dealing with mistakes - but they do advise you check everything. Otherwise it's your word against theirs as technically your signature means the bass was in the box when it turns out it wasn't. Then Thomann would have every right to think you're pulling a fast one. So -once again: double check that everything you've ordered is in the boxes [b]BEFORE[/b] you sign anything. Delivery guys are usually cool if you explain what's going on. I had a guy wait ten minutes at least while I unpacked my double bass from Thomann to make sure there were no cracks, open seams, etc. Thomann's return policy and customer service is solid. And like other's have pointed out (and I have frustratingly experienced) - definitely a step above some UK stores.
  17. My bumps....my bumps......my lovely lady bumps.......
  18. I thank you!!!!
  19. Bought a Fender scratchplate from OHM - posted promptly and well packed. All good Nick.
  20. My standard practice, and it's only failed me maybe twice out in about 100 flights, is to take the bass in a gigbag to the check in desk. Shimmy it along with the bottom of the bass resting on your foot. More often than not they don't notice you have the case there unless they really go out of their way to look around the desk. If that works then when you've got your boarding card just turn around, always blocking your bass with your body. Stall for time, putting your passport away, etc - in which time the next happy traveler has now taken your space and is distracting the check in staff. Procede to the gate!!! BUT - if they do see it at check in and insist you put it in the hold all is still not lost. First you comply, but then insist that you carry it to the foot of the plane so that someone can put it on by hand, also checking that you can get the bass again at the foot of the plane when you disembark. I never had anyone argue that point with me so off I took to the waiting lounge. Here's the masterpiece tho - when you go to board the plane you just keep on walking like it's your birthright to take basses on to planes. Do not stop unless someone stops you and asks for the bass. If that happens and all is finally lost, insist that your bass is out into the hold by hand on top of the other luggage. At this stage, most of the luggage will have already been packed. Like I said, this only happened to me twice and both times I got the bass as soon as I stepped of the plane. It helps to start mentioning what's going on to the flight attendants so they can radio ahead to the ground staff and make sure your bass does not go with the rest of the luggage to the terminal. The only fly in the ointment is if your case gets tagged at check in and someone at the boarding gate spots the tag and insists you put the bass in the hold. But before that happens, ask yourself - just how visible is that tag once your coat is hanging over it?
  21. You mean like this kind of thing? [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/i.html?_kw=bridge&_kw=grub&_kw=screws"]http://shop.ebay.co.uk/i.html?_kw=bridge&a...&_kw=screws[/url] Oh, and hello and welcome to the forum.
  22. Kolstein Heritage strings have a low tension for a steel string - and excellent customer service to boot.
  23. Cheers lads, much appreciated. Was just gigging with the guy who owns it and he's more than gutted, as you'd imagine.
  24. Yup, that's the same one. Not nice at all.
  25. (excuse the double post, just noticed this section) Hey Folks - A good friend of mine (for a drummer anyway) had a Fender Japanese 70's Reissue Precision stolen from his flat near Botanic Avenue in Belfast last night, along with a laptop. The serial number is P086861 and it says 'Crafted In Japan' under that. I originally bought the bass from OldGit here last year and sold it on a few months ago. Thanks to OldGit's great selling practice there's still some photos online of the bass at [url="http://entertainment.webshots.com/album/578005432LUqQcS"]http://entertainment.webshots.com/album/578005432LUqQcS[/url] and [url="http://entertainment.webshots.com/album/57...LUqQcS?start=12"]http://entertainment.webshots.com/album/57...LUqQcS?start=12[/url] If any of you Nordies happen to see the bass for sale anywhere or here of something like it knocking around can you please let me know and I'll pass on the relevant info. Or if you'd rather deal directly with Gerry, my poor drummer friend, then I'll pass his details to you. Thanks, Gareth [attachment=74922:Picture_1.png][attachment=74923:Picture_2.png]
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