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Gareth Hughes

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Posts posted by Gareth Hughes

  1. +1 for playing on the side of your finger instead of the tips. I literally have a callous on the side of my finger from my fingernail to my last knuckle.

    Another tip would be to lower the action (if possible) so you have less tension to work with. Superglue has gotten me through a few tough gigs, but so has some electrical tape. Not ideal by any means, but it worked.

    And good luck!!!

  2. THis is a great look at bass playing/music in New York in very exciting musical times:


  3. [quote name='davidak' post='876761' date='Jun 24 2010, 07:26 PM']Beautiful looking and sounding bass! Where is that first riff from? I know it very good, but can't remember.. :) Thanks.[/quote]

    Thanks davidak. That riff is from 'Santa Fe' from the musical 'RENT'. I had the bass chair for the first Irish production of RENT and always had a soft spot for that line. Kind of like Peter Gabriel's 'Don't Give Up' - there's a wonderful hypnotic thing going on with it. And here's some tangent trivia - I actually had this bass made for doing the show. I had the body made a few months before hand for a neck I had, and then I got the show and saw it needed a fretless, so I figured why not get a neck made for the body. And that's how this beautiful baby came into existence. It really does sound, feel and play wonderfully - but alas all my mwah needs are met with my upright.

  4. Thanks for the info. Indeed we have been chatting - alas I think I'm all done with sunbursts. A fickle reason, I know - but hey, I'm a musician, (and Irish) so what am I gonna do?

    [quote name='aznbass' post='873491' date='Jun 21 2010, 02:13 PM']Talk to this guy


    Your after a jazz, he wants a P. :)[/quote]

  5. [quote name='faceman' post='872332' date='Jun 20 2010, 12:43 AM']I recognise that riff from somewhere Gareth, I need to write up a huge post now that the show is over.

    Best of luck with the sale, I really would love this bass as it is everything one would want from a fretless![/quote]

    Hey Seb - yes, looking forward to that post and hearing how you got on. It really is such a great bassline, and totally infectious.

  6. Hey Folks -

    Up for sale: My Fender Precision 2008 American Std in Sunburst with a Rosewood neck. I'm the original owner, bought new in July 2008, so one of the earlier models. (That's just trivia folks, doesn't make a lick of difference :) )

    Not much to say about this that you probably don't already know. Bass is in good condition, having been only used occasionally over the past two years. Having said that there are some normal pick marks that you'd expect, but nothing that would show up on camera. There are three cosmetic marks worth mentioning. One is around the tone control, a result of tightening a loose pot and not taking good care of what I was doing. There is one tiny ding on the back of the neck. And there's a few unexplainable marks around the higher frets - about the size of a ballpoint pen tip. These don't affect playability or feel in any way, just want to be open about marks. See photos.

    I had a pickup cover fitted and that's included in the sale. I also had a fret job done as the 15th-20th frets were a little uneven. Thanks to this the bass has a wonderfully low and even action top to bottom. All work done by Ernie McMillen at Avalon Guitars, N.Ireland.

    Bass comes with the new Fender/SKB Hardcase and case-candy.

    £700 gets this shipped to mainland UK. I am up for trades - ideally an Am Std Jazz 4 string in Olympic White. I'd also consider a Japanese Fender Jazz plus some cash my way.


  7. Yup, I can match that - and possibly beat it for amount of hours involved relative to hours played. (Not that I'm proud, or that this is any competition with a great winner).

    I did roughly the same amount of hours travelled for two gigs as Pete Academy did for his Irish jaunt - except that my two gigs were in Chicago. What should have been a three week tour was all but cancelled at the last minute. Seeing as the visas/flights, etc had been paid for the manager thought the act should still do the two shows that had sold well. Flew from Dublin to Chicago late Friday evening - gig on Saturday, gig on Sunday, early morning flight Monday.

    Second time - same act now that I think of it - was worse. I had a different gig in Killarney - a good five hour drive from Dublin at the time, but took it anyway, thinking I'll still get back in time for my 7am flight to Germany. Coming into Killarney there are thousands of punters heading to a gig - but not my gig, I knew from the numbers. Turned out Westlife were playing there too that night. And all those people were leaving the same time I was leaving!!! I left the gig at 1130pm - by 1am I was still in Killarney and panicking as I looked at the map. I finally got home at 5am, packed quickly, said goodbye to my wife (whose birthday it was.......) and left for the airport at 530am.

    It gets worse.

    The flight is on the Saturday, but the gig is on the Sunday. So why the early travel? There's a 6 hour bus ride from the airport to the gig and as we're playing at some huge conference once it finishes (and it started at 9am), we have to soundcheck the night before. Joy.

    At least two hours are wasted once we land because whilst a bus has been booked for 10 people, it does not hold 10 persons luggage and their instruments. Doh. We finally get there late in the evening and all I remember is setting up my gear and then lying down to sleep in front of my rig while a tortuous vocal soundcheck was done . Band soundcheck time - midnight.

    The better part is that this was the day of the Germany-Brazil World Cup in 2002, so we had to watch the match on a huge cinema size screen in the same room as the conference and they play immediately afterwards. Fair play to the German punters -when they lost we thought it would be the worst gig ever, but everyone in the room stood up, applauded Brazil and then seemed to enjoy our gig.

    So all that for about 90 minutes of music.

    (And a HUGE frikking buffet;))

  8. That's a great set-up you have already Dave. I use an F500 with a UL112 for most things, then add another if necessary. Tried using a GK MB150S combo, but kept missing that full low-end feeling that is seemingly only obtainable with a bigger box. OTOH, I have heard great things about the Markbass combos for DB. Another option is a tilt-back cab/monitor - I need those high frequencies aimed at my head or else it's a shot in the dark with tuning. Sorry that's not more specific gear wise.

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