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Gareth Hughes

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Posts posted by Gareth Hughes

  1. You might find it a time consuming affair to retune an upright in the middle of a gig. I've found that it always takes longer fine tuning a string on an upright than it does on an electric, and then there's always the possibility of the string slipping. My practical advice would to work out how to play the songs in the key you want in regular tuning, even if it necessitates playing some of the notes an octave higher than the original.

  2. Hey Folks -

    Up for sale is my Ernie McMillen Custom 5 String. Ernie's builds guitars for the Avalon Guitar Company. Recently he has been working on Zematis guitars at Avalon, which retail at $15,000. Before that he worked for 15 years for Lowden Guitars, during which time he built many of the Goodfellow Basses that were there between 1992-96. All this to say that the construction is top notch.

    Enough about Ernie and now the bass:

    Body is a regular jazz shape (taken from a mid 70's Fender template) and is mahogany. Unique feature is that the body wings are completely hollow to reduce weight. The pickups, bridge and neck block are on a solid center piece. The resulting weight is an even 9lbs, weighed on my local post office scales. Like the early Fender Tele basses this bass has no body contours - in order to allow for the hollow wings.

    The neck is one piece maple, with a maple fingerboard. Scale length is 36" and has a tight and powerful B, and the other strings benefit enormously too. Neck is thin front to back, and has a flatter fingerboard than your average Fender.

    The headstock has lightweight Gotoh tuners with a maple cap and rosewood veneer underneath for the logo. Bridge is by ABM with 17-18mm string spacing.

    The pickups are by Bill Lawrence, the J45 model. These pickups have a huge frequency response and are very from low to high.

    The preamp is an Audere JZ3 model, in a Vol/Vol/stacked Bass and Treble configuration and with the Z-mode switch to change the impedance. Combined with the pickups there are a huge range of tones available.

    And now the only downside to this bass, and it's purely aesthetic. On the back of the bass there is some staining, coming from the center block out into the paint. As its only on the back of the bass it didn't bother me too much so I left it alone.

    And finally - the price: All in, with the pickups and pre, this bass cost £1500 to get made. I'm selling it for £850 shipped to the UK. Selling as I have a few too many electric basses as I'm now playing mainly upright. No trades.

    Thanks, Gareth

  3. [quote name='maidensprayer' post='555214' date='Jul 29 2009, 03:31 PM']This is just what I am looking for to use with my upright on stage,,is it still for sale? I live in Maine,,,bass player for the misty mountaineers, You can check us out on youtube. I am excited to hear back from you. Thans Dotty[/quote]

    Hey Dotty -

    Thanks for checking the amp out - but I'm guessing that shipping this amp to Maine would get mighty expensive. But if you want to do it send me a PM.

  4. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='555122' date='Jul 29 2009, 02:32 PM']I'm almost 100% certain that used to be mine before it was stolen from me in 1987! For nothing more than sentimentalty's sake, I'm going to contact Paul at Wal to see if he can check in the book for me..

    I bought in 1983 from a long-since defunct music shop in Barnet, London and it was my first ever Wal.. Did a few tours with it and then it was stolen from a rehearsal studio called Prime Time in London Bridge where we were based.. Turned out the guy who did the break in was Dexy's Midnight Runner's drummer and though he was nicked, we never got any of our gear back!![/quote]

    Seems to be a theme with Dexys. My mum remembers coming hone from a gig with them one night (uncle was a mate) and sitting idly in the van waiting to elave with her brother, when one of them came running out with an amp shouting 'Lets Go!! Now!!'. Turned out the amp was from another band on the bill.

    Anyway - back to topic.

  5. [quote name='Beneath It All' post='548476' date='Jul 23 2009, 12:43 AM']....I haven't sent you a PM - you sent me one[apparently] which I haven't recd.[/quote]

    Ah, apology -you wrote 'not rec'd', which I took as a question, as in 'had I not received your PM'. All clear now.

    My PM was checking if the amp was still available and would you ship t N.Ireland, and what would the cost of that be?

    Thanks, Gareth

  6. You're not being cyncial at all. You bought a falsely advertised item - end of story.

    Keep on at PayPal to recover your money. Chances are you mightn't get it all back. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but PayPal can only recover money if it's in the sellers account. The week delay in shipping might well mean they've done a runner, like Stevie suggested.

    I got ripped off buying a camcorder a few years back on eBay. No camera arrived, went thru the whole process of complaints/recovery and ended up with about £150 from a £250 camera.

    Good luck.

  7. It could just be a thermal protection circuit kicking in. Or dodgy current in the building. I had the latter happen with my Acoustic Image Focus 2 in a venue I'd never played, but I'd been playing the amp the two nights previous and the night after. Just didn't like the current from the wall.

    As for the heat, my Acoustic Image gets pretty hot - enough that, without any shut-downs, I emailed Rick Jones at AI and asked him if this was normal. He replied that the amp has a thermal protection circuit that would shut the amp down before any damage was done. Good for saving the amp, not good in practice at a gig or prac.

    So it could just be that. try the Markbass again. If it's really damaged from last night then you won't be doing it any harm :)

  8. I have 2 Epifani UL 112's and an Epifani UL310. Both rigs give more than enough volume for the gigs I do - corporate/weddings/clubs/original,etc. If I didn't need to have 2 single 12" cabs to make the car easier to pack with my upright, I'd have bought a 2x12. The 310 is my back-up, and it can hang in with the 12's for the low-end.

  9. Hey folks -

    Does anyone have this book: 'Studio Bass Masters' by Keith Rosier?


    I have the book, but when a friend bought it for me a few years ago, second hand, the cd was missing. No big deal, but just for kicks I'd like to play along with the tracks and not just the charts on their own. If anyone has it and would be kind enough to email me the mp3's of the tracks I'd greatly appreciate it. There'd be pizza and beer for you if you're ever in my part of the world.

    Thanks, Gareth

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