My Accugroove is now for sale. Very good condition, bought it here a while ago.
Audiophile bass sound.
AccuGroove ended the activity, but this still is one of the best cabs ever. New was 1350 euro and 100 euros for the cover.
About the switch or the two impedances:
"The old Accu-Switch is not really changing the impedance! It only simulates the 8 Ohms impedance when you use two cabs and a bass head that reads automatically the total load! (SS, Mosfet, etc...). I have tried it many years ago... if plug in one cab only, the switch is doing nothing! If you plug in two cabs with a minimum of 4 Ohm, here's what happens:
Both switches on 4 Ohm = the head goes under protection at volume 2; one switch on 4 and one on 8 = the head goes under protection at volume 4; both switched to 8 ohms = the head doesn't go under protection! At list under the power stage goes overload :-)... but this is common with other amps also, providing that you don't blow the speakers before :-) So, it works!"
I'm asking 450 euro plus shipping (100 euro for Europe)
thank you