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Everything posted by gypsyjazzer

  1. Contains Fingerboard Pickup / Pre-amp. Does not include Wing Pickup--you supply. Price to include postage. PM me.
  2. Hi Kevin Like you I have played pizz for years. 'Messed' about with the bow--self taught. Recently got serious about the bow. Decided to get more serious about the bow. Found a pro orchestral double bassest. One of the best things I have ever done. There is so much to learn about the bow. 'Opened my eyes'as they say about bowing--and about the bass. My recommendation is to find a good classical orchestral player---well worth it.
  3. Ischell X48C double bass contact mic. Used. Good condition. (Retails at approx. £233) ischell.com/en/products/x48c/ (ps--If this does not show go into the Ischell web site and search on: Ischell X48C Double Bass Contact Mic ) Check on the reviews of this mic. Comes with a small amount of fixing putty. Mic requires phantom power. Instructions on how to fix to bass. The XLR is fixed by Velcro behind the tailpiece. Price includes postage. No hard storage case but has Ischell bag. PM me.
  4. 'Ashbury' F5 style mandolin. I have upgraded the stock parts with quality tuners and tailpiece. Mother of Pearl truss rod cover fitted. Fitted quality hard case. Sell or exchange for either full size cello or a 5/8 double bass. If sold price to include postage. (If exchange perhaps we could meet up somewhere?) My location: Morpeth area, Northumberland.
  5. Selling my hand made acoustic 'Gypsy' style guitar made by myself at a guitar making school 14 years ago. 25 and a half inch scale length and a 16 inch lower bout. Can be seen Morpeth area, Northumberland. Comes with a top quality 'Calton' hard case. PM me if interested.
  6. Wanting to try a S/H set of any of the following strings--before I buy a new set---of any of the following: a) Evah Pirazzi Weich b) D'Addario Zyex c) Thomastic Spirocore Weich Send me a PM with details of past use, with price to include P&P. (Full length strings required--no ends cut off please ). Thanks.
  7. Thanks everybody for your replies.
  8. I have a very good old German DB in need of an 'MOT'. I bought the bass SH about 35 years ago and has given very good service. I think it is time to give it an 'MOT' to bring it to top notch condition. My question is: Who do you consider to be the best guy in the UK to do this--and really knows his double bass? Recommendations? Many thanks.
  9. I am looking for a classical double bassist teacher in Northumberland--especially bowing technique. PM me if you teach. Thanks.
  10. Wanting to buy a set of Thomastik Mittells for 3/4 size bass. Please state age / use / and they do not have the after- length of the string at the tuners cut off. Price? If you have PM me. Thanks.
  11. Thanks guys for your replies. If anybody has a set for of Kaplan Lights or Flexocor for 3/4 bass--GDAE-- they wish to sell forward details. Send me a PM. Thanks.
  12. Those of you who bow: What are the best strings you have tried? Sets or mixture. Arco being my first choice--pizz secondary.
  13. I have tried Silver Slaps. Good for pizz & slap---not very good on the bow. I currently have a set of Evah Pirazzi Weich on my bass---a good all round string for pizz / bow / slap. Suit me.
  14. Tried various stings over the years and the best--for me- for volume & tone are Evah Pirazzi Weich. Good for pizz & arco.
  15. Rabbie is spot on--Technique & Tone. I read an article by Ray Brown where he said that guys like him were brought up--in the 1940's---in big bands and had to project to be heard. No amps in those days.--hence there tone and volume. He said that the guys today are brought up with amps. A big difference.
  16. Has anybody a set of 'Pirastro Flexocors' / 'D'Addario Kaplan' Lights / 'Evah Pirazzi Weich' for 3/4 bass for sale?--GDAE--in good condition and not been cut at peghead. Send me a PM with details if you have . Thanks.
  17. Bartolini Guitar pickup for sale--see under 'Other Musically Related Items For Sale'.
  18. Bartolini Guitar Pickup for sale. Used. The bracket for fixing the pickup I made, to fix to my Archtop guitar. £50 to include postage. PM me.
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