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About AntLockyer

  • Birthday 24/09/1974

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  1. https://fb.watch/g05KEydlDK/ Seeing Messin' with the Kid reminded me of a very loud version we did a few years back
  2. Got to start them early 🤣 She's dabbled with a few instruments. Piano, violin trumpet etc. The only one she really was into was drums but between Covid and some incompetence at school her drum lessons never happened. Her friend is learning guitar and another drums so it was an obvious choice now they are heavily into decent music. I have a decent idea how she learns as we are very similar, so can teach in a non boring way where she'll end up knowing the fretboard by stealth. She's already making conscious decisions about playing an open A vs fretted which is totally unprompted by me. She's got a very decent bass now and a coach available 24/7 so there is every chance of her becoming proficient and having fun.
  3. Well it's exactly as expected. Great quality. Zero defects. Nearly a decent setup etc. My daughter Audrey loves it. She learnt Where is my Mind by Pixies as soon as it arrived and practiced for ages. I'll give it a little bit of time to settle in and give it a tweak to get a more even action its a tad higher at the dusty end right now.
  4. My 13 year daughter has started playing bass, and has been using mine. That is either an unmarked USA P or my pre CBS pre. The chances are she will drop one at some stage and I'd hate for her to feel bad about breaking one of mine so I have got another one for her to play. Purposely not calling it hers, so that I can play it and sell it if she loses interest. I tried out a non FSR model in a shop and it was absolutely brilliant. Super light, neck felt nice, high output and interesting sound. The pink one is being delivered today, will report back.
  5. Best I ever played was a black 1974 P, amazing thick neck, a sound like no other P I've played, growly/burpy amazingness. It weighed more than the sun and I sadly passed on it.
  6. My 63 p
  7. I've only got expensive basses, what am I supposed to play on a gig now?
  8. Having had a Squier and a Fender, absolutely nothing wrong with the Squier but I felt so much more into the Fender.
  9. Because budget kit sells in volume. I have no doubt they spent a lot of money working out what to give endorsees
  10. True, most of the Korean made stuff in the 90s was crap. A lot of the Japanese stuff that came before it was good if not great. Times however have changed and as I said in a previous post the Chinese Squiers are all pretty much identical and all decent out the box.
  11. Well now we are talking. As good as the good Korean ones are I'm sure the Japanese stuff is better.
  12. Wasn't a Pro tone was it? Those guitars embody the 90s hit and miss thing. If you were lucky you'd get a single piece body, well finished, and everything else was what you'd expect from a top of the range guitar. Others were basically made out of off cuts glued together
  13. Just watched a live show of his from 2021, he was playing a Fernandes Les Paul
  14. Not surprised, I thought tge CV Jazz was a really great guitar and all the ones I tried felt exactly the same. Unlike Fender which all needed a setup done.
  15. If you aren't touring for free you are 😀
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