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Everything posted by beerdragon

  1. [quote name='Musky' post='455503' date='Apr 6 2009, 02:40 PM']Have you checked the output of the pickups with a multimeter? You should be getting something like 10.5k out of them. Otherwise check all the solder connections are good and the pots are sound (I think P's use 500k pots, just in case anyone has been tinkering - might be worth looking for signs that the pickups could have been replaced with cheaper copies while you're at it). Probably a long shot, but you could check the cleanliness of the jack sock as well. I noticed a loss of bottom end on one of my basses and tried spraying some switch cleaner in the socket to no avail, but when I opened the thing up I discovered a hard coating of what looked suspiciously like reside from beer. A bit of scraping at the socket with a screwdriver sorted it out...[/quote] Feeding your bass beer heh! not tried that.
  2. I remember playing on the same bill as the Herd with Peter Frampton, it was a large hall in shrewsbury i think. i just a had a fifty watt Marshall and a 4x10. mind you that would have been a valve head.
  3. I couldn't find a black scratchplate for a Squier project, none of the usual fenders fitted and i was toying with the idea of ordering on trom the Squier site. but in the mean time i thought i would spray the white one black to see how it came out.i bought a tin of duracoat spray pain tfrom Homebass , not cheap at nearly £6. i decided to lay the plate out on the shed floor after four coats it was looking good and i was quite pleased with the result, as its a back up bass i thought this ill do rather than buy one, gave it another coat and left it to dry, went back later to try it on the bass and f... me someone had put their foot on it. a clear sock heal print. after much cursing and finding out who the culprit was it was back to spraying to see if i could paint the mark out. its going to take a few more coats yet i think. and it might noteven work. thats what you get for thinking cheap i suppose.
  4. I bought a Squier Affinity Pbass off ebay and put a maple neck it. so thisRosewood neck is surplus to requirments this is in excellent condition, although there is no hardware on it. just the nut. £12, free postage. Sold pending the usual. .
  5. Am i right in saying Ned Callan and Peter Cook were one and the same?
  6. [quote name='Musky' post='453897' date='Apr 4 2009, 08:52 AM']Just a thought, but did it actually arrive via a next day service? Although it's a bit of a pisser if you you were expecting it Thursday, I suspect the surcharge was for the quicker courier service rather than the guarantee that they could get it out the same day.[/quote] According to the blurb, the cheaper option which was a 1 to 2 day delivery was not guaranteed. the option i chose was guaranteed next day delivery. although i clicked on the paypal button at about 12.30 pm, don't know whether there was a cut off point, but i thought that was pretty early.
  7. The item i ordered , a neck, arrived this afternoon. it looks ok. but i still paid for next day delivery so i don't know whether to push for a refund or forget it and not bother with them again, they have a forum which i haven't looked at yet maybe i'll go on there and see if anyone else as had a problem.
  8. I ordered an item from this place on wednesday, [url="http://www.dangleberrymusic.co.uk/"]http://www.dangleberrymusic.co.uk/[/url], i used Paypal and paid an extra £6 for next day delivery. i received an email saying my order was being processed. Thursday, nothing. fired off an email asking for a refund on the postage as i did not get the next day delivery. i got an email off them today, (Friday) saying to use the the fill out form to contact them. what the did they think i used to get in touch!. there's no telephone number as far as i can see. when checked my paypal account there's no money gone out of it. so what are they doing? don't whether to tell them to stick it or what. anyone else used these people?.
  9. Here's me looking thoughtful in the front. weirdly we are all still in bands and are doing a charity thing on the same bill later in the month.[attachment=23206:4_3_2009...36_00_AM.jpg]
  10. Didn't happen without pics, anything will do,
  11. I have some old photos somewhere. i'll try scan some if anyone's remotely interested. back then i have been on the sane bill as the original Drifters. Wayne Fontana and and the Mindbenders, Billy J kramer and the Dakotas. the Herd with Peter Frampton. Edwin Starr. you get the picture. Mind you. i was Sixteen. Not old enough to drink. but plenty of women and umm.. anyway. it was all transit vans, 100watt PA systems co-ordinated dressware.
  12. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='451188' date='Apr 1 2009, 09:06 AM']I am leaving the champers in the fridge just in case [/quote] What does that mean?
  13. [quote name='Maxcat' post='451047' date='Apr 1 2009, 01:10 AM']A bit of a shock but really well deserved for the guys. I hope you made a good whack Kiwi and Ped. My hopes are that it wont change the feel of the forum because without a doubt this is the best place for bass players to get together and share. In actual fact our guitard and drum bretheren have nothing close to this so we rule. However if it all falls flat on its proverbial in the future, Id like to thank all involved for the last year cos its all down to this site and the people that run/contribute that I have a. Returned from the non playing wilderness b. Joined a cracking little band and enjoying the hell out of it c. Improved my playing beyond measure d. Have become flat broke owing to excessive GAS and a spiralling out of control Effects addiction. Nice One[/quote] I have bought some great stuff (and hopefully sold some as well) on basschat learnt a great deal, i'm on a downer at the moment, hopefully the site wont change too much and will continue as its done before.
  14. Thats a shame man,i always looked forwards to signing on to this site knowing the the people that ran the site were fellow bassplayers and gigged. i guess the bastards have won.well done.
  15. I was googling Squier scratchplates earlier today and this came up, some really nice photos there. of course you have to have something nice to photograph in the first place and thats first class. should'nt need any luck selling this.
  16. Yeah thats a Roberts Radio alright, i'd stake the wife's life on it.
  17. The OP claim of 4 sets at !00 dollars is not to bad, i think it works out at about Fifty quid. so £12.50 a set.
  18. Thanks for that. There is Squire site which shows a Black S/p. but there's no Uk dealer so i might have to contact the US. but in the meantime i have seen some on ebay and i might take a chance on one to see how they fit. i thought the paint idea might have worked. [url="http://www.squierguitars.com/news/"]http://www.squierguitars.com/news/[/url]
  19. I'm having problems finding a black one for a Pbass project.i have just phoned one place and a guy told me that they cant get hold of any and all other s/plates wont fit. i guess its not just the screw holes but the holes for the pots and jack dont line up. the only other thing i can think of is spring the white one black. any idea what kind of paint i would gave to use, or even if it would work. ta,
  20. Nah, we are all sheep loving heathen pagans up here.
  21. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='448435' date='Mar 28 2009, 10:47 PM']+1 on that. I play with one drummer whose timekeeping is extremely good. However, there are times when he'll speed up (i.e. speed the band up) if in his estimate the tempo is too slow (or slow it down is he thinks it's too fast). In other words he can keep a strict tempo but he takes control of the tempo and makes sure it's the correct tempo - usually when the singer or guitarist have started too slow or too fast. So, he sometimes speeds up but when does he's in control. He's extremely easy and reliable to play with. Most other drummers I play with have a tendency to speed up with excitement at least sometimes. As a bassist, the question I always ask myself about a drummer is 'does he (or she) know where the 'one' is at least as well as I do?'. The answer ought to be 'yes'.[/quote] Yep, that's our drummer, if we have a problem with that, we will talk about it after the gig, but it's always been ok so far. he's a far better musician than me. so i tend to listen to him. '
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