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Everything posted by beerdragon

  1. It would make a great winter project. yeah like a good fire.
  2. Yeah its 99p here, along with a bottle of Bud. petrol going up again though.
  3. Can they call it a "Bad ass" bridge? and the price?
  4. For some reason i posted this in the wrong thread. me and acidbass agree anyway. The worst version ever of Dancing in the street was by Mick Jagger and David Bowie. abysmal. I rest my case.
  5. The worst version ever of Dancing in the street was by Mick Jagger and David Bowie. abysmal. I rest my case.
  6. I wiil have a play around on it for, say 2 weeks or or less depending how i get on with a 5 string . and whoever wants it next can contact me and/or Wayne. thanks again to Wayne.
  7. Bugger, if you still have a TE 4x10 in a couple of weeks i will have one of you.
  8. [quote name='lowdown' post='368342' date='Jan 2 2009, 12:55 PM']Let us all know when you do your next live TV.. Backing turns, with one 3 hour rehearsal the same afternoon. Sight reading and busking other peoples arrangements you aint played before. Not wanting to f**k up with bum notes or clams on live TV., and get the job done. We might take you serious. I have been friends with Dave for over 20 odd years.. And i can tell you he has plenty of charisma, and is a very sharp guy. Garry[/quote] Ok you have shot me down in flames, i'm not disputing he's an excellant player and a hard working guy, i have seen him do a live show and he was the same. along with Pino. John Entwistle and John Deacon who are legends. their playing aside they where all pretty static people. a guy in work came up to me one day and said, your in a band are'nt you, what do you play. Bass. ah right thats easy is'nt it you just stand there and play four strings. thats right i said. i could have been there all day talking to him about bass playing but it would'nt have made a bit of difference, if he goes to watch a band the last person he looks at his the bass player. me, i try to move a round as much as i can and may hit the odd bum note here and there but thats my style. i confess to having a few drinks when i OP'd. so i might have gone a little over the top.
  9. Ok shoot me down in flames, but that Dave Swift maybe the an excellant player but he's a bit wooden. he has all the charisma of a fish.
  10. I deleted my post because i did'nt read the OP correctly. berk. :blush:
  11. Yeah but did you check the unholly one, that was the tour where did'nt there use any holly i suppose.
  12. beerdragon


    We seem to be an hour ahead on Basschat today. well just on the front page anyway.
  13. I've had nothing to eat yet. waiting for dinner about 3'oclock, Lamb, roast potatoes, the works. washed down with some bottled of Tribute.
  14. [quote name='Balcro' post='367685' date='Jan 1 2009, 01:05 PM']Young guy singer: ? ?? Kelly. Never seen or heard him before, but has some talent. Balcro.[/quote] That was Kelly Jones from the Stereophonics.
  15. [quote name='7string' post='367490' date='Dec 31 2008, 11:43 PM']Probably the only decent pic I have. This was taken when went down to Sei HQ to see how my bass was coming along. ....and here's the Mrs with the finished instrument [/quote] She has that look in her eye that says. See this, Its firewood.
  16. Happy New everyone. just watching Jools now. His Bass player is rock steady. so rock steady i would check for a pulse. i like a bit of movement now and then. is it still recorded in November or something?. who decided Annie Lennox should follow Duffy? Lennox is still class.
  17. I would love one but are'nt they supposed to sound a little muddy?
  18. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='364626' date='Dec 28 2008, 09:45 AM'][url="http://www.nordost.com/productdetail.asp?ProdID=35"]http://www.nordost.com/productdetail.asp?ProdID=35[/url][/quote] PROPAGATION: 86% the speed of light What the hell does that mean?
  19. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='364593' date='Dec 28 2008, 04:46 AM']Ian Dury's band before the Blockheads. With the marvellously-named Mr Humphrey Ocean.[/quote] I had to Google mr Ocean. more than a bass player heh.
  20. In. MiM Jazz Lakland Bob Glaub Pbass No name Jap Ric copy Fecker Pbass MIA Pbass Hartke HA3500 Hartke 1x15 Hartke 2x10 1x15 Trace AH300 Trace 4x10 cab Korg bass pedal. out. Everything but the MIA Pbass and the Fecker and Trace stuff. I'm going to try a Sansamp and see what that does. i like the sound a Wawick makes but hate the look of them so i doubt if i will ever buy one. shallow i know.
  21. Thanks for yor replies, one new years resolution i'm going to make is to practice a bit more, not that it's going to make a lot of difference to the covers band i'm in but for my own satisfaction.
  22. Eveyone else seems to have sound i like when i have spent a lot money getting a sound i thought i was happy with when it seems i'm not. sorry rambling here.
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