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Everything posted by beerdragon

  1. [quote name='Deep Thought' post='294692' date='Sep 29 2008, 05:16 PM']Don't think you can ever be 100% happy, but I currently feel no overwhelming urge to buy any more gear-what I've got does what I need it to do. I now have two Precisions, one intended as a backup, but I reckon the two might be interchangeable. I don't use pedals, my Trace is giving me the sound I want and is compact enough for my needs, with enough volume for pretty much any venue I'm likely to play. Sure there's stuff I'd like, a proper vintage Precision, a Trace V-type, maybe a Rick, but the chances of me having enough wonga to actually get any of these are minimal, so I'm not worried. Now playing-wise it's another kettle of [i]poisson[/i] entirely-I'm currently on a drive to improve my musical knowledge, gradually picking up more and more bits of theory. It's getting there, but still a long way to go, and there'll always be something new to learn.[/quote] Thats me!
  2. Is that you playing a flying V type thing? what is it exactly.
  3. [quote name='Protium' post='293604' date='Sep 27 2008, 08:54 PM'] Self built P-bass [/quote] nice. put a black pickguard on that and it would be even nicer,
  4. I bought this Fecker Pbass off Badbunny. plays really nice, so i'm happy that i can turn to this. [url="http://imageshack.us"][/url] [url="http://g.imageshack.us/img87/pbass3kb9.jpg/1/"][/url]
  5. [quote name='4000' post='293529' date='Sep 27 2008, 06:36 PM']. Anyway, couldn't be any worse than Jools. Nice guy, but bloody awful pianist.[/quote]
  6. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='293412' date='Sep 27 2008, 01:34 PM']What a farce.[/quote] The suns shining BBC, Play nice.
  7. You dont say what jazz it is, MIA.JAP or MIM. i dont think the MIM matches the other two. You could try these, explaing exactly what you need. [url="http://www.pickguards.com/"]http://www.pickguards.com/[/url]
  8. A weird one, set up on a balcony in a small pub, first time there. people were still eating there when i arrived. we did a sound check which was a bit loud but they had no problem with volume. we played our asses off but did not get a great responce off the crowd but at the end of the night we had a few complements and the landlord gave us extra and a promise of a couple saturday nights next time. result!
  9. If thats a Sandberg california they are over £900. or did you already have the bass and get it resprayed.
  10. There's no doubt he can play, when mentioning if our drumming fancied having an electric kit. his respnce was, i'll have one and burn it! he's old school i suppose.
  11. After practice last night we found that we might have issues with our drummer next year, he is in two bands and at the moment is finding things tough financally. so he told us last night that he might have to take whatever gig comes first, which might mean our band twiddling our thumbs for weeks on end if we are not as quick as the other band, (we both share the small pub circuit) He's a great drummer and a really nice bloke and i understand what he means about about the money. not that its a great amount. i would not like him to leave but if that what it come to, so be it. we know of another drummer in the area who just recording at the moment with a band called Nightwing and he has a very good reputation and his a friend of our keyboard player, he has been to one of our gigs and was impressed with our sound, the only problem. if it is a problem he is playing an electric kit at the moment, i'm not sure about them because i have never come across them before, anyone play with an electric kit in a band. are there any differences in the sound? sorry to waffle on.
  12. My first bass was similar to this one but had switches on it. i remember it was nice to play but cant remember much about the sound as i was probably going through a cheap guitar combo. this way to much for me to pay for a bit of nostalgia. this guy also has an album i bought when it came out in the seventies called the Bangor flying circus, crap then, but he wants nearly thirty quid for it! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=330273566557"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=330273566557[/url]
  13. Hi Kris, Greetings from another North Walian. Welcome to basschat you will like it here. have you aquired any gear yet?, always something going in the Basschat market place.
  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='290608' date='Sep 24 2008, 09:50 AM']He said 'Remember a Day... Pink Floyd... Thank you David Gilmour.' I thought Imelda May was bloody GREAT. [/quote] ah right, thanks.
  15. I'm sure Jules holland introduced david gilmour as Pink floyd. never thought i'd see the floyd in suits even if gilmour was the only original.
  16. Another one for the great gig in the sky. my condolances.
  17. He's the peoples front of judea. you want the Popular front of judea.
  18. I have a Trace AH300, would'nt swap it for anything at the moment. has this put you off Trace gear?
  19. [quote name='Deep Thought' post='288969' date='Sep 22 2008, 09:39 AM']We are the Steely-Eyed Missile Men-we play, to quote Sean of this forum 'Cool Dirty Boogie'. Mainly Blues/R'n'B/Blues rock with the odd modern one thrown in if we feel like it, with original material also gradually filtering in as I write 'em. All Ambulance staff, for our sins. Currently on a gig-hunting drive. Lots of new pics added to the Myspace page, link in signature.[/quote] Hay deepthought are you familar with the Bucket boys at all. caught them last week. awesome. that Tim renwick sure is some g....r player.
  20. I bought a Fecker Pbass off Stuart and he seems like a really nice bloke, even met me half way. would thoroughly recommend buying off him. Martin.
  21. Its ended without the reserve being met. guess he wanted close to a grand then.
  22. I managed to get to Nicks place last year, really nice bloke and a wonderful place. sorry to hear of his loss, if there is another bass event there next year count me in.
  23. Thats really nice, why is it not original?. apart from the price being a bit low.
  24. Pink Floyds Money or the chain by Fleetwood Mac. when thats done i'm waiting for every one else to finish.
  25. Local pub, plenty of people in everyone enjoyed themselves.. broke a string again! E string this time. a couple of musos there where amazed to see someone break a bass string. but i was ready for the bugger. getting quite adept at it now changing them now. i think it was a combination of an old string and my atacking stylre of playing. my Korg tiner would not work just when i needed it most, had to do it by ear and it seemed to ages when the pressures on, glad when i get a back up bass.
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