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Everything posted by beerdragon

  1. [quote name='Hamster' post='247435' date='Jul 25 2008, 12:12 AM']Who would want to be close up! [/quote] At a starting bid of £900 you would want them painted on by Van Gogh!
  2. Our drummers in another band and one of there closing numbers is Cosy powells dance with the devil and our drummer is pretty good and it goes down well. at the end of our gig we had a good night untill the end when a few punters were shouting for dance with the devil. that was embarrasing.
  3. I did find that the E string was louder than than the other strings. i think i'll put it back and see what happens when i put a new set of strings on. thanks for the replies.
  4. I noticed my pbass pup under the E and A strings was slanting downward away from my Estring. i leveled the pup up, and i was wondering how much gap there's supposed to be between pup and string
  5. Bugger! this thread has'nt helped. now i'm not sure what to get. i'm leaning towards the Ernie Ball regular slinkies. but i have seen some Thomastic powerbass things. wish i could afford both. finally got the right thread.
  6. I think the Bass solo in You can call me Al is played backwards, if you see what i mean.
  7. I'm about to order a set of strings, i have no idea whats on my bass at the moment as i have'nt had the bass that long. but they sound great and they are really worn in. the reason i'm putting a new set is because i broke a string. i might try some Elites unless someone has had a bad experience with them.
  8. My question is why? just pick uo another bass. the g.....r players will take the piss shirley.
  9. Went well apart from a string issue. lesson learnt. we have a singer issue. the guitarist sings better than the singer and the Landlord of the pub lets us know. he just does not like him. he thinks we are a great band but the singer. no. its just not his opinion, we have had it before. so we are well aware of it. but what to do. anyone fancy having a talk with our singer?
  10. As soon as i started the first number it stood out too me. i dont know if my Precision need a set up but when i played a note on the E string, great sound. A string. i could'nt pick it up. the sound just dissapeard. weird.
  11. I'm playing at a local pub tonight. we have set up and done a sound check. i have come home to get changed and pick up the mrs. last night in practise i bust an A string so i put a new one on. during the sound check earlier on it stuck out like a sore thumb. all bright and zingy. i aint going to enjoy tonight i think. maybe i should have changed them all.
  12. I wonder what the reserve is, [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Purple-velvet-bass-cabinet-with-Trace-Elliot-speaker_W0QQitemZ260264088422QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item260264088422&_trksid=p3286.m14.l1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Purple-velvet-bass-c...p3286.m14.l1318[/url]
  13. Anyone on Basschat win this. Its what i have been looking for but i thought maybe a little overpriced. the description says the body is showing its age and there's a liite bit of fret wear. maybe i missed a good un! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1977-Fender-Precision-USA-Black-70s-Vintage-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ170238726696QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item170238726696&_trksid=p3286.m14.l1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1977-Fender-Precisio...p3286.m14.l1318[/url]
  14. [quote name='BOD2' post='241789' date='Jul 17 2008, 02:41 PM']Hmmmm....you need to be a little careful here. Firstly you cannot read cabinet IMPEDANCE directly with a RESISTANCE meter. You'll get a reading but it won't be exact. But more worryingly I cannot see how you can achieve the results you're hoping to get by rewiring the speakers. If the cab only has two speakers then both speakers will almost certainly have the same impedance and both will be 4, 8 or 16 ohms. In that case you have the choice of wiring the two speakers in the cab in serial or in parallel. Here are the resultant impedance values for a two speaker cabinet - 2 x 16 ohm in parallel = 8 ohm 2 x 16 ohm in series = 32 ohm 2 x 8 ohm in parallel = 4 ohm 2 x 8 ohm in series = 16 ohm 2 x 4 ohm in parallel = 2 ohm 2 x 4 ohm in series = 8 ohm From the above there is no combination that would have given you 4 ohms wired one way and then 8 ohms wired the other way. So the question is, what exactly do you have now ?[/quote] I haven't got a clue what i have now . The meter measurement was taken from one of the drivers. as i said i haven't a clue about this, neither its seems does our keyboard player. i guess i had better put it back as i found it. how do you tell if its 4 or 8 Ohms?
  15. It turns out the two Trace Elliot 2x10 cabs i bought are not trace, well when me and the keyboard player took them apart there was nothing on the speakers. and i would imagine TE would use Celestions. when we put a meter on them they showing to be 4 ohms. now, i know bugger all about this so advice would be appreciated. my mate the keyboard player said he would rewire them into 8 ohms, sure enougth after some soldering the meter said 8 ohms. is this all you have to to. i was a bit sceptical. There's a bit of a buzz from one of the speakers but i have seen a couple of 10 inch celestions on ebay that i might get.
  16. This looks something like a Vox. supposed to "rare" [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260261138077"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=260261138077[/url]
  17. Anyone know where i can get the plastic corners that are fitted to cabs, i need to replace a couple that are broken on my Hartke xl.
  18. No. he's serious. [url="http://www.australiancouture.com/"]http://www.australiancouture.com/[/url]
  19. Not a bass but this has to go down the daftest offer ever. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=120278968590&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=002#ebayphotohosting"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...bayphotohosting[/url]
  20. This is my Hartke rig which i was using with a Trace Elliott amp Then i decided to buy these TE cabs and sell the Hartke. i was warned by some Basschatters that they had never seen TE cabs like those, but i decided to buy them anyway. big mistake. they rattle like hell, despite me trying them when i bought them and sounding ok. nowi dont know what to do. refit the TE cabs with some new drivers. [url="http://imageshack.us"][/url] [url="http://g.imageshack.us/g.php?h=142&i=dscn0717ub9.jpg"][/url] [url="http://imageshack.us"][/url]
  21. This is Spinal Tap The Long Riders.
  22. Welcome to Basschat. Jesus plays Bass.
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