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Everything posted by beerdragon

  1. I'm going Friday afternoon. he suggested bring my Trace head to try them out.
  2. [quote name='paul h' post='225121' date='Jun 23 2008, 04:06 PM']Why isn't it here yet??? Oh yeah, only ordered it yesterday. It will look a bit like this once I have the black plate on it. Nice innit? [/quote] Can you let us know what custom duty you had pay?,
  3. The seller has got back to me and this is his reply. As this was the second listing and need the money I would be looking at £100 for each cab and £100 the amp. this sounds pretty reasonable to me. but mertons post in particular has got me wondering about the cabs. advice needed i think. ta.
  4. [quote name='craigjf1969' post='224652' date='Jun 23 2008, 12:31 AM']Hey beerdragon,i must admit, when i got home(after buying this from you),it felt like a bloody cricket bat in my hands(the neck that is),but i havent put it down since...my fender VMJ is now redundant in its case.....[/quote] Glad you are getting on with it craigjf1969. Nice fish tank by the way. we have just bought a Juwel a few weeks back. cycled it and bought some Tetras. and now the b....y thing has decided to leak!
  5. Could be. sunny Southport is not a long drive from where i am.
  6. Any idea why this had no bids. i have mailed him about splitting the cabs and head. still waiting to hear. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TRACE-ELLIOT-350-WATT-STACK-WITH-PAIR-OF-2-X-10-CABS_W0QQitemZ320263842083QQihZ011QQcategoryZ10171QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TRACE-ELLIOT-350-WAT...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  7. played a small pub with less the twenty five punters. landlord said a combination of the weather, football and the boxing kept them away.ah well you cant win em all.
  8. Dont know if this is of any use. [url="http://www.provide.net/~cfh/fender.html"]http://www.provide.net/~cfh/fender.html[/url]
  9. beerdragon


    [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='221605' date='Jun 18 2008, 06:25 PM']Yeees, because it has EQ on it! You also might have the compressor on? If you set it to bypass/tuner, it won't affect your tone.[/quote] Hah right. thanks for that. :blush:
  10. beerdragon


    Ok this may be a daft question but here goes. i have started using the above effects unit, but up to now only on one song. my question does the tone alter at all even when you are not using it bit still going throught unit.. i used it the other night and during thw warm i'm sure i could hear the difference when it was'nt plugged.
  11. This is one i had a few months ago. i sold to fellow Basschatter craigjf1969. i will have it back if he wants to sell it. [url="http://imageshack.us"][/url] [URL=http://g.imageshack.us/g.php?h=146&i=p1010062jf6.jpg][IMG]http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/2
  12. [quote name='nick' post='220497' date='Jun 17 2008, 12:01 PM']I love the look of bound basses, my Ibby RB920 is one. Unfortunately, abrasions on my R/H wrist & bruised ribs don't agree! Just on this theme & probably totally pointless, it would be nice to see a photo of everyones Rickenfaker. Jon, how many do you reckon are owned collectively on BC?[/quote] I had this one and sold to a fellow Basschatter for £200. i was sorry after, it played ok but sounded a bit too bright. but then again it did have new strings on. and i did'nt even need the money. [attachment=9734:P1010062.JPG]
  13. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='220396' date='Jun 17 2008, 10:05 AM']"At the end of the gig i found he first bands tambourine because they had left and they were so up themselves i did [url="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=389814606"]this[/url] and sent them a message i await there reply." Quality Myspace page! Keep us posted![/quote] Long as they make there mind up how they are going to spell Tambourine.
  14. I had to Google stevek, like i said i'm a big MM fan. he's been in Hazel o'connor and Jim Capaldi bands. impressive.
  15. I thought OLP's were cheaper than that?
  16. I think this would have been long gone before now. if was'nt for fact of where you are based, gool luck with sale. i would love to wake up in the morning on holiday and find basses on the deckchairs instead of towels.
  17. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='219103' date='Jun 15 2008, 09:46 AM']Ah - Fenders and the old prob with not getting on with both Jazz AND Prec necks. I think your answer's in your questions. By a jazz and put a prec neck on it. Mighty Mite's are cheap with the dollar price and you could expect to get the money back (or more) by selling the jazz neck. The twin J pups will get rid of the wooliness of a front P pup you mention and the neck one will add body to the thiness of the bridge one. Easy to try this out too - play any Jazz and see if you like the sounds. If you just hate the neck you're sorted. The other replies are sound - in some ways a Ray is a Mk2 Prec and one may well sort you out - but thought I'd offer an alternative.[/quote] And stick some Wizard pups in ther and you cant go wrong.
  18. The averge seems to be about £700. i'm tempted. [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Warwick-Corvette-$$-(Double-Buck)---4-String-Bergundy-Red~ID~8703.asp"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~W...Red~ID~8703.asp[/url]
  19. I have a post on this somewhere. where i dont know. Basschat wont let me find it.
  20. Blimey i did'nt know we had a bass player from Manfred Manns Earthband posting on Basschat. one of my favourite bands.
  21. Made from aircraft aluminium. expensive! and thats Coop not co-op. [url="http://www.coopstuff.com/Pages/Exclusives.html"]http://www.coopstuff.com/Pages/Exclusives.html[/url]
  22. Had one of those gigs where the crowd made the night. it was a pub where lots of musos go an it was our first time there. they seem to have lots rock and blues bands there but we were a little bit different and they really seem to enjoy it. we asked the landlord how did we do and he said everyone enjoed themselves so what does that tell you. a repeat booking and a great night.
  23. Maybe h'e getting mixed up with a Ripper.
  24. Can anyone point me in the direction of an online manual for TE amp. i know its all self explainatory but the GP7 bit would be of a help. Ta.
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