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Everything posted by beerdragon

  1. I wonder if Jaco or Rory Gallagher ever cleaned their guitars, they must have looked at them and said,look at the state of this, b...s to cleaning it.
  2. I first saw him with Trapeze yonks ago, you could tell there was a bit of class about him then.
  3. Played a local pub just down the road, we new everyone so we to try that little bit harder. we went down well and i used my Trace elliot. every one kept telling me to turn up. in the end we had a few people telling us we were loud, cant win!. i liked the sound of the trace but there is a marked difference in volume in a 300 watt trace and a 350watt Hartke. the Hartke wins no problem.
  4. [quote name='wulf' post='213314' date='Jun 5 2008, 04:18 PM']As far as I can recall from last time I went searching for bass tabs, the time spent digging something out, trying to play it, checking with the recording and discovering that it had more holes than a Swiss cheese, was generally better spent just sitting down and trying to learn the song. Sometimes a tab will help but you still have to learn to play the piece in a way that fits with what everyone else has come up with. The other lesson I learned was not to get obsessed about the details, certainly not until you have the outline of the song. Get the general structure and the easy bits first. If you get stuck trying to hear something, is there a similar part elsewhere in the song where the bassline is clearer? If you can get most of the song down quickly, you then have time left for the fiddly bits. Wulf[/quote] #1 to that.
  5. The Aria pbass and the "German" look nice. i'll keep an eye on the prices.
  6. Dunno if i'm missing something but the Pbass seems cheap for the pbass everyone seems to go for Black on black with a maple neck. i fancy it but i only have a P bass to swap at the moment.
  7. [quote name='dood' post='212563' date='Jun 4 2008, 03:57 PM']Yes, many years ago I played with a Harmonica player.. certain notes he 'played' (- and I put that in inverted commas as it was a right ruddy racket) had me completely off balance! It felt a littl ebit like I had got up really quickly and had gotten light headed.. Know what I mean? - Made my vision blur and I would feel disorientated briefly as he blasted out the god aweful noise. Had I have been wearing ear plugs I suspect I would have been fine.[/quote] I saw Nine below zero supporting the Who a long while back but i can still hear the Harmonica. i swear it was louder than Townsend.
  8. [quote name='paul, the' post='211669' date='Jun 3 2008, 11:44 AM']As a film fan, I want a superhero style Tee that says 'Continuity Girl' on it. I think that's an original idea. I have no idea how I'd go about getting that.[/quote] Someone on Basschat does/did t shirts. cant remenber who now. maybe do a search.
  9. That looks a really nice bass Dr. SUL and some nice photos. you dont mention a price?.
  10. Along with some guitars these guys made a bass out of Whisky casks. [url="http://www.manne.com/eng/se.htm#08-01%20MALT%20WHISKY"]http://www.manne.com/eng/se.htm#08-01%20MALT%20WHISKY[/url]
  11. There's a similar thread going on in general bass discussion. and i thought this was it. any way steve i have posted something about he Jaydee there.
  12. I aint going to bother doing a revue of the plough inn after crazykiwis gigs.
  13. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='210344' date='Jun 1 2008, 12:26 AM']I get this quite a lot – when I’m gigging or practising with a loud rig behind me flapping my trousers all over the place my eyeballs have a tendency to resonate inside their sockets so everything goes blurry and it makes me dizzy. I quite like it It’s funny trying to read what patch I’ve got selected on my Pod because you can’t read sh*t unless it’s in foot-high writing [/quote] What kind of volume are you talking about here? for instance i use a Hartke 350watt and have never gone above four on the volume dial. i have a feeling you are talking venues a bit bigger than pubs though.
  14. Not mine, but i had a go on my mates Jaydee supernatural last nightl. it was left handed so i could'nt really tell much about it apart from being one of the heaviest basses i have held. he bought it off a Basschatter who i thinks regrets selling it and i wont say how much for save embarrassing him
  15. [quote name='PURPOLARIS' post='210219' date='May 31 2008, 06:49 PM']Did you look at the ad ? I'm not bothered about the guitar and amp, I've bought and sold plenty of them on Ebay. It's the description and the fact that at the bottom of it in tiny writing he's put "This is just the book from the fender kit and not the whole guitar pack". Have a look at the size of the description font and then look at the font for the above line. He was obviously trying to con someone into thinking they were getting the guitar and amp but it was only for the book.[/quote] I read the ad but missed the small print. i still would'nt have paid £37 for the guitar pack going by is description. wht didn't you report him instead of bidding.
  16. I would'nt have touched it with a barge pole. you cant fault him for the description. he said it was rubbish. i dont think you can leave negative feedback now though. reprt him to ebay iif you dont get the goods.
  17. I mailed him for more pics but he has'nt got back to me yet.
  18. Whoa my bad. different one. teach me not to click on a link.
  19. Yeah i posted this last week clarky. and yes it is expensive. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=19718"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=19718[/url]
  20. I dont mind a bit of Cow punk. [url="http://punkturns30.blogspot.com/2008/04/california-birthplace-of-punk-country.html"]http://punkturns30.blogspot.com/2008/04/ca...nk-country.html[/url]
  21. There's thread somewhere on Basschat on how to protect a sig on a scratchplate.
  22. Not a big fan of blue, but that looks really nice.
  23. If you click on the Mad dog link, they are selling them for £180
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