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Everything posted by beerdragon

  1. [quote name='mr_russ' post='139341' date='Feb 13 2008, 10:35 AM']what with ishibashi not shipping to the uk anymore.[/quote] They're not!? i never heard about that. have anyone more info.
  2. [quote name='beerdragon' post='137131' date='Feb 9 2008, 03:25 PM']They may have excellant service but i was just changing the strings for the ones that came yesterday and i found what is i suppose is a knot in the middle of the g string. got on the phone but it seems they dont work on a saturday afternoon. it will monday now. luckily the old g string is still like new. [attachment=5509:017.JPG][/quote] I phoned them about the dodgy string yesterday afternoon and a relacement was here this morning. great service.
  3. Whats that around the pots? they look like cracks in finish.
  4. They may have excellant service but i was just changing the strings for the ones that came yesterday and i found what is i suppose is a knot in the middle of the g string. got on the phone but it seems they dont work on a saturday afternoon. it will monday now. luckily the old g string is still like new. [attachment=5509:017.JPG]
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='136703' date='Feb 8 2008, 04:55 PM']I had a '72. It was a great bass to play acoustically.. felt great, lots of life.. I didn't have a clue what it sounded like when it was plugged in. Only moles and earthworms could hear it. [/quote] Haha. i haven't a clue what it looks like because i'm just getting some squares. i guess the the sound was muddy.
  6. I'll chuck in some Optima gold strings. i had these of a Geddys nose and used them at practise just the once. sort of a booby prize.
  7. I ordered some Ernie ball yesterday they were here dinner time today/ not bad going.
  8. Cheers. that will do nicely.
  9. Anyone know where i can get a brass nut for a Fender jazz, i've had a look on ebay and there are plenty of nuts but no brass ones. ta.
  10. Whoops, meant to do this the other week , sorry about that really nice bloke to deal with. bought a Lakland off him. a lovely bass, kept me up to date all the way through the deal, thoroughly recommended.
  11. I can probably make this. sundays ok for me.
  12. Hey mxm that bass in your avatar has to be in contention for the ugliest bass award. is it yours?
  13. This guy built this bass because his wrists began to hurt after playing in two bands and five hours a week,so he built an upright. I wonder how thats better on your wrists? [url="http://www.barkerbass.com/index.html"]http://www.barkerbass.com/index.html[/url]
  14. Nice looking a Precision signed by Noel Redding, bit pricey though. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/USA-Fender-Precision-Bass-Vintage-1977_W0QQitemZ140202471516QQihZ004QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/USA-Fender-Precision...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  15. Tonights first set went done well to an almost full pub. second set they all went to watch the boxing, bugger!
  16. Iwas in dawsons chester today and they have a deal on Hartke transporter cabs at £169. but if i'm not mistaken they not as good as the xl range.
  17. I only found out listening to Steve harley on the radio that his bass player died in the Lockerbie plane bombing. can't say i heard much of Paul Jeffreys. [url="http://www.pauljeffreys.com/"]http://www.pauljeffreys.com/[/url]
  18. That sounds good to me. count me in.
  19. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='131817' date='Feb 1 2008, 10:56 AM']Don't really see it like that. I can't honestly say I know what keyboards the people I play with have, or the drums - guitars, yes, because I play myself. I only know if they sound good. Only notice a sax if its a Selmer but trumpets or trombones? Could be anything! And Lakland are not that common (I think I saw one once but am not sure). Actually, I have never seen a Fodera in the flesh. I have only played on one Alembic once. Never seen a Shuker, seen one Ken Simth up close but never got to play it. Never seen a Sadowsky. I think you are normalising your own obessive traits! Or should I get out more?[/quote] Maybe its because i've been around a bit. started off on guitar then sax, quickly moved on to keyboards ended up on bass. not only did i listen to records i scanned the music press ( this was long before the net ) for what instruments and gear people were using to get those sounds. kinda sad i know.
  20. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='131795' date='Feb 1 2008, 10:35 AM']More importantly Martin, how did you get on with it??!![/quote] Its a lovely neck and sound great. we have a gig saturday night so i am looking forward to gigging it.
  21. I took my Lakland that i bought off oldhorsemurphy to practise for the first time last, When i had taken it out of the case and plugged it in the drummers says its a Fender Precision!, no says i, its a Lakland. thats nice says our guitarst, never heard of Lakland, Me, a bit deflated now, yeah they are well known lots of people play them. How come i, a simple bass player has heard of probably every single make of guitar, drum. and keyboard. yet they have never heard of well known make like Lakland? makes you think.
  22. When i first saw the site they had a ric copy. but that seems to have gone. maybe if i email them....
  23. There's a thread somewhere on Basschat where the guy that runs it replies to some questions. but i cant find it at the moment.
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