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Everything posted by beerdragon

  1. Has the "Macca" ric really got a narrower neck than the other two, or is that just me.
  2. I thought there was a couple of people on Basschat who had about 30% of all the basses ever made.
  3. I emailed about some pics. he mailed back and said, This is whats on offer, for some reason they ended up in my spam box, [attachment=4118:IMGP9218_1_.jpg] [attachment=4114:IMGP9216_1_.jpg]
  4. MCcartney looks ok seeing he's been around a while. and lemmy has always looked about 108.
  5. Sorry to be a pedant but at the top of the Basschat page is says the Grrove library. every time i log on to basschat it stares right at me.
  6. Not a ebay link, but worth a look. i thought it was cheap. but what do i know. [url="http://www.musiciansunion.org.uk/site/cms/contentBulletinBoardView.asp?id=2&catid=23&messageid=623"]http://www.musiciansunion.org.uk/site/cms/...p;messageid=623[/url]
  7. Buy some decent gear. practise more. stop buying crap cars. not bass related i know. although i need a bigger better vehicle to carry all the stuff i'm going to buy
  8. He's put a bit of work into that ebay ad. looks like someone may get a bargain.
  9. This is a nice MIJ jazz that looks exactly like my MIM. with less than 21 hours to go i think its at a really low price, so peeps are going to go really bidding mad at the end of this one or somone's going to get a bargain. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MIJ-Fender-Jazz-bass-guitar-in-immaculate-condition_W0QQitemZ180187988493QQihZ008QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MIJ-Fender-Jazz-bass...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  10. Yeah i'll think i will do my own thing to it and hope our guitarist thinks its ok, he's a fussy basstid, i thought it was ronnie lane on bass, i know ron wood played bass with Jeff beck on Beckola. [url="http://www.guitarzone.com/w/AlbumReview:Beck"]http://www.guitarzone.com/w/AlbumReview:Beck[/url] Ola .
  11. When i got to practise the other night(a bit late) the rest of the band were messing about with Maggie may, thats sound good i said, can we do that one then, ok said our guitarist but the bass is all over the place. it sounded more like a challenge than a statement, i have had a listen to the track and it is a bit of a challenge(for me at any rate) and i have it on guitar pro, so its down to a bit of hard work. anyone else play the Rod Stewart song?.
  12. The Shine basses are supposed to be ok. there's one here on ebay. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200180549921"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=200180549921[/url]
  13. Haven't had time to really have look at this site. but the Herbie Flowers bit caught my eye. The white Stripes do have a bass player and its Herbie! [url="http://www.showmehowtoplay.com/live_session/herbie_flowers_live_session/"]http://www.showmehowtoplay.com/live_sessio...s_live_session/[/url]?
  14. Was'nt there a thread a while back where someone on basschat got slayed on another bass site for having a gold pbass with gold hardware?
  15. I had one of those gigs where i felt like chucking my bass out of the car window on the way home. i've played the songs dozens of times but it was fumble here fumble there. starting when i should'nt have,absolute crap. we played on kind of verandah the guitarist had all the room the other end and i was stuck up against PA speakers almost sitting on my rig. almost hit singer a couple of times. i'll get him next time . and if we had'nt brought people with us there would have been no one there. but the guy has booked again and said it's bit to near xmas and poeple are saving their money. he also said he would lay on free mini bus so we could bring punters next time.
  16. In the seventies we supported a band that released a single that got nowhere, Fluff i think they were called. they had a bass player and a bloke on six string bass and had two gutars as well. it was quite a sound.
  17. Welcome to basschat. Kent the garden of England. do you have to prune anything?
  18. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='96866' date='Nov 30 2007, 06:14 PM']American Rubbish. Here is my top 10. #1 The Ox Status Buzzard #2 The Ox Warwick Buzzard #3 The Ox Alembic Explorer #4 The Ox Alembic Explorer 8 string #5 The Ox Explorerbird #6 The Ox Fenderbird #7 The Ox reverse T bird #8 The Ox non reverse T bird #9 The Ox Frankenbass as used at IOW and Woodstock #10 The Ox Jazz used for My Generation[/quote] Didn't he also use a Danelectro at one point.
  19. I'm posting this because there's some Basses on there. Les Claypool for one. [url="http://www.blender.com/articles/default.aspx?key=10046&pg=0"]http://www.blender.com/articles/default.as...=10046&pg=0[/url]
  20. Have you a link for that Dawson ebay site. i have googled it but have had no luck. thanks.
  21. [quote name='sk8' post='94503' date='Nov 26 2007, 01:08 PM']what did they gove you over the standard pups? I'm considering swappin the EMGs out of my hohner for these[/quote] When i bought my MIM i thought the pups were ok. plenty of volume and not bad tonewise. then i was told about the Wizards on the old Bassworld site and bought a pair of the 84's for a bargain £70 and they are totally diiferent sound, plenty of growl and playing around with the tone you can a deep bass sound. what have you got to lose, it wont be seventy quid because if you dont like em, someone will buy them off you.
  22. We only work in a thirtyfive to forty mile radius. so voted half an hour. i did all the travelling bit years ago. now it would seem like work and i'm only doing it because i enjoy it. stick my stuff in my car get to a gig in twenty minutes and back home again without facing a long journey. i even take the equipment there go back home, leave the car and get a taxi or a band member to take me back so can have drink afterwards.
  23. I stuck a pair of 84 Wizard pups on my MIM jazz and it was a different bass altogether. highly recommended.
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