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Everything posted by beerdragon

  1. See here. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=6782"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=6782[/url]
  2. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='72954' date='Oct 11 2007, 04:05 PM']I wonder if the bassist from The Police would like it...[/quote] It took me almost a minute to figure that one out,
  3. Yours for a £140 plus shippng. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Electric-4-string-Bass-Guitar-Unique-Scorpion_W0QQitemZ200161012595QQihZ010QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Electric-4-string-Ba...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  4. Why the hell would he say it looks crap! thats a lovely looking bass.
  5. Anyone going, Doug wimbush and a couple of guys from Velvet revolver are appearing. we usally go down by train as its cheaper and less hassle parking. after i've walked around about forty times and had a couple of pints i' usually fall asleep on the train. great day out though. [url="http://www.musiclive.co.uk/"]http://www.musiclive.co.uk/[/url]
  6. A couple of Basses caught my eye on ebay. both way out of my league money wise. first a Stingray that belonged to Hamish Stuart. just realised the guy has it advertized has a Fender. weird. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/McCARTNEYS-97-W-TOUR-FENDER-PLAYED-BY-HAMISH-STUART_W0QQitemZ160163051238QQihZ006QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/McCARTNEYS-97-W-TOUR...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] Second a six string Burns similar to the one used by John P aul Jones in the sixties. not that i would buy this one. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1962-Burns-Split-Sound-6-String-Bass_W0QQitemZ270171977583QQihZ017QQcategoryZ101558QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1962-Burns-Split-Sou...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  7. Not being sexist or anything but cor! Jen zielenbach. i'm sure she plays a mean bass. [url="http://www.bassgirls.com/bass_zielenbachjen.htm"]http://www.bassgirls.com/bass_zielenbachjen.htm[/url]
  8. It looks as if someone as started to strip the varnish off the neck of that Colombus and gave up.
  9. Started of on a tennis racket in front if the mirror, when my parents thought it was getting a bit weird they bought me a guitar, a Selmar duo. by then everyone was in bands playing guitars so took up sax, did'nt take to it, next keyboards. a Vox Continental then a Hammond. brilliant, had to sell it as i needed the cash, then i took up the bass and i'm happy again. as someone mentioned playing a variety of instruments broadens your musical outlook.
  10. Its time for a new set of strings i think, i've seen these Optima Gold strings, anyone tried them? i have a ser of Ernie Ball super slinkies on at the moment and i wondered how they compared sound wise. i'm happy with the EB's and was going for another set but Gold coloured caught my eye. Shallow i know [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/Catalogue/ViewProduct.aspx?productId=1388"]http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/Catalogue/V...?productId=1388[/url]
  11. I don't think i would have the cheek to show someone els'es picture. you don't rate it then?
  12. It went ok. during the sound check we were asked to turn it down because they had been complaints about the noise. our drummer can only play one way, and thats loud, so we did'nt take to much notice of the request noone mentioned it again anyway. apart from a couple of finger fumblings and one serious mess up on the start of one song during the first set, second set no problems. i enjoyed it, we are just a bass. guitar and drums and singer band and i had this awsome sound coming from the Hartke set up, pity its not mine, i was just borrowing it untill i get sorted with some kit. but we had a really full sound going. thanks for all the advice. thats why i keep coming back here.
  13. Thanks, not got off to a good start, just poked myself in the eye having a shave!
  14. I'm starting to get a few butterflies at the the moment. we are playing at a local pub tonight and as well as friends and family i know few people from other bands who have a night off are coming plus workmates, i know the guys from other bands come to gigs to scrutanize and maybe criticise. i really should'nt care and i can only do what i can do. still got those nerves though, I'm using a Hartke 400watt head and this cab, so its not as if they wont hear me! [attachment=2660:4200_073...9c1967fe.jpg]
  15. I think your right about not fitting. i have a Mim pickguard and it looks like one of the pots are in the way. [attachment=2596:Aarons_b...hday_001.jpg]
  16. Can you give us some background on your Grandad. who did he play for, orchestra, pop group. Aston Villa. , sounds as if there's a good story there.
  17. [quote name='grosa' post='68483' date='Oct 2 2007, 01:29 AM']a anad hunrhywun chychwyn yn anrhegu 'm cacha am 'r Cymraeg alla areithia Cymraeg fel arddangosedig 'ma just incase [/quote] DDIOLCH 'CH grosa.
  18. This bloke is'nt a luthier by any stretch of the imagination and i'm only posting this because he talks about making a bass/guitar hybrid. weird. [url="http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/news/46003-meet-yuri-landman-maker-of-awesome-guitars-for-sonic-youth-liars-blonde-redhead-lightning-bolt"]http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/news...-lightning-bolt[/url]
  19. I doubt you will still have it in a weeks time, but if you still have then i'll buy it, (damn monthly pay) whats the hole in front of the pup c/out for?
  20. Mines a boring old Fender one, maybe someone will buy me a decent one for Christmas. [url="http://imageshack.us"][/url]
  21. I have a liking to Kate bush's Rocket man. although her voice is not to everyone taste.
  22. [quote name='BOD2' post='68244' date='Oct 1 2007, 03:55 PM']Grumble, mumble, moan....read the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=193"]sticky[/url] ...grumble, mumble, moan.... [/quote] Yeah, i read the sticky, after i bought a Badass 1 for Fender jazz.
  23. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='66268' date='Sep 27 2007, 06:02 AM']we've (bizarrely) been asked to do a wedding in November and have to learn some covers. I'm struggling with going underground by the Jam and have resorted to winging it now - I've only spent about 5 hours on it and it's not bad, but I can't get the rhythms spot on - it shifts between 3/4, 4/4 and 5/4[/quote] I struggled for ages with that one, when you finally nail it there's no better feeling. you wonder what all fuss was about.
  24. I think i've sorted it. my youngest daughters got no end of handbags lying around so i managed to fix a handle off a handbag. dont laugh, it works a treat.
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