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Everything posted by beerdragon

  1. Geting my guitar case out of the car the other night it got snagged and the handle broke off, it was'nt a dear one, if it was it probably would not have snapped, it's a guvnor. cost about £40. anyway i have taken the rest of the handle off and i hace just got the holes so i was thinking of getting a length of leather and making a handle, not pretty but effective. i've google handles but so far i've only got door handles!. anyone got any other ideas.
  2. I don't know if it looks alright or not, i nearly fell off my chair trying to look at it, i've said it before and i'll say it again why do people post pictures upside down!, i'ts my pet hate sorry.
  3. I bought this by mistake, i can't tell my B/ass from my b/elbow. I thought it would fit my Jazz, so apparently its not a direct replacement for a Fender bridge. £20.00 [attachment=2531:Aarons_b...hday_052.jpg]
  4. [quote name='Beedster' post='66877' date='Sep 28 2007, 12:01 PM']My sincerest apologies Ped, I had thought you meant the grooves in which the saddles sit. Being the proud owner of a complete set of BADASSes (how many people can say that without smiling), I would however point out that to get the grooves of a B1 down to the level required of most Fenders would require a slot about 4mm or 5mm deep. The BI is the Big Daddy of bridges! Chris[/quote] Its big alright, i'll give up on it and stick it on ebay. Don't suppose anyone on Basschat will want it. i'll not be such a tight bugger and spend some cash on a Badass 11 i think, thanks for the replies.
  5. It would look even better with a bridge cover, but you can't fit one over a Badass i believe.
  6. [quote name='Beedster' post='66562' date='Sep 27 2007, 05:46 PM']They'e bloody good bridges, albeit a little on the overweight side, so I doubt you'll have much trouble selling it. I recommend that, unless you want an irate buyer on your hands, you indicate that the bridge is not a direct replacemnt for most Fenders (I think they would fit some of the more boutiquy 80's models) Chris[/quote] The guy i bought it off described it has a Fender Gibson replacement. and i asked him if it fitted a jazz, he did'nt answer.
  7. [quote name='Beedster' post='66499' date='Sep 27 2007, 03:52 PM']If it's a BADASS I I doubt it, You'll no doubt be able to sell it on ebay though. If it's a BADASS II the action might be a little high but you can shim the neck pocket which will usually do the trick Cheers Chris[/quote] Yeah its a Badass 1, i guess its going back on ebay. thanks for that.
  8. I bought this off ebay thinking it would be ok for my Jazz. i stuck it on and the action was too high.then i read they were not a direct replacement, before i throw it in the bin does anyone know if its possible to use it on my Fender Jazz?
  9. Just bought a Badass bridge 1, the action on my jazz is now milles too high. anyone know what size Allen key is needed to adjust the bridge, i know it maybe on Basschat somewhere but i cant find it. Cheers in advance. i'm going to have to borrow some from work, thats why i'm asking.
  10. [quote name='funkysimon' post='65008' date='Sep 24 2007, 07:48 PM']Now I'm started to get tempted by all these good reviews... I've got a stock passive Warwick Fortress 1; what would a pair of wizard pickups do for it? It's difficult to get an idea from reading the Wizard website, so it would be good to hear from someone who's made a similar swap.[/quote] Give them a ring and tell them what kind of sound you are after and they will probably help you out.
  11. [quote name='lwtait' post='65410' date='Sep 25 2007, 03:05 PM']can you do this? whenever you buy a BADASS it says on the packet "for Fender Jazz of Precision" but surely it could go on any bass? I know you couldn't put a BADASS II on a string through bass, and it may need a little drilling to fit it, but surely it could go on any bass, couldn't it?[/quote] I have just bought a used one off ebay, the heading said A Badass bridge for Gibson or Fender. he said it came off a Gibson Tbird.
  12. What happened to your knobs Phsycoandy?
  13. [quote name='MB1' post='64150' date='Sep 22 2007, 06:47 PM']MB1. JPJ has been using Manson basses for years he has several multistrung manson basses.Ive never actually seen any body else endorse Manson but JPJ.So this comes as no suprise, really!.[/quote] Thanks, must admit i lost touch with JPJ after Zep. so i dont really what he's playing. it was the extra long bit that interested me.
  14. Hugh Manson is building John Paul Jones basses for the Led Zeppelin reunion, one Bass he describes as extra long!, intriguing [url="http://www.thisisexeter.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=137199&command=displayContent&sourceNode=136986&contentPK=18386639&folderPk=79934&pNodeId=137002"]http://www.thisisexeter.co.uk/displayNode....;pNodeId=137002[/url]
  15. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='64096' date='Sep 22 2007, 04:40 PM']Apart from the fact they have no idea how to do a convicing relic job, I bet the customer was ignorant of the MIM routes under the pickguard being so different to the jaco bass and will get a bit of a nasty surprise with the swimming pool round the neck pickup. The discuss covering over the wiring route with gaffa - Yeah that's going to look so cool . An MIM jazz really needs to keep its frock on.[/quote] Your right there! i posted a picture of mine on bassworld becuse a round hole i found when i removed the pickguard i had no idea what it was for. one suggestion was that was for smuggling a rolo into the country!
  16. This is being sold by the the Aria factory as a seconds because of imperfections. i wonder if any other maker does this, i would'nt mind getting a Fender or rick cheap just because someone has scratched it.
  17. [quote name='Bassassin' post='63960' date='Sep 22 2007, 09:44 AM']Let me be the first to say - you lucky, lucky barsteward! Some of us had to [b]pay[/b] for our tickets!! Anyway, as Rush play a marathon 3-hour set on this tour (not bad for old codgers in their 50s) I thought it would be an idea to post the entire set list that they've being playing to date: [spoiler]Set 1: Video Intro 01. Limelight 02. Digital Man 03. Entre Nous 04. Mission 05. Freewill 06. The Main Monkey Business 07. The Larger Bowl 08. Secret Touch 09. Circumstances 10. Between The Wheels 11. Dreamline Intermission Set 2: Video Intro 12. Far Cry 13. Workin' Them Angels 14. Armor And Sword 15. Spindrift 16. The Way The Wind Blows 17. Subdivisions 18. Natural Science 19. Witch Hunt 20. Malignant Narcissism 21. Drum Solo 22. Hope 23. Summertime Blues [i]or[/i] Distant Early Warning 24. The Spirit Of Radio 25. Tom Sawyer Encore: 26. One Little Victory 27. A Passage to Bangkok 28. YYZ[/spoiler] So, you've got a bit of homework to do! And when you get to meet old Bignose, give him the address of this place & suggest he pops 'round! Jon.[/quote] Why am i seeing black bars instead of a set list. but its ok in the reply
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='62031' date='Sep 18 2007, 07:34 AM']I will DEFINITELY be bidding on that Roger. If any other BC-type also plans to bid, please PM me so that we can avoid bidding each other up artificially. Ta very muchly. Jon - Good spot, VERY good spot, thanks for the heads-up.[/quote] Was that price a little too high Happy jack?
  19. [quote name='paul, the' post='60583' date='Sep 14 2007, 07:30 PM']A rare pic' of the paul in clothing - taken late July/early August - hair now shorter, skin darker. Right, I'm off out for some veg chowmein and a sh*tty pagan band.[/quote] When are you taking down the rest of the Xmas decorations then
  20. [quote name='Basszilla' post='59463' date='Sep 12 2007, 06:21 PM']Totally - try lowering the pickup at the E string. Are your strings old? Do you use compression?[/quote] The strings are a couple of months old. i never noticed it before i had the pups fitted. i'll see what happens when i try to lower them. i say try because i always leave stuff like that to someone who knows what they are doing. no effects at all. thanks
  21. [quote name='Chop' post='59389' date='Sep 12 2007, 04:18 PM']"[i]try approaching going up on stage more like you were about to go up and act in a play, rather than going up to perform music. So before going on stage, you get into your costume, and get into character. For me it's all about putting a distance between yourself and the person going up on stage. if I went up on stage, i'd be still, nervous, worried about making mistakes and worried about making myself look like a tit in front of a crowd of strangers, or even worse, mates... and wearing something that isn't you is the first step in making that difference and distinction between the two. "[/i] - I totally agree. My attire of choice has been white shirt, black tie (so it stands out) yellow and black striped trousers and a black fedora. Is this wise? No. Does it look like street clothes? No, which I think is the point....[/quote] I suppose it could depend on the type of music you play. you're not going to go down to well in a metal band wearing those clothes
  22. [quote name='cheddatom' post='59146' date='Sep 12 2007, 10:00 AM']Me, and the Johnson 2 x 12" you see to the right of it.[/quote] Should have asked how big the peavey is and if you were DI'ing or not.
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