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Everything posted by beerdragon

  1. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='53833' date='Sep 1 2007, 01:12 PM']Tis taking the piss a bit but you are earning nothing by not playing. Having said that if it was a function gig not finishing till 2am I would have told them to shove it but if its 2 45s in a bar why not.[/quote] Just two forty minutes, guess i'm working with some breadheads. i guess i better amend my sig and put but only for a cerain amount of money
  2. I'll play for nothing. i'm not doing it for the money, its a bonus. the most pubs and other establishments around here pay is £180/£200 so if were lucky we get fifty quid each at the end of the night so i can't see why my other band member are turning their noses up at thirty quid. the other friday we played at a local pub and i dont drink while i'm playing, just a bottle of water. at the end of the gig the landlord says no rush to leave so i bought some family members some drinks and had a few myself and finally left at two in the morning, leaving my gear untill the next day. when i got up the next day i found my pockets empty, i had gone through the gig money and more . ah well!
  3. Our guitarist gets all the gigs and he seems to have failed miserably as we only out at the end of the month. anyway iv'e been giving my phone number out and a Hotel about five miles away phoned me yesterday saying a band had let them down and could we play saturday night, great i thought, but then the woman goes on to say that they only pay £120 for the first gig and then a bit more if they like us, right i thought, thats not going to happen when i tell the other three menbers. right i said to the woman, i'll give the rest of the band a ring and get back to you. so phone the guitarist, explain the situation and give him their phone number, but he say's there's no way he's going out for that kind of money. couple of hours later he rings me up and says that the other two are in agreement that they are taking the p..sand we should forget it.those days are gone when we go out for that kind of money, me, tonight i'll be sitting down with a couple of beers and a dvd. i think i would have played . i would have come away with a little more experience and maybe a tenner in my pocket. ok the place does'nt deserve anyone playing there paying that kind of money but what do you think?
  4. Ok, i wasn't trying to defend the guy, i thought the gumtree ads were in a shop. he;s too good for me.
  5. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='53646' date='Aug 31 2007, 10:28 PM']Are you totally raving bonkers? No five string is worth that!![/quote] Ive been trying to find out the price of a Rick five string but no luck. any ideas?
  6. He has all these items advertised on gumtree. they are in a shop in Fulham i think. the Gibson bass is going for £950. so i can't see it going for anything less. He also wants £1400 for the Fender 75/76 , and £1900 for the natural Jazz, maybe he's just testing the waters on ebay. i think it's def the same person.
  7. [quote name='cheddatom' post='52729' date='Aug 30 2007, 11:22 AM']We supported Status Quo last year! :-/[/quote] The bands not My Elvis Blackout is it?.
  8. supported Peter Frampton before he joined Humble pie also Edwin starr, the Drifters and Cliff bennet and rebelrousers, yeah it was a while ago.
  9. There's this thread, [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1037&hl=behringer"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;hl=behringer[/url] my only Behringer gear is/was a chorus pedal which is stuck on chorus, so i wont be be buyng Behringer again, bit harsh i know but there's plenty of other makes out there.
  10. Where is it? i know it was there because i posted in it, search brings up zilch, anyone help, ta.
  11. Looks like Sting will be playing a replica of his 55 pbass on tour. [url="http://online.wsj.com/article/SB118798577900108191.html?mod=home_we_banner_left"]http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1187985779..._we_banner_left[/url]
  12. Why has he put not Fender in the heading? i know its not, its puzzling me.
  13. [quote name='Gazm' post='51834' date='Aug 28 2007, 04:01 PM']That's not a southpaw though.[/quote] [url="http://imageshack.us"][/url]
  14. Does it have to be new? you can pick them up on ebay. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RICKENBACKER-4001-Bass-Guitar-MG-Case-NEW-Rotosound_W0QQitemZ220144277211QQihZ012QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RICKENBACKER-4001-Ba...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  15. A bit of googling and i think it belongs to this bloke, Luis Cheul. don't know anything about that instrument though. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FRPnM5Uzos&mode=related&search="]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FRPnM5Uzos...ted&search=[/url]
  16. Thanks for the replies, sorted ya Bruce foxton.
  17. I think it would look great with a black pickguard.
  18. Thanks muhk, i'll give them a look.
  19. Well, most of it really. there some obvious bits but my crap sound system is really letting me down, the bass on my car stereo is better.
  20. Has anyone by chance got the Jams going underground tab. i'm listening to it but there's some bits i'm having trouble hearing, it's going to take for ever.
  21. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='50223' date='Aug 24 2007, 03:11 PM']Well my new GK 212 NEO has arrived and I've just sneaked home and had a twang. First impressions are very good, nice and light, well made, sounds good / loud enough BUT...(I know I'm anal) there's a bit of cosmetic mischief that tells me it's the one out of the showroom. Some of the stain finish has peeled off the logo and there's a 2"x1" blob of white stuff on the back that looks like paint. There's also a bit of dust in the corner protectors. I'm not really bothered about it and don't think there's anything wrong with buying something out of the showroom but I object in principle to paying full whack for ex-demo gear. Ah well, at least I've got a cab for tomorrow night's gig in Kendal.[/quote] Your right, you should get a few bob knocked off if its ex demo stuff. get on to em.
  22. I was googling it to see exactly what it was and i came across this you tube clip. nice tone on that Fender i think. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MkF_IIFiZk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MkF_IIFiZk[/url]
  23. I'm having a clearout so here's two Beatles books up for grabs, the person that buys them can send the money the Basschat fund if thats ok first is Revolution in the head, it's a great book the analyses the Beatles records and lists the people who played on the sessions, good condidtion read a couple of times. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Revolution-Head-Beatles-Records-Sixties/dp/0712662081"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Revolution-Head-Be...s/dp/0712662081[/url] Second is Postcards from the boys by Ringo Starr. like new. [url="http://www.genesis-publications.com/books/ringo/index.html"]http://www.genesis-publications.com/books/ringo/index.html[/url] there you go, as i said proceeds to Basschat and i'll pay the postage.
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