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Everything posted by beerdragon

  1. Welcome to Basschat BassBomber414, you have come to the right place if you are looking for tips and advice, i learn something new almost everyday, i'm sure you will like it here.
  2. Whoa! didn't realise who her parents were!.
  3. Disco inferno by the Trammps is a good and easy one. easy enough to learn by ear,
  4. Thats an unusual style of playing joegarcia how did that come about?
  5. This thread may help. not sure about ebay though. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=139"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=139[/url]
  6. They are a bit of history aren't they, wonder what would have happened if Mccartney had started out on a EB3.
  7. Who is he? He's funky! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iDvEskbRQk&mode=related&search="]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iDvEskbRQk...ted&search=[/url]
  8. Here's a Gibsonbacker 4005 that went on ebay for over a grand. Its called a Gb because of the mudbucker and mini humbucker installed. [url="http://www.hollowbodybass.com/"]http://www.hollowbodybass.com/[/url]
  9. John paul jones terrific bass on Zep's Ramble on.
  10. [quote name='Bassassin' date='Jun 25 2007, 10:15 AM' post='22905'] An Arsebiter, probably Matsumoku: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=020&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=300124090915&rd=1&rd=1"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...p;rd=1&rd=1[/url] ...being sold by Oxfam. So just how much of a b@stard are you willing to be, Mr. Hall? And interesting to see what these retail for in the Land Of The Rising Sun - a 4001S style Greco at Ishibashi: I wonder how much that will go for, maybe the guy thats selling it will get more than thought he would,
  11. [quote name='thumbo' post='22163' date='Jun 22 2007, 09:27 PM']Has anyone got a plectrum that they like the sound of but find the grip of said pleck to be crap? I've found a cure! Hole-punch [/quote] I think we have had a post on plecs before, maybe on Basstalk. i was given this site, because the pick tended to float around my fingers. i think the concepts ok but i think they maybe too small. never thought about drilling a hole. what about velcro? [url="http://www.wegenpicks.com/"]http://www.wegenpicks.com/[/url]
  12. I'd win [attachment=884:gun2med1.jpg]
  13. There's Bassics, which i think is Canadian, [url="http://www.fingerstyleguitar.com/html/bsc_bi.htm"]http://www.fingerstyleguitar.com/html/bsc_bi.htm[/url]
  14. Our guitar player gets all our gigs and the other night at practise i asked when our next gig was. August 11th came the reply, blimey. nothing sooner asked i, no the singer(who is in a duo, doing middle of the road stuff, a bit more money split in half ) is out untill then. saw my a... a bit, ok i'm only in the one band and if i want get out more it looks like i should be in another one, even our drummer is getting another band on the road so gigs might be even rarer, does anyone else have the problem of gigs clashing?
  15. [quote name='Whykno' post='20319' date='Jun 19 2007, 05:04 PM']Thats a damn fine point, we get between, £250-£350, on the local pub circuit, buts its just a hobby for us, playing a coupla times a month. I would hate to have to live off that lol![/quote] One thing i have never bothered to enquire about is the tax situation, are you supposed to declare anything you earn by gigging? or is there a threshold.
  16. What the hell are all those holes? the are'nt all for the bridge cover. [attachment=826:8a7c_1.jpg]
  17. If you like a challenge, go for it. sometime down the line you might kick yourself if you don't go. give it your best.
  18. I had the pleasure of playing a bach at the bash on saturday, i think this one belonged to Gazm. i was surprised at the quality of the build and it was really nice to play. for the price i would not hesitate tp recommend one, the bach in this picture (which is kind of stretched and dont do the basses justice) is on the left next to the pbass. [attachment=801:P1010392.jpg]
  19. Those black and white ones are cool robj, nice one.
  20. Watching the Police on bbc4. 1979, brilliant. stings on a fretless.
  21. Hi mikeh. whats the size of the G/K head?
  22. Big thanks to nick for providing the venue and the spread, it made a great out. I hope does not think i'm cheeky but i hope he repeats it next year, and it was nice to meet everyone. gazms awesome rig [attachment=720:bb2_003.jpg] and his rick. nice. [attachment=721:bb2_009.jpg] Nicks status and rig. [attachment=722:bb2_005.jpg] Me playing umm.. playing something [attachment=723:bb2_011.jpg] gasms fretless warwick. lucky bloke. [attachment=724:bb2_019.jpg] A Yamaha eight, (apologies some names i've forgotten) [attachment=726:bb2_015.jpg] Nick and his Status. [attachment=732:bb2_010.jpg] Bloodaxes Aria's one with whammy bar! [attachment=764:bb2_018.jpg] .
  23. How's the weather there nas, no blocked roads? its been pretty bad in the midlands.
  24. You got three! for £17. have you got a link for that. thanks for the reply.
  25. I'm after a decent tuner, budgets a bit tight but i realise no mater what equipment you have if you are not in tune it's a waste of time, anyone use or have any info on one of these? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Planet-Waves-Chromatic-Pedal-Tuner-Guitar-Bass_W0QQitemZ300120325375QQihZ020QQcategoryZ22669QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Planet-Waves-Chr...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
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