I bought this Brand new 3 weeks ago, It done 3 gigs and a rehearsal, Sounds great, No problems, as new condition, I have the Box, Instructions, Cable and all packing. Just not my sound!
£500 shipped to a UK address
Did my second gig with it on Saturday, Another difficult sounding room! I used an Aguilar TH500 with an American standard Jazz for the first set and although it sounded good at sound check, when the band got into it, I was struggling to get the definition I wanted. switched to the BH800 for the second set and bingo instant usable sound. Loads of power and low end, I had to cut the bass a little as it was a little overbearing but it is a boomy room. I have messed with the tone prints a little and the chorus and flangers sound nice but the tubey ones just seem to muddy up my sound, It may be me though. Over all in these early stages I like it. The build quality seems excellent and although it looks bigger than you would expect its the same footprint as a little mark 2 and not as tall. Feels heaver than you first think compared to the th500 but in a good way, it doesn't feel like a gust of wind will blow it off your cab!! Ill probably put the th500 up for sale as I think this is more suited to my tastes.
Used it Last Saturday in a horrible sounding room with no time to play with it, as I was mixing the band in sound check while getting heckled by inebriated helpers! Plenty of power and no hiss or noise through the amp and a very quiet fan. I'm using tomorrow night with a jazz! I will report again...
Ive used a Marshall DBS7400 from new but it was getting a bit tired! Since then Ive tried a Markbass little mark 2, an Ashdown abm500, a GK MB800 and an Aguilar TH500 but apart from the mark bass I haven't been happy!