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Kevin Dean

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Everything posted by Kevin Dean

  1. I've had a super t12 & 2 super compacts but I preferred the Ashdown ABM neo stuff sound wise & for me they look the part , robust & nice inset handles ;).
  2. I've got 2 x12" I just prefer this combination .
  3. As the 15" is a sealed cab I wasn't sure , I guess i'll find out on my first sound check .
  4. I've taken a liking to a Ahsdown 1 x12 ported & a 1x15 sealed cab used together ...I'm wondering if there will be a difference at gigging level as to which one is on top of the other ?
  5. Why oh why did they stop making these ? superb cabs .I wonder how many are being gigged ?
  6. Just out of interest that is very close to the shape I use on my Ashdown JJ head .
  7. I think it's more of a case of having time , I run my own business & the odd email gets missed ..mainly due to plusnet having a crap email service .
  8. I have a ABM1000 & a JJB600 I would say that the JJ head for me has a more clinical sound & I like it more for Foxton ,JJ , Chris Squire & even slap type stuff . With the graphic & huge amount of power I don't cut any middle I boost certain bass & treble frequencies that gets a sound I like & it cuts through live . You can not get these amps to sound like each other ,close but not the same ,
  9. I really like a lot of their singles & a few years ago I took my Son to see them headlining a festival ,it took them 50 minutes before they played a hit by this time my Son was getting really bored & so was I so we left .
  10. I'm not looking for a powered mixer ,I'm not clear if the Allen Heath pa12 is or not .
  11. Would that be a problem with active subs but passive tops ?.
  12. Looking for a small PA mixer with a SUB out apart from the peavey XR1212 , would anyone know of another make , cheers.
  13. As I have 4 bass heads & no PA mixer amp back up , I've thought about getting small mixer & use a bass head with eq off as a power amp as a back up , as long as Input gain is set I can't see any problem or is there ?
  14. Trading standards do very little these days since their cut backs ( My business is trading standard approved ) , the price on the product is an invite to do business , There is a case study where a shop had flick knives for sale in their window & when being taken to Court there defence was that it was only an invite to do business & wasn't actually going to accept an offer & that was excepted by the court .
  15. I'm qualified in credit management , regardless on what the price says, the contract of sale is what is asked for at the check out , The price tag is only an offer to do business .
  16. My ashdown ABM1000 has 2 powerful fans for a reason I suppose , sounds like a 747 engines turning on & I love it .
  17. Ashdown CTM400. Licked my Mesa 400 into next week .
  18. If this doesn't go I'll end up getting it just to prove that there is a difference between this & the JJ B version .
  19. Any suggestions for a light one than can take a Ashdown JJ head or typical ABM rack head ..most the ones I see are too deep .
  20. So for F# --G 6 string bass is there a bass configuration that would better than others ,based on all speaker sizes are all the same make .
  21. I've had my share of back problems , when I started going to Kung Fu it was pointed out that my stance was all wrong & just learning how to stand correctly resolved my problem & it wasn't so much the weight of the bass.
  22. How long did it take to listen to every bass player on the planet ?
  23. Back in the 80s Someone kicked our door in ,so I dropped my Peavey mklll combo from the landing above the door ,followed by a cracking sound & a call of I've snapped my arm .
  24. I'd go for Lozz s cab .
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