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Kevin Dean

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Everything posted by Kevin Dean

  1. I've already got 5 of them .
  2. I think I have it sorted , I was using Rotosound Swing Bass (extra long) 45, 65, 80, 105, & the E string seemed a lot louder than the others .I messed about with with pick up & String height etc . Then I tried some Rotosounds RB . 40,60,80,100s & for anyone that is interested they just fit a 36" & the sound balance is spot on .
  3. I'm trying to decide on whether to just use my one Barefaced Super Compact & DI from my ABM1000 into our PA that has an active cross over & a 600w RMS/1200 w peak active Sub to obtain a big full sound (as the bass drum goes through it ) or would getting another Super Compact do a better job & take any strain off of the PA for pubs ? clubs .I'm not[b][font="Segoe UI Semibold"][color="#1020d0"] [/color][/font][/b]Necessarily talking about volume just quality .
  4. http://greatbritishbasslounge.com/product/ashdown-abm-c210h-neo-evo3/
  5. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1459175727' post='3014121'] I have 2 x Supercompacts, which is essentially a Super Twin. If I am honest one of these is probably good for 95% of the gigs I am likely to do. But two is rather splendid This is with a Trace Elliot AH300 - a combination that gives me exactly what I want from my gig rig. [/quote] When using the two Compacts together do you notice a difference tone compared to just the one or just volume ?
  6. I have a super12 T & currently using a Super Compact mainly because of the ease of carrying it .
  7. my PA is a Peavey XR1212 ..I find the auto eq really handy & there are two great tuition videos on You tube on how to use it properly , This powers two peavey UL 12" These were there top of the range stuff , The active cross over feeds a Alto 15" active sub , & two Alto 12" monitors , At second hand prices you would have a very flexible system .
  8. So I played my first gig with my new band in a very very small venue , I had my Barefaced Super Compact behind me powered by my Ashdown ABM1000 on top of an active sub (that I use to give the bass drum a bit of quality ) I thought I was easily loud enough But I got a lot of comments that I wasn't ? It's just occurred to me that a lot of the tone could have been blocked by my big fat carcass as I was only 12" away from it , Sound check sounded fine , but then I was wandering around on the dance floor . I'll try putting it on the floor next time as I'm built like a baked potato with two cocktail sticks for legs
  9. Very interesting , But I'm sure my cab became louder ?
  10. I've had a couple of band rehearsals & one gig with my Barefaced super compact & while rehearsing today it seemed that there was a jump in volume & more low end . I guess that's the cab breaking in ? what's actually happening out of interest ?
  11. I've just cut down the size on some of my swan Flight cases all that was required was a drill ,jig saw & pop rivet gun . It's made a considerable difference on the weight I have to harry .......I just can't get any of my gear in them anymore (just joshing )
  12. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1458817572' post='3011124'] For another perspective on this - I couldn't just give a bunch of yes/no dates and it be that simple. I have a young family (2 and 4 year old boys) and a missus with a teaching job that gives her very little flexibility because she's got a timetable to stick to. To make myself available, I have to make sure the kids have childcare arranged and often that someone else is around to drop them off or pick them up as needed too. I'm a freelance sound tech and musician so have to juggle this on a daily basis. It wouldn't be as simple as "these dates are free, these dates are not". I don't know your guitarist's circumstances but there might be reasons why he can't just block out dates. Having said that, he should be communicating that to you, and I don't know of many working bands that don't use deps to keep the gigs rolling when regular members are unavailable. [/quote] I agree but when a venue wants to book a years gigs it doesn't help , sometimes you have to be honest & just can't work with certain musicians just because of their circumstances ,when my Son was born & because of my new job I stopped gigging because I knew I couldn't commit to bookings ,I knew a band wouldn't want to hear " I might be able to do it ".
  13. Like JTUK said diplomacy was required . I turns out one of the band had only told me about other band commitments & not other stuff , two of the band have awkward shift work , but I have pointed out that I want to gig as much as possible & they are cool with that .
  14. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1457183764' post='2996102'] I think one Supercompact is enough for most situations. Last night I had a gig in a small country pub (The Cock in Stansted Mountfitchet). 1 Supercompact, Trace Elliot AH300, passive P bass. Had the gain at 1 o'clock, master at 8 o'clock, people reckoned we were too loud. [/quote] I gigged mine the other night , I had it on top of a powered Sub (that is only really used for the Bass drum) . I was wondering what the sound difference would be if i had the compact on the floor , I was planning to try it but just didn't have the time .
  15. So I gave all of the band a diary & asked them to put all the dates they couldn't do in them . Yesterday I booked 12 gigs with several pubs & let the band know , Only to get a text from the guitarist to let me know that He couldn't do 5 of them..grrrrrrr!!!!! He expected me to phone him while I was in front of the landlord booking the gig to see if He was available. I'm thinking of turning the band into a Cooperative ( mainly having a list of guitarists ) does anyone else do this & do you think He has a right to object ?
  16. First gig with new under rehearsed band due to illness , but it went well even with cock ups . I was using a Barefaced Super Compact & AMB1000 that I put on top of a powered sub & that is only used for the bass drum . The funny thing was that I got accused of fibbing when I said the bass wasn't using the pa sub & just the one cab . it's great having a cab that does this is like carrying an empty suitcase.
  17. The TC250 sounded thin compared to my 250 MB mo mark & like a horrible tinny little radio compared to my Ashdown ABM1000 digital head all going through a barefaced .
  18. http://greatbritishbasslounge.com/product/ashdown-abm-c210h-neo-evo3/ I'd go for this take the head out & get a case or rack case from Ashdown , It's a fantastic head .
  19. I have a Super 12T but have started using my new Super Compact instigated by my back problem , I used it last night with my Ashdown ABM1000 so I can get full use out of this one cab & to be honest I can't see myself needing a second .
  20. I may sell mine , depending on how my band rehearsal goes today with my new Super compact .
  21. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1457797705' post='3001899'] A Roqsolid foam guard cover for my SC was £45. £50 if you wanted the printing. . . still cheaper than BF but not by as much as is being indicated. [/quote] I just checked The £31 is because they do a reward point system that is very useful as I have others covers made for the PA .
  22. The Bass Lounge have a Ashdown ABM400 combo for £499 brand new , they are selling Ashdown stuff at trade for what ever reason . Anyway you could get that & take the head out , get a rack case from Ashdown & sell the speakers . The Head is normally £695 & is excellent ,
  23. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1457781483' post='3001725'] The covers certainly improve the look of them! Lol [/quote] I do think the covers are far to expensive , Super Compact cover is £70 from Roqsolid £31, £5 extra for the Barefaced Logo .
  24. The problem I have with them is " The Super Compact sounds great & is easy to carry , But the Super 12T looks cooler " Never mind "Should we stay in Europe or not "
  25. I'd start with a Sold Secure awarded Hasp & staple & padlock , the best priced ones are Federal , Squire do a good one . fit Hinge bolts , internal bars/ mesh on the windows .Sensor lights. If you cant afford an alarm start with a sign that says you have one . If you can ,get cctv that's relaid to you Home PC or phone .
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