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Kevin Dean

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Everything posted by Kevin Dean

  1. What i'd really like to do is swap the little Rocker for a 800w Mo Mark frame .
  2. The Fearless stuff is also heavier I've noticed . & I can't help thinking there must be a reason why Barefaced have stopped using a 6" speaker in some formats .
  3. The answer is yes you can , but I was able to get the sound I like from the Little Rocker ...after messing about with settings for a couple of hours .
  4. Barefaced super 12T
  5. I like the Mo Mark but I find the 250 frame under powered , As I have rack mount kits for both of these & flight case big enough could I DI from the Mo Mark & go into the Little Rocker ?
  6. The older BH500 looks incredible value for money £275 ?
  7. Thanks chaps , I was thinking of the newer models , as I like the idea of having something I can use in my flat for practice as well as on a gig & doesn't take up a lot of room .
  8. Is the RH head a better quality head than the BH or just different features ?
  9. I couldn't see the 1515/66 .. they look very interesting though .
  10. I'll expect a full report first thing tomorrow what head have you been using ?
  11. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1414835023' post='2593739'] I thought they offered a one month trial/return policy? [/quote]Dam!! I over looked that. It's still a pretty good cab though even though it made me feel as though I had just paid full price for something outdated .
  12. What cab are you going to use ?
  13. I had a good play with my BH250 last night , I would say that most of the effects are pretty good , It was just the octaver I had a problem with ,This might not be the case with the 500 or 800 . I'm not sure how quick & easy the tuner would be to use on a live stage . I find the 250 really lacking in oomph compared to my little Rocker & Ashdown . I'm interested in the 800 but I'm waiting for reviews & my other isue is that it is not rack mountable , I would need some way of doing this or putting some type housing over it as my PA mixer is normally on top of the racked amp .
  14. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1414743493' post='2592761'] Too true it's odd, but it hasn't changed since the the main guy started it, and there is only three of them and I think another one to manage emails etc. I would say it's more a boutique item, and you have to consider that it's highly likely that your cab isn't even been made when you order. I ordered a compact years ago now and after a while I got an email asking if I was interested in the gen 3 so swapped to that and waited even longer. The pay off though is grand. I've taken the super Comoact to absolutely everything(,a inlay because I can ) and it's been great in everything I've used it for, and can get far too loud for a bass cab full stop let alone a small 1x12. I like the idea of scoring two 2x10s vertically though [/quote] The generation 3 stuff came out a week after I collected my super 12T , I was really cheesed off , & was offerd a T shirt by way of compensation .. I wish I was given a call . Anyway the two 2 x10 looks like a good idea . If cabs were kept in stock I would have probably ordered by now & no picture doesn't Help ..& I can't stand waiting for stuff . the 12T is still a great cab after all my moaning .
  15. what are these cabs that I saw mentioned ?
  16. These are supposed to be different to the JJBurnel version ..But I've just seen a Video with JJ using two of these along side 2 x ABM heads .
  17. Or maybe talk myself into getting a BIg Twin II that's got more height
  18. Maybe it's a life style more than a business . The good thing about that is , the product is made be people that take pride in what they are doing .
  19. I have a morphius drop tune & a Zoom B3 neither work very well . I D tune DGCF & use a capo . I use the pitch shifts to play along with the covers on i tunes , so i can play in the same posistions as I do live in a different key .
  20. I've been having a problem on very small stages/ pubs where I'm so close to the cab I can't hear any note definition , It sounds great about 8ft plus away , being 6ft 4 doesnt help I thought if I had a 2 x10 on top that might help ,. I suppose the answer is to put the 12T on a couple of bear crates , I can't tilt is back because I put the PA mixer & bass head on top of it .
  21. Does anyone have one ? & thought on it please .
  22. I read that & I really don't have a clue what that means ?
  23. I wish I had got the 800w frame .. Do you notice a difference between the 500 & 800 ?
  24. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1414660956' post='2591842'] Do these companies have to visit other sites? Have you arranged specifically to meet them at an agreed time? If there is no work to do in the office/factory, there's not a lot of point being there just in case of some passing trade. Emails and phone calls can all be done on mobiles now. . [/quote]Yes I've made appointments & driven a quite some distance . A lot of the time the owner has made the appointment & has told me they won't be there but the staff will be . Normally it's companies with less than 5 staff . Ad they have told me they are very busy & have a waiting list ?
  25. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1414662675' post='2591874'] And you'd probably blow the handles off. [/quote]Maybe i'll try it as I don't like the handles
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