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Kevin Dean

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Everything posted by Kevin Dean

  1. Or do you ? I'm self employed & in my job I visit loads of small companies , I also like visiting companies that have custom made stuff for me either for my job or my semi professional stuff . I have to say that if some of these companies worked for me I would sack them . On several occasions I would be told there opening times would 9 -5 pm for example , So I would turn up at 9am & would still be waiting at 11 am & to witnes the laid back attitude .....All of these companies produce excellent products but the price of the product is subsidising the bad work ethic .
  2. I met tony Levin back stage at a Anderson, Bruford , Howe , Wakeman gig ... He gave me some tips & showed me various ways of playing Sledge hammer , all going very well until my mate burst into the room & asked him if he would give me one of his chapman sticks . Also met JJ Burnel while working on a PA for a gig , akward moment telling my Hero that he had to turn his rig down ...His reply " I can't possibly do that I'm in direct competition with Lemi tommorow " followed by " I don't know how any of that stuff works" great guy . Jet Harris RIP was a local & friend but I never told him how much of an influence he was ,we spent to much time chatting .
  3. Thanks , I was wondering if you could get away with using both these cabs with a 4ohm amp .
  4. What ohm rating would a 4 ohm super 12t & a 16ohm 2x 10 cab give you if used together ?
  5. [quote name='BassManGraham' timestamp='1414417751' post='2589058'] Can't Agree. TC Electronic are well designed with some very user friendly funtionality and innovations. But for me live gig sound is the top priority and I subjectively prefer the sound and tone of Markbass. TC electronic always sounds a little compressed and synthetic compared to Markbass. (If only Markbass amps had mute switches). I have used Markbass for several years and they are very reliable. I recently bought a TC electronic BG250/208 which is a brilliant great value little combo for practicing etc, but I am awaiting a replacement (due to a DI out fault). [/quote] I have a TC 250 & it sounds thin sounding compared to my Little Rocker this does have a Mute pull on the master volume ...But in my opinion it is a daft idea because when gigging if you have sweaty hands like I get trying to pull the master knob isn't that easy & it's too easy to change the volume . I also have a MOmark but only the 250 frame & I think this is under powered ,
  6. Do they have a bass port or are they sealed ?
  7. I think building a demo one & having pics of it on the Web Site would have been a good idea , I may have had one or more .
  8. I was disappointed because I had a pretty important gig last night it was just one of those things I wasn't expecting on top of feeling anxious about everything ....But the Barefaced super 12T & Ashdown 400 RH saved the day . both great British companies .
  9. Apart from that it's an excellent Cab I wonder why their is no tweeter on the new version ? just not needed I guess .
  10. Well has anyone tested one yet ?
  11. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1414509772' post='2590019'] I power my Super Twin (no tweeeter) with an ABM500, very happy with the sound. [/quote]Do you use the pre shape button ?
  12. It's not so much of what sound i like it's a case of what works live for me , when I use the little rocker I get a sound I like bit I'm told out front I sound too HI Fi & no oomph ! When I use the Ashdown 400H there is a low end frequency that is really over powering that I can't eq out without changing the sound completely ...perhaps I just need to try a boss graphic to eq it out .
  13. I've got a Markbass Little Rocker & a Ashdown 400H both sound very different with this cab but not 100% happy with either , so I thought I'd ask the question.
  14. [quote name='BluRay' timestamp='1414481715' post='2589592'] That must be really annoying. The strap handles don't look anywhere near as good. Probably worth contacting Ashdown directly and asking if they can sort you out with a matching one. [/quote] Lee has confirmed this is the new version looks like they have just used a Rootmaster cab & swapped speakers to me , to save on manufacturing . I'd like to know what happened about the comment that years of research had gone into these cabs ? If I can't match the old one the whole rig is going ....feeling pretty disappointed
  15. As soon as I saw the strap handle & no ports I put it straight back in the box , It looks more like the rootmaster stuff ? Definately didn't have the look of quality of the one I bought a couple of months ago .It's being collected tommorow .
  16. I have a Ashdown RH400 Head & a ABM NEO 2 x 10 cab . I recently ordered another ABM NEO 2 x10 cab & it arrived today , well it said Neo 2 x10 on the box but to me it looks just like the cab section of the Rootmaster 2 x10 combo ? A strap handle on the top & no bass ports at all . The supplier said they contacted Ashdown & they said it was their new design of the NEO cab ? It doesn't match the discription on their web site & I certainly wouldn't have purchased it .. plus I've just paid for a cover based the first one I bought . Has anyone had this happen ?I would like to know whats going on ?
  17. I'd like to think I was friends ... Except the Keyboard player keeps coming into my shop & talking about the band , I've probably asked him over 30 times now that I have to keep the two separate band/work . He says he gets board but then again he refuses to go out & get gigs .........I'm about to pull his head off...then sack him .
  18. I don't know anything about these , So with the Roland do you need anything else like a keyboard or sound module ?
  19. these type of pedals I've seen used by Rush , The Police . can anyone give me any feedback on makes & what are they like to use live ? cheers.
  20. I thought they were fitted at the request of Mark King to make sure you don't do triplets faster than him .
  21. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1414170138' post='2586721'] Just put some masking tape over it and concentrate on the sound it makes! [/quote] I like it
  22. When setting up the input level I can hit one string & hardly see it move but hit another string & it nearly touching the red So I try to get some where in between The while doing a gig the needle is going mental & going right into the red, It doesn't bother me sound wise but just wondered if I was doing something wrong ?
  23. What about the Ashdown 1000w Head that's light weight , But not mini I suppose.
  24. After taking everyones advice into account , Ive ordered a second bass cab & made the Sub the Drummers problem .)
  25. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1413993745' post='2584572'] The best pacement is on the floor in front of the stage. Try it at the next gig. [/quote] What about if I placed it under the Pa Top speaker via the mounting pole ,like we use to , But put it pointing across the "stage" sureley with bass being none directional our drummer & Audience would hear it without deafening me ?
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