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Kevin Dean

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Everything posted by Kevin Dean

  1. Hi How heavey is it ?
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1412078368' post='2565366'] [b][i]'Who is this minion that dares criticise the handles of Barefaced?'[/i][/b] [/quote]
  3. I'm 6ft 4" so using the wheels I'm stooped over , Plus it's so light for me I just want a decent handle on the top , the Ashdown is slightly heavier but for me a lot easier to move because of the handles . I might have a look at a Big Baby II.
  4. I have a Barefaced Super 12T . It's a great sounding cab , But I can't stand the handles this is the 3rd time I've picked the cab up by the top handle & it has swung back & bashed me in the shines & I really don't think it needs those wheels . I've got so cheesed of with it I've started using an Ahdown Neo Cab ....I'm considering fitting some decent inset handles myself .......Rant over & relax .
  5. Hi , is it a 8 ohm ?
  6. It's been all valuble info & I looked into all of these Keyboards mentioned . Thanks everyone .
  7. I've actually have gone for a Zoom B3 effects pedal , with the synth effects I can put a loop down in time with the drummer & dub on top of that , I've been very happy with the results . This is an amazing bit of kit for the price .
  8. Sorry just noticed this was already asked .
  9. Is either of these better than the other , they seem to have similar functions .
  10. This is all new to me , If you store a sequence to a memory does it save the sounds it was using ?
  11. Thanks for all the comments . after taking everything into account I've gone right off of the idea but thanks .
  12. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1408734005' post='2533113'] If you stick to playing everything an octave up on the bass (and transpose it back down at the synth) then yeah a GK-3B and a GR-55 works surprisingly well if you get it set up properly. Latency isn't too bad if you play higher up, and tracking is definitely a lot better than it used to be. I've been thinking about getting another MIDI set up, but I can't see myself taking a GR-55 plus all my pedals to rehearsals and gigs, and it won't replace my pedals, and I need my pedals, so that's why I haven't done it. It's purely a matter of luggage. [/quote] Can you use a wireless with this kind of set up ?
  13. I read somewhere that when setting up the GR55 you have to put the correct scale length of your bass in , as mine is 36" would this cause a problem ?
  14. I use a Peavey XR 1212 , this has a built in active cross over & the auto EQ ..that a lot of my friends don't seem to know about is very handy .
  15. looks interesting , Does it hold more than one sequence , I'm prepaired to spend up to £400 I wonder if I could get a bit of sampling for that ?
  16. I'm looking for a small synth that can do basic sequences & add atmosphere when our Key board player isn't available ....I don't expect to sound anything like him but just after after something that might help when doing a 3 piece version , we are doing stuff like The Cure , Killers , Talking Heads , Peter gabriel . Cheers .
  17. For me it's about quality , We only play pubs /clubs .but a cross over & subs I can get that stadium sound with the thump of the bass drum coming through & a nice mix ,plus with an Electric kit we can be as loud or as quite as the landlord likes & that helps us get gigs where volume is becoming more of an issue for the pubs down here .
  18. what about the Roland GR55 ?
  19. I've got that type on my Zoom, I'm looking at something that can play Strings & piano type stuff.
  20. Kevin Dean

    bass synth

    Are these any good these days ? Thinking about using one when our keyboard player isn't available .
  21. I've discovered that if I use it with the EQ I can get every sound I need with the foot switch & the one tone control I have on my bass & the only thing I touch on my amp is the mute
  22. I've just ordered the Alto 15" active sub at 600 Rms & 1200 max ,weighs only 60lbs rrp £349 ..... from GAK including 4 sets of bass strings & a capo £347 I already use 2 x Alto monitors & for me they have been very good value for money .
  23. At the moment I use Peavey Ul 12 tops & active cross over using 1 x 15 UL subs . but at the weekend one of the subs blew .Having said that we didn;t notice . I like the idea of having an active sub making setting up nice & simple , we use an electric kit & keyboards by the way.
  24. I'm looking at getting a new 15" or 18" active sub , both are the same make "Alto" & same wattage but not sure what benifit the 18" would give me for the extra money if any?
  25. I now have the Neo 2x10 cab & it is now my main gigging rig , I love it !! Even though it's 7lbs heavier than the BF it's easier to move around with the nice sturdy inset handle on the top & it looks dead cool .
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