[quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1307564639' post='1261884']
I've had a CMD121H for about a year now. It's handled everything I've thrown at it, from quite big venues to very small. Two things I've noticed relating to small venues - with the Ashdown Mag and Harke HA3500 rigs I had before they sounded good at reasonably high volume, but at low volume I couldn't get a sound I liked out of them. With the MB, it sounds just as good at any volume level. Second thing is, in a small space I sometimes have to stand beside it, and it sounds just as good from there. I've never used anything to raise it or angle it, but never had a problem hearing it.
My one small gripe is the stupid luggage strap on the top which makes it difficult to carry, even though it is light. My Nemesis cab, which cost a third of the price, has three recessed handles in just the right places. Why can't other makers do that?
Yes I have to agree , I love this combo but why the crap handle it really gets on my nerves , when all their other cabs have those inset handles ..