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Kevin Dean

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Everything posted by Kevin Dean

  1. Not in Stock according to your web site ? Other wise I would have been up today ref Embee12" & Elbee 1210 .
  2. The DB Embee stuff looks a good idea for near side monitoring .
  3. In fact Ashdown are going to host an annual ****up paid for the highest earning Ashdown bass player that year ....( I've just made that up ) but still a good idea .
  4. Now that the light weight stuff has been around for a while Has anyone been happy with just one cab or like myself ended up getting two ? If so what have you got ?
  5. I've owned a barefaced super 12T & two Barefaced super compacts , I'm currently using two Ashdown RM12s all do the job , it's then down to budget & personal preference .
  6. I've been experimenting & I'm not sure thicker wood makes a difference , Construction ,Number of Speakers , ceramic or neo definitely do. Personally I prefer the ceramic speakers & I'm finding it's the design of the cab that makes the biggest difference to the weight .
  7. How are you getting on with it ?
  8. I wonder how many named players use it & don't know it because their bass bass tech deals with it , I know of one .
  9. Does anyone have any experience with these ?
  10. If we all had road crew I think most of use would have a 8 x10 anything else is a compromise .
  11. I've owned 2 x BF super compacts & a super12T Amongst other makes & I really don't think that you will get a 1 x12 to match any 4 x 10 that I've heard . For myself I found something like a Ashdown RM 1 x12 on top of a RM 1 x15 gives me all I need , light weight & both for the same price of a high end 1 x12 .
  12. I'm my opinion I'll make a big thing about mistakes at band rehearsal ,but on the night it's the performance that counts & keep smiling , atmosphere & groove going 9/10 times only the band notices not the punters out for a good time ...as for my musicians friends that just stand at the bar ,I ignore them
  13. Weighing some of these neo speakers against the standard speaker I can see most of the weight saved is in the actual cab design & material used & not so much the speaker .
  14. I've had a quick look & I have no idea how to make a poll on here ?
  15. Now in a guitar Shop in Southsea if you want to try it , bump.
  16. Now in a guitar Shop in Southsea if you want to try it . bump.
  17. I play mainly pick & I'm finding it's helping keeping a tight balanced sound across the fret board .
  18. Can I ? a 18" one or 18ft ?
  19. yes I read a lot of them , I'm just interested to know what proportion of bassists use them .
  20. Just out of interest & what style do you play .
  21. Very tempted , What's the range of tones or is it designed for CP type sounds ?
  22. If You get a chance try a RM 1 x12 on top of the 15 ..I found that the 15 gave a rounded mellow low & the12 went pretty low but added mid punch .
  23. Going to the correct venue always helps , unlike my band on Sat night ,I pulled up to British Legion club turns out it was completely the wrong town & not even a British Legion Club ...other members not being organised makes me anxious ,saying things like can we play this in a different key tonight & bringing a second guitar on the basis that it's pre tuned for a certain song & its still in it's case & not tuned but they swap guitars anyway?
  24. I've recently experimented with 20 different types of plectrum ..& 8 different fingers & two thumbs
  25. But all bright punchy tone I like has gone , I play plectrum style . I suppose they might be OK for other styles , just not for me , they sounded OK on the first gig , definitely not worth the money in my opinion .
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