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Everything posted by swanbrook

  1. Beautiful bass dude ! That B string is just tone heaven, the colour is very sweet too
  2. I could never get a jazz tone out of my HSS it can do a real nice p bass tone but not a jazz. The HH has the bridge in the stingray sweet spot the HSS is closer to the bridge so doesn't really give you a stingray tone. In saying that the tones it does have are pretty damn cool, just if you get the chance to play them both do before you buy one.
  3. Have to say they are a pretty amazing bass. If you get the chance try the HH too before you buy. I never spent much time on the neck PU. However others love it, just worth checking them both out if you can
  4. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1318772566' post='1405994']Ooh look what I just found [/quote] Jasus man the tide wouldn't take that out !
  5. Gareth would you not just shop around untill you find one you like on he shelf ? I can see another 23 pages coming.
  6. Congrats dude ! Great choice love the carbon blue so please do stick up a pic
  7. Mmmm a zon ?? I played Micheal manrings one, pretty cool bass
  8. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1318712952' post='1405559'] It's a risky business with sharp, pointy basses. Looks like she's only a couple of inches away from a nasty gash there! [/quote] Fair play dude that was f***ing funny !
  9. I love it as is, tort is cool too but if it was me I would think about clear and put a design under it or a picture of something. But I do love the white pearl.
  10. Don't know about the ab1 but I played a abz which was passive and it blew me away! Them pick ups are hot for a passive bass. I went for a abII in the end just because I got a killer deal.
  11. Bass sold to a buddy of mine, just incase I change my mind it's still in arms length away. Dingwall in transit as we speak. I still have my stingray 5 and a 93 fretless ray to keep my musicman love going and I think my next bass will be a big al single H. But for now I have to wait a few days to get my hands on the new one
  12. that guy should be taken out and shot with balls of his own sh1te !! i am a sucker for a rescue mission
  13. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1319634020' post='1416656'] At least 2 of you did then. I thought it was a mistimed shot at Sterling. I'm not say he doesn't deserve it but I found it irrelevant to the thread as the issue appears to lie with S&T and/or BM and not EBMM. I also found it a bit hypocritical since Fran has already been quoted in this thread as hailing Sterling "the new Leo" on the EBMM forum last year (I didn't know about the banning though.... and I certainly don't get all these matrix references). I wonder if Gareth saw the funny side seeing a message practically rubbing his nose in the fact (or not) that Sterling was pissing it up on his money? I'm sure the intent was good but it didn't come over well. [/quote] Yes he did say that about sterling, I do remember once saying how much I loved my squire and would never need another bass.... If I still felt the same I would have a very nice bank balance. I am a proud member of ebmm forum and pretty sure I saw you there too, but one thing that is never brought up here is Fran spent most of his time there fighting with bp because he is not a sheep and diddnt just shut up and agree. He stood up to him and he stood up for this forum more than once. He diddnt get banned because he said one thing wrong it was because he said 100 things wrong. Yes he is my friend but my first time here I nearly got banned for standing up for sterling ! Fran is the kind of guy who speaks his mind, that to me is so refreshing. He is also a bloody good player who has forgotten more about bass than most of us will ever bother to learn. Sorry for the hijack Gareth, sick of the cheap shots Again hope your story ends well and ends soon :-)
  14. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1319622961' post='1416422'] Honestly, it didn't come across as humour. I had assumed that you were still angry about having been banned from the EBMM forums.[/quote] Suppose depends on your point of view I thought it was funny
  15. Hopefully you get the bass you want in good condition If you haddnt of went to ebmm with this then they wouldn't know that s&t Are swapping necks on basses to fill orders. Well they prob know alright but choose To ignore it. 15000 views is alot of publicity and it's a shame nobody is coming out as a hero for Stepping up and making this right for you. You have been waiting far too long Either money or basses by he end of week is the only real answer.
  16. Ah ! Sorry about the above post, I may have half and ale or so ;-( But I do think I would just get my money back at this stage, as an musicman player I can't believe the treatment you have had so far. Especially when you think of the money you have spent on the same brand.
  17. Total w*** ! To much grief for one man to handle.
  18. Well I like it ! I love that you can split the neck pu. He gets some nice tones too, would I buy it ? Really don't know, Prob not
  19. My Stingray5 2005 best neck on a bass I have ever owned. It's my go to bass has been for about 5 years sounds great on stage or in studio.
  20. Not my cup of tea at all
  21. My bongo was second hand when I got it and the neck had gone very shiny but it diddnt bother me. However it had 2 chips one just behind the 5 fret ( I tend to spend most of my time there) and it was really annoying so I sanded it down and waxed it. To me it was amazing after that but as I said had it not been chipped I would have left it as it was.
  22. Gareth you should buy my 25th HSS well someone should anyway !!! I liked the bongo alot but I never got comfy with the body shape ( btw anyone who wants to or has the time to can go to the ebmm forum and quote me on that) Fran (Gw) was kind enough to bring me his dingwals fenders and a mad prs thing. 5 mins into play on his abz I was sold, for me they really are that good. Chords where no problem ,no weak g string fanned where a diddle to work out. I also had his bongo for a few months and that was a nice bass too but it did look like a toilet seat. Gareth hope the bongo works out for you at least with a painted neck they can't Swap it from another bass.
  23. What did ebmm say in their email ?
  24. Bugger I found a Dingwall I really want to buy so very open to offers, sensible offers ;-)
  25. I would be interested to here what bp has to say about it, +1 on the bongo I have heard of a few issues with classic necks, if one comes to the uk with a bad neck sure as fvck you will get it ;-)
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