I was looking for a forum about bass on this side of the pond,i had never heard of basschat or had i heard of this thread and this is what i stumbled across
i got to about page 6 of this then had to give up.It seems to bypass everyone here that the guy who asked the questions did it like a prick.
i have EBmm and fenders and some others and yes from time to time i go to the EBMM forum.But before i had gone to the forum i had been in contact with ebmm customer service twice and both times they were really helpfull.
i dont as most of you say "like bp's ring" and i dont think the sun shines out of it.i dont like the fact that it is as controlled as it is but i do respect it.
but what i have learned is that there is alot of twats here on this forum,did one of you really go on their forum just to stir up sh1te,come on either your all 16 with no cop on or have way too much time and should spend it do something like .....playing your bass
i love the guys who gave it the whole "i was going to buy a stingray but not after reading that" yeah yeah buy a bass because you like or love it.
btw i am thinking of buying a sandberg,i do like and love my ebmm but i want a jazz type bass (i have 2 fender jazz's but like the tone from the sandberg) and i was hoping to get some info here about them but all i got sofar is guys crying about some yank who stood up to a pain in the arse customer.
oh and guys stick a bmw engine in a ford then ring ford to complain about it and see how you get on.
guys grow up for fvck sake,i really would like to be able to chat more freely about basses but not if this is what its like.
the non ring licking guy who