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Everything posted by swanbrook

  1. Yup just ordered on today !! Should be here in about 2 weeks but I downloaded the app for my iPad to get my head around it mixer has !!
  2. Competition is great but again you missed the point, if I went into Paul's work for free he would be pretty pissed. Really can't understand how you can't see that, so guys enjoy the thread. Mushy, I never hint at anything or make apologies for making a living from music.
  3. [quote name='mushers' timestamp='1350073292' post='1834389'] enjoy earning 8k in one night [/quote] Not sure but I think that's a dig at a post where I said I got 8k in bookings, from a pub gig. That's really not unusual the last wedding fair I did I took 7 bookings. Fairly normal. If its not a dig at that then god knows what your on. But I am off to set up now.
  4. And now the insults start again, enjoy your free gigs guys
  5. How can you not see that it is the same thing ! No it won't be as good as some who does it full time as a career but it would piss you off to no end if someone did it to you. There is no difference and I really can't see how you can be so blinkered. Do you think that because my office is a pub it makes it ok ? Nuff said from me on the matter, if you can't see it or won't see it then you are not likely to see it. You wanna play for free do it in a pub that won't hurt other musicians.
  6. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1350044723' post='1833924'] I find it a little depressing that some people can't accept that others choose to do something for love rather than financial gain. I had a choice when I left school as to whether I would make my living from music or design. I chose graphic design, it has kept me in steady employment for 20-odd years and has allowed me to indulge in my passion for music without any added pressures. Horses for courses, there's room for everyone. [/quote] As I have said over and over, you playing for free might prob won't affect me however it might other bands that play the same venues you do. I picked music and I have been doing it for over 20 years, what if I did design for the love of it and went to your place of work and did it for free . Do you really not see the point here after 13 pages ? The way I see it is, we all start somewhere and if your playing for free in a venue that's would normally pay bands then that is the same as me going into your office and working for free. If your playing for free in a venue that only has smaller bands or might only afford a band on sat night but would love some music Friday and gives you a few free beers, food or a jolly good reach around then that's not hurting anybody.
  7. Laura izabor if tonight is the last .. Had to learn it as a first dance and what a tune, love it played it amazingly well when our singer sang it hairs stood up on my head !
  8. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1349946190' post='1832471'] Oh, and what's wrong with fishing anyway? [/quote] fly fishing looks like it might be good fun, my father in law recons its too much work and would rather cast a line and get back to drinking ! maybe thats why there is so muvh salmon in his river . anyway at least fishing is slightly better thn golf !! (run and hide )
  9. Look I said it twice already it won't effect me, I do see both sides and agree I think to a point playing for free isn't the best idea in the world but in general it's not going bother me. When I moved to this town the standard fee for a band was 80 quid a man ( again in pubs not weddings) now because bands where under cutting the standard is 30. And if the guys are happy doing it than fair enough. I don't look down at anyone who has the balls to play live. Sorry about the prat thing ! But I take what I do very seriously made too much the fishing stands but I will be watching from the side with a beer and practicing brown eye girl
  10. Jez just watched the video, I am heading over to London next month and hoping to see some of these, if you have any idea where the best place to start looking is give me a shout Cheers D
  11. I am so tempted to get the line 6 stage scape. I hadn't even looked at this. Do you have it yet ? If so how is it going
  12. I am so tempted to get the line 6 stage scape. I hadn't even looked at this. Do you have it yet ? If so how is it going
  13. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1349907404' post='1832250'] I don't have a problem with bands who want to charge, get what you can get away with. What I object to is being told that by not charging I am ruining it for those who want to and I am obviously an inferior musician. I can understand charging if you're being asked to play a crappy gig that's not going to be any fun. But I just wouldn't do the gig. If there's no fun there's no point, as far as I am concerned. [/quote] Now your just being a condescending prat."get what you can get away with" "crappy gigs" "no fun" This coming from a guy who goes fishing ... I run a business and charge the standard fee. Two thing we are always told is how much value for money we give and how much we enjoy what we do. I get to play with my friends and have a blast doing it every weekend. All week I hunt down chase and get the gigs. I don't justify myself to punters and I really didn't think any of us who do work full time at their craft should have to do it to fellow musicians. Play all the free gigs you want it ain't going to affect me but don't ever look down your nose at what I do. Btw I live beside one of the best salmon rivers in Ireland if you ever fancy a visit my mate has a spot where I can bring you and you can fish away
  14. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1349895183' post='1831990'] +3 [/quote] -1
  15. My current covers band, we have way too much fun and get very well paid and looked after. I find the attitude that cover are beneath some people funny, but the bottom line is if their original music was any good I would be covering it
  16. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1349792770' post='1830602'] This isn't quite the same as the above stories... But after playing a gig to a few thousand people all screaming and going nuts, followed by being asked by some lovely ladies if we can have some photos playing with them... I of course sit in the car home feeling like some kind of superstar Until I get home, walk through the door, only to be told that I'm late, and that there's a pile of washing up to be done! Back to earth with a bang [/quote] Lol been there !!
  17. Hmmm yea but most do it in the hope that what they create is going to make them money.
  18. [quote name='mushers' timestamp='1349721345' post='1829654'] everybody likes to have a go at something that could be fun or rewarding outside of their day job for me its bass i gave up playing full time a long long time ago, for some its DIY im in the building game but you wont see me starting a thread on a forum everytime i see someone putting up some shelves for their gran or mates ....or do i edit : how exactly did you break your nads getting to this point ? maybe a few free gigs or some with reduced fee to get yourself or band known ? i bet its even harder for youngsters these days to get anywhere near where you are [/quote] I might spend 20-30 hrs a week getting gigs and maybe 6-9 playing them. We do 4 charity gigs a year we try and choose a different cause each year but they are the only gigs I have ever done and not taken money. We do the very odd pub gig where we wouldn't get the same as we would for playing a wedding but I use these as showcase gigs and the last one I got 4 bookings from it so it basically made me 8k that night. There is a lot of back ground work but it pays off and I get to be a full time musician because if it. On the building side if things, a local woman who would not pay a tiler to do her bathroom got a doggy git to do it. He tiled of the wall paper and when she was in the bath a tile fell and cracked her head open. .... Pay peanuts ya get monkeys
  19. [quote name='ironside1966' timestamp='1349722497' post='1829688'] To all those who thinks it, a sin for band to play for free, Is it fair that some bands\ musicians under cut pros because they don't pay tax on the income [/quote] 22 years playing live and 22 years paying my tax.
  20. [quote name='mushers' timestamp='1349713361' post='1829498'] no reason why i should care at all i only played once this year in total in a pub that rarely has bands on at all, we packed the place out i counted at least 8 of our pals and 3 old gits propping up the bar my daughters band however (all aged 13) played over 5 gigs this year for free playing at packed school fetes etc but i thought the point of this thread was a moan about people playing for free at ticketed or profit making events and not at forcing the likes of me to only play in my own home [/quote] No one is forcing you to play at home, but if I went into your day job and told them I would work for free then you would be pissed off. Chance are I would do a worse job than you but if your boss was stupid enough to let me work for free then his fault. Bottom line is I don't do small pubs, so it really doesn't bother me. But I got to this point by breaking my nads putting in the time and gigs. I have no time for the attitude of no extra punters ! If a bar gives you a date then make it a gig ! At one time it cost a fortune to create a buzz with posters and time spent putting them up all around town. Now it's a few clicks on Facebook and twitter. Make it happen
  21. Change your drummer !! Joking aside we had a very negative drummer with us for five years, since he has gone the band has a bew life to it, I was so worried about him leaving and the band falling apart that I never considered that it might save the band. Anyway 3 great weddings 3 great gigs, sat on the couch tonight and had a beer with the missus !! Simple things in life eh ! D
  22. I use a relay g 30 so ican go out front and che k the sound. So went right out front and had a look . i Got the lights up front and as high as possible last night. Dear god they are great whole stage lit up every detail. Very pleased with them
  23. Yeah sorry guys I meant to get back to you. I got them, the dmx controller is pretty basic you can't program it so you just have to use the ones pre loaded. I am sorry I diddnt get the foot controller with them and will be ordering it next week. The lights are very easy to set up and must be designed by nasa to weight less than nothing ! As I said they are pretty basic and if your looking for a "light show" then they may not be the lights for you unless you have a light engineer in which case it's a whole new level because when used in dmx mode they are pretty damn limitless and in the right hands are really effective. One thing I really do need to point out is how bright they are. The only way to put it to words is " it's like having the sun with you without the heat" I am so glad I only bought 2 of them as a lot of time I am just using one of them. I am still looking for a sweet spot on stage with them, if I put them out front I need a welders mask and too far back the create a problem with shadows and the singer isn't very visible. Am I happy and would I buy them again, yes,they are perfect for what I need as I said I will get the foot controller just for a bit of messing around D
  24. Yup rhythm stick !! Played it years ago and went to relearn it a few weeks back and it took about ten mins to fall into place. I guess all the hours the first time around paid off
  25. Yes nail it every time, on songs that the bass line is the hook or is very distinctive it is a must. Especially if its something like call me al or town call malice. ( the first that came to mind) Same goes for every instrument I hate to see a band play a classic song where everybody can nearly sing the solo note for note but the guitar player couldn't be bothered to learn it. It's not original it's lazy. If you want to be original then write your own songs.
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