Thanks for all this advice chaps; I think I may have cured it....
There were no dry or loose joints on the output board or the fx send return board, nor were the capacitors loose or improperly soldered (I checked the main board too), BUT, and I think this is the crux, the 'tags'(?) (the bit that the tip of the speaker cable contacts) inside the Jack barrels(?) were filthy. A few cotton buds and some contact cleaner and they've gone from dark brown to silver. I haven't got time to play my bass thru it this week until rehearsal on Thursday , so I've currently got our Tv connected to it and outputted to my 4x10 cab. The Mrs says it makes a nice coffee table, but most importantly, we've had the telly on all yesterday and she has had it on for a few hours this morning (loud), and it hasn't missed a beat; I will give it a good blast with my bass at rehearsal on Friday for the acid test, but does this dirty contacts theory explain the problems I've been having?