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Everything posted by bassfan

  1. Just 1.... you have to decide. 😂
  2. Thought it might be a bit of fun.... having been the owner of quite a few basses and acquired a couple of bucket listers ... I thought it would be nice to hear which of your collection you would keep and why. You simply love it? Your first bass? It’s an investment? Rules are simple. You must have owned it or currently own it (sellers regret welcome). I would keep my Status. It’s a 2019 S2, headed 4 string. It plays like a dream. Sounds awesome with some fat lows on a 4 string! It’s just great as an all rounder. It’s light and it’s purple
  3. Ha!! You could have matching Ken Smiths! 😃
  4. You’re missus plays bass?? You kept that quiet!
  5. Do a cheeky drive past my house with it mate... I won’t tell all the others 🤫🤫🤫 (money will be by the gate under a pot) 👍🏻💜
  6. 💜 don’t let that purple one go unless it’s back to chiliwailer or me! 😂
  7. I culled from 8 to 5 to 3.... was proud of myself, now back up to 5 ... I’d struggle to get rid of any at the minute. They are all different!
  8. bassfan


    A couple of mine....
  9. Welcome. Lovely colour on that jazz.... 👍🏻🍷
  10. I recall an email back saying they’d replace it. I'd follow the mail up. Strange times at the minute though so replies could take longer...
  11. You can copy the link and paste it on here. There’s a thread with YouTube links on it to I believe.
  12. That’s a whole new thread! 😂 I gig a Status S2 (4 string headed) but have a few others at home to practice on. All very different . A sadowsky, a couple of fenders and a shuker custom. Take a look at basses on the settee thread they are all on there i can’t find your YouTube channel mate?
  13. Hi Harry, I didn’t pick up a bass until I was 31 and do wish I’d started around your age! I can only echo what Andy says above, especially about listening to all types of music, I play some songs I’d never have thought of listening to ... Most of all have fun and plenty of practice! 😃👍🏻
  14. Yes please I didn’t see the original thread when I posted. 😃👍🏻
  15. What are they NFF?
  16. I can’t seem to find a thread with natural basses, so I’ll start one. The older I get the more I appreciate some of the natural woods. I’ll start, nothing in fancy in comparison to some that I expect will appear 😃 2 ash Jazzes, Fender Marcus Miller and an a lovely Sadowsky UV70.
  17. Maybe he’ll slap the answers...
  18. bassfan

    MB1 Feedback

    P14 on a feedback thread! Wow.... I can’t say anything other than what’s been said .. and he made me physically snort tea from my nose with laughter reading his email... The strap hasn’t arrived yet but I promise to treat it like pass the parcel and no scissors!! Top chap. A fine BC’er. Thanks Martin!
  19. @dave_bass5 must be out to. Buying stuff and sending it back is still buying stuff. 😂😂
  20. 😁😁 If we all fail, which I suspect we all have, is the fee null and void?
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