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Everything posted by bassfan

  1. Personally I would put a call into PMT about the issues and see what they say, it’s not in the condition it should be in. If you can live with the issues they may offer a partial refund or credit, especially as it didn’t mention any cosmetic issues. Could also speak to Ashdown to see if they can/ rectify the valve and Vu issue?
  2. I’m patient. There’s a mosaic I’m still waiting on. 😂
  3. Nah. You are alright. Got a Sadowsky in my sights first. I doubt I’d use it much live. Happy to pick one up eventually but I’m not in any rush. You must have had yours longer than a month now, nearly time to offload it?! 😂
  4. Just updated my HXFX and it worked well. All my existing presets were there. The flashing red led around the tuner came back on- easy enough to switch off! I’ll plug it all in later and have a blast through the new effects.
  5. Damn. Didn’t really want another pedal.. 😐 I do have room though 🤔
  6. It is at the minute Nick. There’s a chap interested, just waiting to hear from him...
  7. My gut feeling is that we won’t be out gigging here in the U.K. until Aug/Sep. Lockdown restrictions will start to ease but I fear pubs/ clubs and gatherings (weddings/ parties) will be the last things to have restrictions lifted.
  8. Don’t worry. I fell off for a £50 pedal. 😂
  9. If you are in no rush I would go with what you want mate, no compromise 👍🏻👍🏻
  10. I’m more Jamie Oliver. Throw it all in confidently, sometimes a mish mash of stuff and hope for the best, usually accomplish the desired result if a little messy at times.....
  11. What a top bloke Mick is... I can’t say anything that’s not been said already. Mick is posting me a spare fret wrap for nowt...he won’t accept any payment. You will go to heaven mate! Thank you 🙏🏻
  12. That’s @AndyTravis off the Christmas card list.
  13. Yeah.... it learns what speed the drummer is fluctuating between and allows you to keep up. 😂 * disclaimer. My drummer is very good at keeping time and not speeding up or slowing down. 😃
  14. Ironically after using TC gear for years. The sudden surge of GAS and lack of will power meant I sold it last month and bought a bergantino B/Amp. It’s just brilliant. 😃
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