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Everything posted by bassfan

  1. bassfan

    BF 610 Cabs

    Doh! Essex is a fair old trek!
  2. bassfan

    BF 610 Cabs

    @Orbs you are welcome to try by berg cn212 if you are close by... @Al Krow be good to see you at a gig we’ll talk dates in Feb 👍🏻
  3. bassfan

    BF 610 Cabs

    @walshy this question is for you ....
  4. I didn’t have you down as a hello kitty fan.... I’m not judging 😂
  5. Ha!! So much gear has my name written all over it. Not least of which is your amp, @Andy s sadowsky and a rather nice cab ! 😂😂 so need a load of gear to shift. A gold sparkle jazz would be cool though 🤔
  6. I know dude... I’ve got gear to shift and buy😢 Lovely bass!! GLWTS. 👍🏻👍🏻
  7. Great track! (Ironic as I have no hair!) how on Earth will you play that with that thumb rest getting in the way? 😂😂
  8. I take it you are using the M6 @Al Krow? Try using the voice settings on 1 or 2, they are designed for some slap. 👍🏻 you also need a nice low action on your bass.
  9. I’ve had some enquiries about splitting the rig and the answer is yes if I can find 2 people that would like the amp and case RH750 £400 The unit has its original box, I think I have the manual to. flight case £80 footswitch and cable £50 All prices are excluding shipping.
  10. Fingers crossed dude👍🏻, Xmas got in the way of mine. The wrap round blue LEDs are so cool, I love them! Can’t wait to see it mate 😃
  11. Aww man. Sounds awesome. The wait is an absolute killer!! June??
  12. Congratulations!! Which beast did you go for. Full spec please! 😃👍🏻
  13. I will be heading down to Basingstoke area this weekend if anyone in the area or en route between Essex/m25 is interested. 😃👍🏻
  14. I will be heading down to Basingstoke area this weekend if anyone in the area or en route between Essex/m25 is interested. 😃👍🏻
  15. I will be heading down to Basingstoke area this weekend if anyone in the area or en route between Essex/m25 is interested. 😃👍🏻
  16. Awwww man that gorgeous 😍😍Why haven’t I got £3k lying around. Finger puppets included??
  17. It’s a definite possibility. Drop me a Pm, let me know where you are. 👍🏻
  18. I’m trying really hard to fall off the wagon. 2 things I really want and will get, 4 things for sale.... 😂
  19. Great start to a thread. I love natural mystic... in fact anything by BM I like. Exodus and and Babylon by bus are my favourite albums. I’d like to play more reggae. My band does none but I’m convinced a couple of more main stream Marley songs would go down really well. Difficult with a female vocal though 😬 What’s your favourite reggae bass line to play?
  20. It wouldn’t fit in. I have a car load of pa stuff and the whole car is loaded. Cab, speakers, lights, bass, boxes of cables. Think Tetris in an A6. If the insurance has to be seats up, Which is pointless and makes no difference as you can still see through the rear window if you squint through the heavy tint, it’s not worth having as that’s the get out of jail free card.
  21. The whole point of the estate is to drop the seats so it all goes in. If I have the seats up the gear won’t all go in. And if the seats were up it still wouldn’t make a difference as the boots not covered. looks like I’ll be taking my chances. 🙄
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