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Everything posted by bassfan

  1. The Helix hx fx arrived today. I’ve had a play with some presets. Just need to go through all the sounds now!!!
  2. I’ve joined the club 🤦🏻‍♂️ What have I done.....
  3. I think there’s a few survivors... they are on the 2019 thread (link on the opening post) 👍🏻
  4. Can you forward your accountants details to me please. 😆
  5. It’s not even January yet and you 3 are panicking 😂
  6. Depends what (or who) you are stung by! couldn't resist sorry. 😂
  7. I’m starting a separate thread with a sweep stake on first out... 😂 I wouldn’t know who out of @Al Krowor @dave_bass5 Will be out first.. I’ll only name the month as January. 😂😂
  8. Thats just on3 massive list of all gear available .... 😂😂
  9. edit : price revised. Next up for sale is my Cioks DC5. Boxed in great condition. Full disclosure, there is a small nick out of the kettle lead but it’s all been tested and makes zero difference. £100 £85.00. Add £5 for postage unless you want to collect. 😃
  10. Following on from last years ever popular abstinence thread (technically still this years at time of writing) started by @Sibob I thought I’d start another for the forthcoming year, not wishing to steal the idea from Si ! I made some bold claims last year and failed within a month. I ended up buying an amp, cases, several basses, an in ear system, pedals ( I don’t even use effects!) and other sundries, and as far as my better half is concerned they all fall within the category of “necessity” or “strings” if she asks. 😂 So this year I don’t need an amp ( unless @Bergantino Audio Want to send me a BAmp for Xmas 😂) I don’t need basses, pedals or sundries. I casually explained this to some good friends on here and after they picked themselves up of the floor laughing they suggested I should start this years thread... so, here it is. The same gauntlet thrown down, the same rules, there are no prizes, just a huge feeling of satisfaction in January 2021 when you go off on a buying frenzy for bass related gear GAME ON! 🏆 Its been suggested that as a bit of fun, I keep track of those who sign up and how long they last 😃 I might even throw down the challenge @Al Krowand @walshyand @dave_bass5, although I fear the FS forums might collapse if I do! Master List: Bassfan OUT 29/01 Drop pedal Crawford13 AngelDeVille Hiram.k.hackenbacker OUT Lozz196 OUT Al Krow OUT 20/03 I know it was earlier I’ll update again with actual date 😂 Walshy OUT 06/01/2020. 2 trades. dave_bass5 OUT 16/01/2020 GK MB200 Si600 OUT FinnDave OUT 04/01/20 with a nice a sandberg and loads of other stuff!! bassbiscuits OUT loads of gear! quilly OUT 26/01 Reverb pedal Lozkerr OUT pedal Chiliwailer OUT 23/02/2020 Lull PJ simon88wilson OUT invertigo Twigman Mudpup OUT berg cab feb ? Trueno OUT pedal board micguy Merton MikanHannille jimmyb625 OUT Storky
  11. What a great thread 😃 I always wanted to learn guitar, my old neighbour played and tried to teach me....I just couldn’t get my head around it or dislocate my fingers to those weird shapes, but he had an old bass and said I should try that... I was 30 at the time... I persevered, bought a squire P and combo from local shop and jammed with him, his daughter did some singing, his son played drums a little and we put on a little gig at a family bbq... A mutual friend was there and asked if I’d dep in his local pub band for a few gigs... so I said yes and learnt the songs ( I was working in Germany so took the bass with me for a month to learn!!)nervously played the gigs, did a,right for a self taught bassist, he offered me a permanent position doing a gig a month in his covers band, nothing to strenuous all local boozers. A new drummer joined us, we hit it off... fast forward 13 years ( and £000s on buying and selling bass gear) me and the drummer have been together ever since, through 4 bands, and are playing 50-60 gigs a year together and have been for 3 years in our current band, we are founder members of our current band and I see him more than the missus some weekends 😂 We even played at Wembley arena together but that’s another story. Thats me!
  12. Up for sale 2 very nice TC pedals Full size subnup boxed, in very good condition £60 Sold Full size Corona chorus. Boxed. £55 add £5 for each for the postage. Nothing else in the pic is for sale 😃
  13. No mate. I’d rather keep it in fantastic original condition.
  14. I don’t understand how this is still here ... amazing basses. I love mine. I wonder what you could be after? 🤔
  15. I owned a Mike Lull for a while. Quality bass that I almost regret selling, if it had had more of a jazz style body then I’d probably still have it! 👍🏻
  16. +1 on this Lozz. That was a very tough and brave decision to make. I’m sure with your skills something closer to home with less pressure will come along when you’re ready. 👍🏻 As my missus says “everything for a reason”.
  17. 😂😂 good luck with prizing it out of his hand gt4 😂😂 I have first dibs. 😉
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