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Everything posted by bassfan

  1. High praise indeed!! Thats a very long journey to hear a bass 🤔 you come to me and bring them down. 😂
  2. I could be in the same boat on this topic soon... I’d narrowed the choice down to these 2 sets (after someone locally suggested bare knuckle which sound to gritty for me) @Deedee @walshy @hooky_lowdown @Lozz196All votes for the genders but why? I Appreciate sound is subjective I play a lot of funk and modern stuff do the Cs62’s allow that with nice deep lows? Apologies to the OP for a quick hijack!
  3. I use Johnny Miller to set up and repair all my basses, he’s in north Essex not far from Colchester. http://www.jonnymillerguitarrepairs.co.uk/ never had a refret done but I’m sure he does. Top bloke too. 👍🏻
  4. Here’s mine..... very possibly another on the way.
  5. D... matching hardware tuners/knobs/bridge it’s not fully blinged until it has lights!! 😂
  6. + 1 on the matt finish! 👍🏻
  7. +1. It really is the little things! I forgot I had one on the bass.
  8. Ha!! Mine do, on selected basses! I maintain it’s all to do with the jack size needing to be a tight fit! I have one of those volt meters too! Forgot that.
  9. We use some zip up cable tidies to contain all the cables. Various lengths depending on gigs. Looks good. Stops tangling. My xvives wireless kit is so small and convenient 😃
  10. So the 62 P’s with @KiOgon DP127 J at the bridge.... 🤔
  11. And what about the bridge end to go with the P ?
  12. Blimey that was quick! Thanks. You use the dimarzios?
  13. I’m sure this thread exists already but I can’t find it. So here goes..... Hypothetically I’m building a bass. A PJ. Technically I’m useless. So I need some help. I’d be looking for a set that would give me a hefty P thump and together be able to slap and get some modern sounds. We play everything from Luther Vandross , Chic, Bruno Mars to the Killers. Just after your thoughts, what’s good and what I should avoid?
  14. Bite the bullet, you know you want to. It’s ok. I can wait.
  15. Just seen this. It’s only a matter of time Mr Krow. It still has my name on it. 😂
  16. A very emotive subject obviously! I happen to like marmite 😃
  17. GAS not cured. 😂 I don’t think the pre amp pedal is for me. I tend to agree with @dave_bass5 its as much about the woods used, pups etc. The general Sadowky experience. I have a fantastic amp (thanks @thodrik 👍🏻👍🏻) that gives me the right amount of eq fiddling I can deal with. Back to the basses.... is anyone using a PJ currently? Or has one?
  18. Apologies all... I started a post and then disappeared... lots going on this weekend. So just putting this in context I’m not a bedroom bassist by any means. I have always wanted a sadowsky. I played one in a shop a long time ago and loved the tone. I’ve had quite a few basses in my time, some much better than my capabilities but I’m fortunate enough to have played them and moved them on. Warwicks, Laklands (joe Osborn and skyline) Mike Lull, Fenders...... I don’t get on with P basses. I have a lovely Jazz, a gorgeous shuker (with lane poor) and a status that is currently my go to gigging bass. I recently tried some yammys and currently have a nice PJ Bb1100s which I use at home. I like the pj config. I considered having a shuker pj made but my Sadowsky itch needs scratching. I was after your thoughts, good and bad ! 😃
  19. Cheers guys. I’m not sure the weight is an issue for me at the minute. The basses coming into their own in a band situation is definitely a comment that’s I’ve heard before... and we are gigging a lot 😃👍🏻 @thodrik let’s see some pics of yours if you have any you don’t mind sharing. The downside of the try before you buy scenario (which I very much agree with) is find one in a shop that’s accessible.. 😂
  20. So it’s just weight that’s really the difference....
  21. Help! I’ve had a hankering for a Sadowsky for years on and off and it’s getting worse. I cant find too many posts on here about them, but I’d like your opinions. I know a few of you guys really rate them... I have a jazz already and I’m looking for a PJ. Should I be looking for an NYC over a metro? Would I really be able to tell the difference.... come talk to me... and of course feel free to add your pictures ...it won’t help my GAS but I can look! 😃
  22. Specially for you reggae.. it’s not strictly speaking a limelight or a jazz but it’s shell pink 😂
  23. Thanks mate. My guitarist is after the full floor helix... it’s not for me.
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