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Everything posted by bassfan

  1. You could go down the custom route? You’d also be guaranteed “ Al Krow L.A smile White “ then too!
  2. Whilst I’m loving the status Soapbars (MM/MM) at the minute, I adore the lanepoor (MM) in another bass and I still play the Jazz. If I could only pick one set of PUPs then I’d have to look at the SiMs super quads and be able to select All of your options above. I’ve never played a set, I hear good things and I’m GASing a bit! 😂
  3. That’s a nice finish Marc, never seen one like that before... 👍🏻
  4. Is that the sound of someone else leaving the abstinence thread??? 👍🏻😃 Great looking bass.
  5. Is that polite for putting on weight. 😂🍺🍺🍺🍔🍟🍕🍖🍗🥩🥓🥞🥖🥨🧀🥚🍳🍞🥯🥐🥬🍪🌰🥜🍫🍰🎂🍧🍨🍧🍧🍧🍡🧁🍧🍘🍥
  6. I commissioned mine last year. After spending a long time agonising over justifying the cost. I’d never played a Status, but I did manage to get to the factory ahead of choosing the s2 body shape over the S3. I knew what I wanted and I couldn’t be happier with the result. It really is a one off. Will it be the last bass I ever buy.... doubt it 😂
  7. That’s lovely ! The grain on that wood is fantastic. Shame it’s not a ‘75.
  8. I can’t add anything else more positive. Great guy, great comes, prompt postage... and the longest feedback thread ever 😂😂😂😂 cheers mate. 👍🏻
  9. Lovely. I’ve wanted to try those quad pick ups for a while.... 🤔
  10. Lovely. 👍🏻👍🏻 Let me know when that nasty looking shiny white one needs a good home. 😂
  11. There’s a few more features on the B. Tuner, built in effects and most notably the memory channels (similar to the TC rh range). You can also pair it with a cabinet to optimize that particular cabinet. @Dood will be able to confirm and add to my ramblings I’m sure 😃
  12. That’s gorgeous mate!!!
  13. Or send a few freebies over to trial. 😂 I’d like to try one against my carbine (which I love!)
  14. Touché. You are first in the queue mate if I decide to let it go.
  15. That white one would look so good next to my blue one. 😃
  16. I’ll book a trip to specsavers tomorrow 🤓
  17. I’m colour matched 😃 Well kind of... I have black straps for the 2 with carbon necks, white for the sonic blue jazz, and relic looking off white for the relic’d bass, more accessorised than colour matched. 😂
  18. I suppose it depends if you want the old school style or whether you want a tablet driven mixer. We bought a new mixer last year and opted for a Mackie DL1608 which is iPad compatible, although I’m told that this is becoming iOS and android compatible this year. We run 2x active Turbo sounds Milan m15s, 3 mics, Bass, drums, guitar and keys all Di in. If you buy a cheap wireless router then you can also detach the iPad and go front of house to set up the mix. https://mackie.com/products/dl1608-dl806 Works for us 😃👍🏻
  19. Both my dogs just left the room....... Just on an iPad, no headphones mine cuts out at just over 13. I’ve been a bit hit and miss with ear protection. I had some moulded ear plugs made up at the London BGS (ACS) a few years back but didn’t like the muted sound so wore them sporadically. We switched to in ears 2 years ago and they give a degree of protection but what degree I don’t know.
  20. Within the warranty period?
  21. No issues with active basses? I like the look of the adjustable angles and it would match the carbon neck 😂
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