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Everything posted by bassfan

  1. Yeah... you should see it when it all turns purple... 😈and of course it’s got some killer tones 😃
  2. The day has finally arrived!!! I went down to pick up the new Status this afternoon, then straight to rehearsal... even though I was using the studio gear it sounded awesome and looks very 😎. I couldn’t be happier with it! Ill spend some time tweaking the sound with my gear and get some better pics in natural light, but.... drum roll please.... here is the Status S2 classic, through neck with wrap around LEDs. In chameleon indigo.... 😍😍
  3. I’ve played through this and for it’s size it packs a punch! It’s also in very good condition. 👍🏻
  4. Yeah... you are a bad influence, although to be fair the pedal board was needed, I was stupid to sell my spectracomp, the M6 was a no brainier and right place right time and the BBNE2 is gorgeous but has one to many strings...like what you did with Status there 😂
  5. Or saved £500 and bought a small separate tuner. 😂😂 @Al Krow don’t forget I’m waiting for 3 of the pedals on that board. No rush though. 🤣🤣
  6. That’s a good question 😃 Bruno Mars - Finesse and Uptown Funk. Luther - Never too much which ever Chic song we fancy throwing in.
  7. I find the discombobulater set like that gives it a bit of 70s squelch. Not too much. I don’t use it live but might if we have no keyboard player at a gig. The bottom feeder was my first ever pedal and is never used live. Just for annoying the missus on a Sunday. 😂
  8. After selling my board and 90% of my pedals last year I thought I might need to try again....
  9. The “I’m happy anyway” says it all. That’s what it’s all about. 😃 I’m very happy with the M6 👍🏻
  10. The pedal board... was you... then I had to put pedals on it after I sold most of mine last year. 😂 Can’t argue on the M6. 😬
  11. It was. I nearly managed to sneak the rest in .... anyway Mr Krow I blame you for items 1 to 5. 😂
  12. Surely you took a picture of the vast amount of basses or was the line just to long .....
  13. Yep...I’ve done badly. Pedal board emma discombobulator tc spectracomp tc subnup Mesa M6 Carbine. New in ear system (on way) status S2 (collect next week although paid for most of it last year) epic fail..... 😂😂
  14. Great colour, I have the same coloured Jazz with pea green scratch guard. It will look great 👍🏻👍🏻 Mark is a great guy to deal with to.
  15. Pretty much.... I’m trying my hardest to get out of work early Thursday... got Friday off to get those strings bedded in and take the obligatory pics. 👍🏻
  16. Final countdown..... confirmed I can collect next Thursday/Friday . 😃
  17. Still think the orange should have a pearloid pickguard. lovely collection Andy. 👍🏻👍🏻
  18. NBD. 7 days 😃 status incoming!!!  😈

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bassfan


      Status S2 Classic. A funky one! 😃

    3. Teebs
    4. SpondonBassed


      Nice one. Looking forward to the NBD topic.

  19. There’s one for sale on the forums... @walshy has one.
  20. Here’s the latest incarnation.....Mesa M6 with a Berg CN212. 😃 lovin’ it!
  21. Go on then.... I’ll play.
  22. Damn. I use a Bergantino 212 too! The bikes are nothing special. Wish they were!
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