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Everything posted by bassfan

  1. Status incommmmming 😃 45 (ish) days to go..... might be sooner.....🤞🏻

    1. BassTractor


      Good man, and one of few who understand what these updates are meant for. :drinks:

    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      Congrats. Hope you enjoy your new Status. Bit of a wait though...... Don't start counting the minutes! ;)

    3. bassfan


      I’ve been waiting since October. I’ve given up on hours and minutes. 😂 

  2. What in ears do you currently use Bill?
  3. I’m not a P Bass fan. I love the sound but I can’t get on with them...don’t ask me why I have no idea! I’ve had a couple of absolute crackers but they just didn’t suit the band sound I was looking for and there’s something about the playing position. I do however love a good jazz. I’m very much into the looks as well as the sound. I would dismiss buying anything in tobacco burst, I can’t stand it, despite as you say, knowing full well that the bass might be amazing. I can appreciate some nice wood grains, although I don’t own any. My collection has finally reduced and they all happen to have matching headstocks, just a look I like, they all happen to be amazing basses too, in my opinion... Its horses for courses I guess.
  4. Well there is that ... but I have the will power of a wet lettuce. 😳😂
  5. I’m the opposite... I’m close just not quite got the funds....😩
  6. Bought some headphones off Nick for my drummer (thought I’d add that as I’m on a gear abstinence honest!! ) great comes, posted Uber quickly. Top chap! Thanks Nick.
  7. @Bridgehouse any updates on the poorly Shuker mate?
  8. I had an rs212 running with my 450 for years and it was more than adequate for most sized venues, for larger venues I added an rs210. I also bought an RS 112 to give flexibility to combine any cab I felt I needed. I then upgraded my 450 to the 750, which I now run with a 4 ohm berg 212. Since getting the berg I’ve sold the 210 and 112, I don’t think I’d play a venue that really needed any more than that, that didn’t have its own PA. So, my advice would be to try a decent 212 cab, you’ll be surprised at the difference it makes and I’m fairly sure you’d use it all the time.
  9. Only if you are paying mate.. 👍🏻😂 Appologies to the OP for detracting from the original thread.
  10. To be fair Al..... I’m really shallow, I’ll have the Bentley please 😂😂
  11. All I can hear in my head now is that tune from deliverance 😲🐷😂😂
  12. Love that colour. If it had a MHS I may very well leave the gear abstinence thread! Good luck with the sale. 👍🏻👍🏻
  13. I’ll chip in and agree with @stewblack I use the forum for what it is, an amazing source of reference from some pretty knowledgeable folk, that , most of the time, have no agenda and are not trying to sell you a bass, amp, cab etc. I have met and continue to stay in touch, even made friends with several people on here, all more accomplished bass players better than me, but on here we are all the same. I have been given some fantastic advice about gear and recommendations that have made me part with cash and not regretted it. I think if a thread gets heated and you take offence, walk away, swipe left or however you wish to navigate away, if it’s directed at you then report it if you feel that strongly. I also firmly believe that some people write things in a way that comes across as being hostile but isn’t meant to be, it’s just how they write. I may be wrong, usually am. I think this is a fantastic forum , you aren’t going to like everyone, there will always be differences of opinion but there’s a lot of people you will like who’s opinion you will take note of. There are a few on here with some amazing one liners that look like it’s hostility, but actually they make me roll up laughing, oh the irony.... Anyway, that’s my 2 pence worth, the first in 2019. I hope the grammar police are ok with the ramble, now off to the ‘ Amps Vs Wattage’ thread with my wooden spoon. 😃
  14. Ohhh nice one!! Let me guess... it’s a P 😂👍🏻
  15. So do I mate! Although to be fair they have said it likely to be mid Feb, what’s another 40 days 11 hours and 36 minutes... not that I’m counting. 😂 Still doesn’t mean the Shukers going anywhere had a few nice comments about its tone and look over the Xmas gigs 👍🏻
  16. Congrats!! Get some pics up when it arrives 😃 still waiting on a date for my status. 🥺
  17. TC RH750 This amp replaced my TC RH450 a few years back . No problems with the sound with either. I replaced the usual cracked buttons (free from TC) and, touch wood, we are 150+ gigs in and it’s not skipped a beat. I like the 3 channels to preset when using active or passive basses. Bergantino 212 I’ve only had this awesome cab for 4 or 5 months and I love it. Punchy and kicks donkey! I have an RS212 for home use, but gigged this for 8 years with no problems at all.
  18. Looks like the abstinence thread has gone out the window Mr Krow. 😂😂😂😂
  19. Maybe the decimal place is wrong on the website. Mind you, even at £550.00 I wouldn’t take a punt.......
  20. I feel a bit queezy. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but I reckon you’d be getting an ugly overpriced fender P! 😃
  21. That’s alright then. I paid up in mid October so I’m in! 👍🏻
  22. Ahhhh I can’t pay the balance until it’s ready in feb.. paid more than half though..... I’m still in! 😃👍🏻
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