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Everything posted by bassfan

  1. 113!! Noooo that’s a lot of gigs... we’ll end up around half that. 113 gigs, I think I’d be using the money to fund a divorce 😂😂
  2. I’ll play..... my best purchase in some years and certainly this year was my Shuker custom.... it’s amazing. I don’t really have a worst as I’ve not bought anything I didn’t like!
  3. That’s a cracker Rico.... one too many strings for me...looks like someone will be getting a great Xmas present!
  4. A fat lottery win that allows me to help out my family and friends failing that a new job I like
  5. Lovely. Don’t see the silver too often. Would go well with my blue sparkle!! This wont be here long. 👍🏻
  6. 😢 I do kind of regret letting it go, but I needed to fund the gas somehow and one had to go!
  7. Damn am I out already on a technicality? I’ve only paid the deposit on my new bass, delivery expected in feb with balance to pay then....
  8. I’m still in.... I ordered a bass from Status in October that’s due in Feb, so that’s not counting. My Bergantino BAmp might need to wait! Unless an offer I can’t refuse comes up 😂.... and I’ll sneak in an OBBM cable before Xmas.
  9. Yeah the grey was too, just no longer mine. The Lane poor in the pink is awesome!
  10. I’m sure they are very nice... mines better though IMO.... 😃😂
  11. Marc is a top BC’er people. Deal with confidence! Lovely looking jazz mate.
  12. B@stards. Hope you get it back. Where are you based ?
  13. Our old singer had a habit of running up mid song and taking my hat off me..... annoying but she thought it was funny, until one gig I’d turned around and was facing the drummer and she tried it as I turned back around... not quite a black eye by the end of the gig but close. Thankfully my bass was ok. 😂😂
  14. It’s killing me. 😂 special coloured finish, not spoiling the surprise.....few lights too 😉
  15. I guess my fingers being crossed for the last 6 weeks hasn’t helped. New bass is likely to arrive mid/end Feb😢
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