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Everything posted by TheGreek

  1. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1851283955245138/?ref=browse_tab&referral_code=marketplace_general&referral_story_type=general&tracking={"qid"%3A"-4547751750393760851"%2C"mf_story_key"%3A"33885589384677461"%2C"commerce_rank_obj"%3A"{\"target_id\"%3A33885589384677461%2C\"target_type\"%3A6%2C\"primary_position\"%3A0%2C\"ranking_signature\"%3A1953026860484919296%2C\"commerce_channel\"%3A501%2C\"value\"%3A0.0023763926586487%2C\"upsell_type\"%3A120%2C\"candidate_retrieval_source_map\"%3A{\"5957974424288341\"%3A701%2C\"9266794633361445\"%3A3001%2C\"5919284424794147\"%3A701%2C\"6172757556152139\"%3A3502%2C\"8465782050159452\"%3A701%2C\"5829695963784974\"%3A701}%2C\"grouping_info\"%3Anull}"%2C"lightning_feed_qid"%3A"-4547751750393760851"%2C"lightning_feed_ranking_signature"%3A"1953026860484919296"%2C"ftmd_400706"%3A"111112l"}
  2. Perfect in every way other than that. Do you want flats on it??
  3. Still would like to find one with a broken headstock. Too many 80s basses with huge headstocks - convert them to headless I say!!
  4. Koa can really look the part. Some fantastic grain. Having said that, I traded my Ray today as I've never gelled with them.
  5. She played a Veillette Citron bass - only 270 ish instruments were made before the company ceased to trade. There are probably 3 in the UK - I've owned two of them.
  6. This: The bass player needs to play in tune though....
  7. Baby you can drive my car - The Beatles
  8. Try to negotiate... If they won't reduce the price significantly try to negotiate "store credit" - that encourages you to remain their customer, spending their money with them, and hopefully you are happy with the outcome and spread the word about their good customer service.
  9. I was without a fretless (fretless-less??) for a few weeks after trading my Yamaha TRB 511F for a fretted TRB1005j. New fretless today - I've forgotten what a joy they are to play - considering whether to swap the flats for tapes. Life is hard...
  10. People, People..... There is life after P...let us offer our friend support in his time of need.. Just not a try of any of your P basses (I don't own one)
  11. I've just parted with my most recent Ray...I really don't get on with them. Even though I know this I'm really tempted. Martyn's a great person to deal with. Top fella with top gear. Trade with confidence.
  12. Anybody who's ever owned an ACG would testify that Alan's creations are legendary for good reason. I imagine that this is a fantastic bass, wish that I was in the position to take it off you. I'm sure someone will.
  13. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334783279556?hash=item4df2a371c4:g:lhgAAOSwGlNkCmSd&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA4JBPhozqrE2OzBG%2B4jMnh7c3ExJJxdRAS3UNP3z1NU7Edvdw3U8LixqwQR0Uj0Q3qT5HE2tupJok7ckffHF%2FT5Pi0%2Fr%2BaUCptFNgTdfLW6XBS8Cd6x25xhOFHkem6SBriYnQuvGdkYAHBmtpFLNJac%2BY0SDLfn7tAKdyfJDlWMJYBiS9yXnAxYneDcudzsfh0VRyzXeoB74m6WIo4aILYX0LZgQmSbje6uO3OJDjdkU%2BtprRF8rQrDCllppG4d28dCPlECH4ejvnU4zCYU2cPsVla%2Fs4PyT5osgHhliQ7Hzp|tkp%3ABk9SR_ibhuPaYQ
  14. I quite like this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334777958963?hash=item4df2524233:g:SssAAOSwksxkBc0d&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAwOMv6QvzsjyZyrLJm1oPdRDiDeQBZPABkQHEpC0F7mkYl6XMHBtDTsmlkBMG3EzClUpkaTCTdqNNxTNCOm4T5QHdYlt8p%2FnWVJxxmwfjxtYnLugnkz8ojucCuhJ9a6c8cfXXV%2FYkfZihALm2xKp%2Favbrcq5XY%2F84Md7N4zl7lh%2FODEsuVmbJzFbKouTS14Z7PYZS4VdihJA5EATXfJONZwf587Vy0SPcz1LhLgusAkf5tb6NnOdH8Kh4kFIh9JSaqQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR_7t6uHaYQ
  15. Did a trade with Tom - my Sterling 4HH for his Mania fretless - I rarely gel with Rays, I really need to stop buying them and I'd be without a fretless for a while. He came to my home, noodled for a bit, played with Thea and we chatted - nice fella - another reminder why this is one of the best social media forums there is. Hope you enjoy the bass, Tom.
  16. The green green grass of home - Tom Jones
  17. I wish I could justify buying this. Shame it isn't selling within the BC community.
  18. https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/wvypg9hwXJj5 https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/yw0ZqOyKf46i
  19. I'll try to upload again.
  20. A friend of mine recently acquired an unbranded Strat with a sticker from Andy's in Denmark Street. Schaller tuners are the only other distinctive item. No serial number or date of manufacture but it is believed to be 1980s. I know it doesn't give much to go on but does anybody have any ideas what it might be? https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/phYf0i1MyA5v https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/dknsOxNFvWDy
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