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Everything posted by TheGreek

  1. Yep, very much like this...a good look. If I ever buy an "unlined" fretless I'd like something like this.
  2. I am able to say that I do not (currently) want one.
  3. I can't remember what I saw it on but I really liked the look of a bass with just lines (fret position) that "flowed over" onto the fretboard about 10mm.
  4. Go(atee)ing to a Go-go - The Rolling Stones
  5. https://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-instrument/vesta-the-argus-electric-bass-guitar-black-pointy-active-gold-hardware/1462640200
  6. ...and the more desirable PJ pups too. Prices vary so much on Westones - hard to know what their true market value is.
  7. Condolences to @bumnote's family and friends. Becoming all too common on here unfortunately.
  8. You should post it in the "basses for sale " thread. The Mods may take exception to your post here and remove it.
  9. Unfortunately the request for raffle prizes got buried in the thread for the actual event. We can't have a raffle without prizes so any bits of gear which you have lying around unused, but could be rehomed through the Raffle, would be welcomed. If you are able to donate please copy and paste the list below adding your details and the item. Thank you. As far as I can see we currently have the following raffle prizes: TheGreek - Zoom B1 effects pedal bnt -T.C Electrionic Nether Octaver Hamster - An Ashdown 2x10 combo with Ashdown 15" extension speaker donated by BigJHW. I have approached some UK suppliers for more prizes and we're waiting for a reply. Please note that, in the past, tickets were a £1 each - most people buying ten - and raffle winners NOT taking a second prize till everybody else had won one. This inevitably led to many, many "winning" tickets being called but not being redeemed so this year we are hoping to avoid this situation with tickets at £5 each (historically everybody has won a prize worth more than the £5). Remember that all proceeds go to an outside charity local to the event. Look forward to seeing you all
  10. It's been a way of moving gear we don't use to somebody who might. I have a spare Zoom B1 which I'll be donating - I'll have a rummage later to see what else I can move on.
  11. Those who are regular attendees of these events will be aware of this scenario: Suggestions? Raffle - rather than sell 1 ticket for £1 and everybody buying at least 5 then the inevitable calling of repeat winners - shall we just sell tickets for a £5er which will make the raffle a smoother operation?
  12. Online auction? I'll go £7.50
  13. I have the Squier version which is a very usable bass. Hangs well, plays well and sounds more than OK. They can be picked up for very little considering what you get - would recommend to anyone looking for an active bass.
  14. Phew...I thought that he had died...
  15. I can see clearly now the rain has gone - Johnny Nash
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