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Everything posted by mcgraham

  1. I can confirm he's got it. That's why he's being immensely quiet here, as he's making lots of noise there. He's also getting ready to go on tour tonight, so you'll need to forgive him whilst he runs around manically!
  2. Yes I recall having done this before.
  3. bump!
  4. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1349726280' post='1829772'] Like I said earlier..... it's all in the parameter control. I really like having it in the band now although at first I was a bit sceptical. It's opened up a lot of possibilities that were not there before.... the band sounded awesome before we bought this in... we sound f***ing awesome now ;o) [/quote] Agreed. I've heard some really clever use of vocal effects, often used about 10% lower than most people would set it, and it's the difference between 'cheesy' and 'woah!' #technicalterms
  5. Lovely lovely bass. Roscoe's are excellent.
  6. Yes it is. One thing I started experimenting with was setting up the active EQ on my bass (which removes the benefits of the loading) to a tone I liked, then setting the bass to passive and tweaking the loading to get another sound I liked, and could switch between the two sounds with just a active/passive switch.
  7. Continuing my ruthless clearout of gear... - Electroharmonix Bass Microsynth w/ modded expression pedal output, which changes the cutoff frequency - big box version [u][b]£160 posted[/b][/u] - Boss RC2 - mint condition, w/ box [u][b]£100[/b][/u] Pics to follow. Open to offers for quick sales!
  8. Got my eye on something else, and my tastes have moved back to my older SFX preamp, so this is up on the block. Seen one up recently for £225 plus postage, I'm happy to do it for [u][b]£225 posted[/b][/u] It's in mint condition still got the original box, manuals (somewhere) and stuff for it. Pics to follow later, but for now, here's one from the Summit website itself.
  9. On a more constructive note, I don't like these sorts of things when they are used as blatent cheats, e.g. a full band where none of them can be bothered to put in the effort to learn, however difficult they each find it. I don't have a problem with others using them where there is no other way they could find some harmonies, e.g. a solo acoustic act where the soundman is poor, some technology to polish up the vocal sound (not saying autotune, but eq, comp, etc) plus a low-level harmony can really make a solo performance come alive.
  10. I know that guy!
  11. I think I can count myself as exclusively fretless now. Haven't touched my fretted for a good few years now. Certainly haven't gigged with it in years. Great bass but the fretless is 'just me'.
  12. Is that what Muse sound like these days? That song and sound was like U2 and Queen shoved in a blender. I'd happily listen to the sound, but it's a shame to hear a band that had an original sound years ago 'evolve' into something we've already got.
  13. Some interest so far, any more out there?
  14. Yes, yes they do. Considering moving on my fretted W&T at some stage, just cos it doesn't get any play time. Not sure though.
  15. The sound is epic. I've had professional musicians comment how they didn't even realise it was fretless til they came up close, simply because it sounds as punchy and as solid as a fretted bass would. Good intonation helps too
  16. Any excuse to show my fretless off... [url="http://www.wtbasses.net/Libraries/neck-through_01/Zoid_33_fretless_front.sflb.ashx"]http://www.wtbasses....front.sflb.ashx[/url] [url="http://www.wtbasses.net/Libraries/neck-through_01/Zoid_33_fretless_body.sflb.ashx"]http://www.wtbasses...._body.sflb.ashx[/url] [url="http://www.wtbasses.net/Libraries/neck-through_01/Zoid_33_fretless_rear.sflb.ashx"]http://www.wtbasses...._rear.sflb.ashx[/url]
  17. just sold a guitar amp to Jon. Can be trusted, also good to have a natter to about gear in general!
  18. Bump! C'mon people, must be someone interested in this fine piece of luthiery.
  19. I was pretty ruthless to get sales, practically took the first offer that came along on either.
  20. There are a host of options: 1) To replace your amp, try a Tech 21 Sansamp Character series pedal. loads of different flavours of amps available, very tweakable, also with defeatable speaker emulation now. 2) To replace your whole pedal board, the HD series from Line6 is hard to beat for an all in one budget solution 3) To perhaps just go for your amp sound but more controlled, an isobox or a well-placed shield can help. 4) Powerscaling - if your guitarists wants true control over his sound AND needs reasonable breakup, check out London Power Scaling - can be added to almost any amp and allows you to get full power tube saturation at most any level. It's not a load or anything like that. It scales the power output of the power amp. Also, once you reduce it down to less than about 1-3W, you don't need a load - I just use a Palmer Speaker Sim DI box (PDI-09). I contacted London themselves to confirm this works before trying it, and he ran me through the mathematics of it. So with a small head/combo and this you don't need a speaker... but the DI also has a speaker out, so you could have that as well.
  21. Could always sand the underside down.
  22. I can confirm it'll press-fit between 70s jazz spacing BUT NOT 60s jazz spacing. Great ramp this. Shame it doesn't do it for you!
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