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Everything posted by mcgraham

  1. Bump it up. It is a great guitar. As I said in the initial post, open to offers to ensure a quick sale. Know anyone who might be interested put them in touch!
  2. Sunlion now sold (yippee! but also sad it's gone) Screwdriver still available. open to offers for quick sale.
  3. Absolutely! Would be good to meet up again sometime soon, perhaps even meet respective families if we can swing it?
  4. Thanks Andy! It's been a lot of fun having it, but needs must. The incoming is a new acoustic guitar. Looking at a custom with Fylde.
  5. Good question! Depends on how you set it up. Basically it's got two or three separate circuits in there that you cna set up the way you want. So there's a treble booster at the input, a od/fuzz circuit after that, then there's a clean boost circuit that's connected to the volume knob. So if you want a clean boost, just set the gain and treble booster settings to 0 and use the volume. If you want a straight ahead fuzz, ignore the treble booster and crank the gain. If you want a treble booster, etc. The treble booster controls are on trim pots on the side, the fuzz controls and volume knob on top. It might sound complex, but it's actually quite straightforward, and you can reeeeally tweak the 'feel' of the pedal (e.g. stiff vs compressed) based on how you use the treble booster. The tone knob also boosts frequencies at the frequency it's set to, which is adjusted based on the knob position. So it can be a bass tone control, or a treble control, or mid control, etc. It's a veritable swiss army knife pedal
  6. Cheers bud, it is indeed wonderful, and the fact I can actually play it is a real boon, but my focus is elsewhere and as such I need to move it on.
  7. [b]ALL PEDALS SOLD[/b] Fuzzface is immensely useable at all settings. I actually like using settings other than maxxed out as this gives many more nuanced tones you might otherwise miss. Really smooth, but I never found it to disappear in a mix. Beano Boost side is excellent, really juices up the harmonics of an OD'd amp (or pedal), whatever you might be running it into. Really cuts through the mix. Together they turn any single channel amp into a behemoth of tone. I did entire gigs with just a single channel amp, a guitar, and this (plus cables between the three) and it just does the deed perfectly. Pics first, then analogman spiel, then asking price. [b][i]Pictures[/i][/b] [b][i]Analogman Spiel[/i][/b] Left side is the BEANO BOOST: BOOST KNOB, Volume of the Beano Boost, controls the amount of CRUNCH by driving your amp harder. ON/OFF power switch is optional on the BEANO VOLUME KNOB. Toggle TONE SWITCH with 3 positions. Up = Midrange, Center=Treble, Down=Low range boost. Circuit is hand wired just like the original version. Most other Rangemaster clones use circuit boards. Has about the same output level ON and OFF with the BOOST knob set at 9:00. At 11:00 there is about a 10dB boost, which sounds twice as loud. At 12:00 there is a 13dB boost, and up all the way is about an 18dB boost which is nearly twice as loud as it was at 11:00. Right side is the SUN FACE: VOL Knob needs no explanation. Audio taper volume pot. FUZZ knob : Best to keep it up or almost up all the way, and use the VOLUME knob on your guitar or the TRIMMER knob to control the amount of fuzz. TRIMMER : The white knob on the circuit board (TRIM103). You can turn this one with your fingers. Normal setting is full CCW, for full full fuzz availability. This knob works the same as the VOLUME control on your guitar, which interactively cleans up the fuzz sound. So if you never use the FULL fuzz sound, use this knob as a preset for the maximum amount of fuzz that you need, instead of having to turn down your guitar every time you step on the fuzz. When this knob is turned all the way up (CCW) it is completely out of the circuit, as if it were not even there. Then the circuit is identical to an original 1968 germanium Fuzz Face. SUN knob: This is the knob in the center of the pedal’s SUN FACE, also called the Sun Dial. It is set by us to the “sweet spot” for the fuzz, just under 5 volts on the High transistor at about 70 degrees temperature. It is set with the mark at 12:00 on the SUN knob. You may try other settings, you can turn it down to get a stuttering, weak fuzz sound which can sometimes be useful. Or turn it up for a harder, less fuzzy sound. If you have a voltmeter, you can test the voltage so you can keep it set where you want it. Put the (+) lead to ground, one of the screw holes on the case will work. Put the (-) lead to the HIGH transitor leg closest to R23 (says VOLT-> on the picture, pointing to the correct leg). About 5 volts is best for cleaner sounds. I would not set it too high, much over 6 or 7 volts. When it is set at 4.5 to 5 volts, it is the same circuit as the original 1968 germanium fuzzface. You may find you need to turn it down (CCW) at higher temperatures, and up (CW) at lower temperatures. This BIAS adjustment allows it to work well at any temperature. [b][i]Asking price[/i][/b] [b]£180[/b] plus postage Again, like other threads, very open to negotation to secure a quick sale. Also to go up on the block is a Skreddy Screwdriver - say [b]£120[/b] for a quick sale?
  8. [size=6][u][b]SOLD for £400[/b][/u][/size] As per another thread, having a clearout, so this is up on the block. Great amp, but it's its lightweight Bantam head brother that is kicking it out. Wonderful amp, beautifully put together. Expert craftsmanship and really flexible. This is 18W EL84, 3x ECC83 (2 preamp, 1 Phase invertor - i think?). It has an FX loop that can be switched to be bypassed, and has a switchable boost for extra gain. I used it mainly for cleans as it can be ludicrously sparkly, but it dirties up plenty if that's your bag. Greenback for pure vintage goodness. Pics first, then spiel from MJW, then asking price. [b][i]Pics[/i][/b] [b][i]Specs / MJW Spiel[/i][/b] Available in both 18 and 36 Watt versions [this is the 18 Watt version], the Roadstar is powered by EL84s, in push-pull class AB, plus 3 ECC83s. This output stage is the choice of players seeking something a bit special, with chimey cleans and a full bodied roar when cranked. At 18 Watts, this amp produces enough volume for small gigs, and when cranked gives natural power stage distortion at sensible volume. The ultra pure signal path comprises only volume and tone controls for maximum tone, and the TT boost is now standard. Like all MJW amps, the Roadstar uses the highest quality components, including British-made transformers. [b][i]Asking price[/i][/b] [s][b]£450[/b] collection only / or you arrange and cover costs of courier[/s] [size=6][u][b]SOLD for £400[/b][/u][/size] Am open to negotiation to secure quick sale. Do get in touch if you're interested.
  9. Ooo good shout. Super-jazzes, or even just super-refined jazzes. I can vouch for Shuker doing a great jazz bass if you want something a bit more affordable from a great UK luthier.
  10. Ah. What he REALLY needs is a Suhr Guthrie Govan model guitar with the 'blower' switch. You set your single channel amp to serious breakup, roll down the volume knob to get your clean/cleanish rhythm sound, and then you switch back to your overdriven sound by pressing the switch, which then bypasses the circuitry in the guitar and hotwires the bridge pickup straight to the output jack. Basically a switch that negates any knob setting you have, so you in effect get an onboard 2 channel switch on your guitar. Yes, it is amazing. No, he can't have mine.
  11. These are excellent amps. Brilliant marriage of vintage sound and simplicity, with some clever tweaks to also make it the ultimate shredders amp. Hard to believe it's even possible!
  12. Excellent amps. Really versatile, very simple to operate, but can be used in much more complex setups if desired.
  13. These things are a pain. Best thing to do is send an understanding email back, and explain your position briefly but clearly in regards to future gigs. Wish him best of luck, etc. That way he can only say positive things about you to other bands/biz people, which can only work in your favour. Sadly, even if poor business people are at fault, ranting and railing and causing hassle for them can only work against you if you're trying to make a future out of your enterprise.
  14. Gah it's ridiculous how the market for these has disappeared. Such a fantastic pedal
  15. [quote name='ironside1966' timestamp='1346521085' post='1790243'] I think most people have done thing that we find cringe worthy or embarrassing. But for other to judge and look down on other people because of what they do, when they are hurting nobody is wrong. I just don't get the my music is better than yours thing at all. I just like talent. [/quote] I think he's talented. I think that this particular use of his talent is degrading. I never said I didn't like the music. I don't get where this argument is coming from.
  16. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1346520640' post='1790234'] I'm assuming he's just miming. In which case, what's the point of him bothering? Edit: If he's not miming I'd give him a 10/10 for vocals and 7/10 for the dancing. I'd give a 5/10 for the whole Micheal Jackson experience because most tributes are a bit naff. [/quote] +1 - i can't tell how much is him, but he's not miming the whole thing. Vocals definitely 9 or 10 out of 10, dancing, maybe 6 or 7 out of 10... but it doesn't change the fact he's doing what should be an O2 arena style, full band act with backing tracks on a shiny floor at the end of a wedding, just beside the kitchen.
  17. [quote name='ironside1966' timestamp='1346519428' post='1790211'] I find ego and disillusionment and people who don,t respect other musicians talent. cringe worthy or embarrassing... earning a living at something you a good at is definitely not cringe worthy or embarrassing... [/quote] Firstly, I'm not bringing talent into the question, the guy is clearly very talented and I made no comment on that at all. Secondly, even beyond the context of this thread I think you're wrong. There are plenty of things that people do to earn a living that are cringe-worthy or embarrassing. Don't try and tell me it's NEVER cringe-worthy, cos that is just arguing for the sake of it.
  18. [quote name='ChrisB' timestamp='1346514411' post='1790150'] oh cool, I can post this in this thread too: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw8sNoodIDk[/media] [/quote] Dear... gosh... that was all manner of.... I mean... really? really?!? *biro in eye*
  19. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1346514401' post='1790149'] If done well, not degrading at all. However, if not done well, I find them, well a little cringe-making. [/quote] Personally I think that even if done well, they can be cringeworthy just be being out of context, like the vid I posted.
  20. So, I don't think tribute acts are necessarily degrading, cringeworthy or embarrassing... ... but the fact remains, sometimes they are. Exhibit A: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX0Iz8vTxNg[/media]
  21. From what you've said, you've made the right decision. Sometimes it's fun just to have a music project with good mates or even just other like-minded musicians, and doesn't always need a regular performance outlet, but if you're not even having a productive or enjoyable practice (I mean 6 hours?!?! without managing a whole set??!?!)... Move on and be happy man.
  22. Pow, I've had a quick look for you regarding a template for the thumb rest - didn't see one. General advice out there on the internet is to just it in a place that's comfortable for you. E.g. tape it down and try out a position or two. Regarding the covers, I'm not sure. Even if they WERE all meant to be the same size, Fender is notorious for having wide variations in their measurements from model to model - my advice would be to measure the predrilled holes and make sure you find a metal cover with a similar width.
  23. The Strat is nice but the Swart amp.... PHWWWOOOAR *rubs thighs vigorously*
  24. Two words. 1. Sah 2. Weet
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