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Everything posted by mcgraham

  1. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1380820397' post='2231121'] three pages composed of terrible puns.... [/quote] I prefer to think of it as a suite.
  2. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1380812376' post='2230949'] Did they get upset because the barman wasn't running a tab.? [/quote] Barman? Which bar?
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1380807395' post='2230855'] You're right, I just can't do it any Longa. [/quote] That's OK. We'll let you off, given your contribution was clearly accidental.
  4. Guys, you should probably give it a rest. Solid puns clearly are not your forte.
  5. Faded denim DGT is it?
  6. Niiiice.
  7. If it's any reassurance, you're not alone. Rather than dwell on the negative, or even whether to call it a day, I'd suggest that long walk with a notebook, and write down the things you reeeeally want from making music... for me it was 'I love making music and want to keep doing it' but on my terms, and so I worked on my skills (vocals, guitar, bass, songwriting, keyboard/piano, etc) and general musicianship to a point where people come to me for lessons (so I stay sharp), I can do solo gigs as and when i feel like it, and I get to outright say 'no' to stuff I don't want to do. Everyone has a different set of goals, and I'd suggest pinning that down then choosing to work towards fulfilling those goals. It may be that band stuff isn't for you, and it may mean doing something different musically. You just need to work out whether that is the case or not, then what to do about it.
  8. Uhhh... no the 12 step is JUST a controller. No built in sounds. As I've mentioned, if you want to run the 12 Step with the Minitaur without a computer you need the kit. The 12 Step is designed to be powered via USB from a computer. If you run it with a computer and minitaur then no problem. If you want to run it without a computer, i.e. JUST Minitaur, then you need the extra hub kit. All this is explained on the 12 step website.
  9. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1378801284' post='2204703'] I didn't want to derail the thread but I've been wondering about the Keith McMillan thing for a while - mcgraham did you directly MIDI it to a sound module or did you have a laptop with patches loaded in and do it via USB? [/quote] Kev, first I programmed the Minitaur with preset sounds I wanted, independently of the 12 step. This required the Minitaur and a laptop. Secondly, I programmed the 12 step to transmit a patch change signal upon a certain button press. The patch change signal corresponded with a particular preset number on the Minitaur. This required use of the 12 step and a laptop. Then, when you connect the 12 step and Minitaur together (whether with a laptop to connect them or with the power module you buy separately if you don't want to use a laptop), you press the right button, which then transmits the patch change signal to the Minitaur, which responds by changing to the corresponding preset.
  10. Exactly. You can also set them to latch on, so you don't need to keep holding the pedal to keep the note going. You can also program presets into the Minitaur, then change them on the fly with patch change instructions from the 12 Step controller. No computer needed once programmed in. Super simple and super useful!
  11. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1378629929' post='2202482'] So I need a set of these for my Police tribute. Can anyone shed any light on them for me. any one got any for sale? thanks [/quote] Best way to do it is with: a) Minitaur Midi pedals BUT! you can get the McMillen 12 Step - http://www.keithmcmillen.com/12step/tour - much cheaper and far more tweakable if you're into that sort of thing. I got this setup and used it for a week long gig at a Christian conference. you can velcro it onto a small pedalboard or Gator tote bag and you're away.
  12. Love love LOVE that colour combo.
  13. Utterly utterly gutting. I honestly think Wizard made the best guitar pickups I'd ever had. Really sad he is no longer making them. That said, he is now out of the rat race, which is definitely a win for him! - best of luck to him!
  14. *drool* and what a bargain price, particularly given what they go for nowadays!
  15. I remember this bass. This was the one that convinced me I wanted a W&T. Great great bass. Very articulate, super comfy and very well balanced. Tones are very Matt Garrison-esque.
  16. Would love one of these, not quite sure how this hasn't sold in seconds flat, nor how it even dropped to page 2! Simply incredible basses, possibly the most 'formula one-like' bass ever devised by man!
  17. I love the PT Nano - it is (IMO) the perfect size for people who use select numbers of pedals, and super-portable.
  18. Walked down the aisle to Yann Tiersen Walked out of the church to Totally Addicted to Bass
  19. Great input guys. Maybe I didn't word it clearly but I was actually meaning - does anyone prefer the tone of SINGLE 1x12 cab over two 1x12 or larger rigs etc.
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1370689932' post='2104392'] There is no "best bass sound" Firstly it is entirely subjective, and secondly it exists only with the context of each individual song/arrangement/production. [/quote] *rolls eyes*
  21. As mentioned in my [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/209590-best-bass-sound-youve-ever-had-heard/page__pid__2104377#entry2104377"]other thread [/url]I had the best sound I've ever had at a gig the other night. I've felt this feeling before, but I think I prefer the sound of my Berg IP112, so a single 1x12, to the sound of the full stack, so the IP112 plus the 1x12 extension cab. The full stack has crazy low end extension, but I find the sound more balanced and tight to my ears just with the 1x12 on its own. I was wondering if anyone else had encountered this sort of thing before? Anyone prefer having a smaller cab over a larger cab or multi-cab setup for tonal reasons?
  22. The best bass sound I ever heard as a newbie player was a clip of the Stu Hamm Urge II bass on the Fender website - stuck in my mind for years. Then 5 or 6 years later I heard a guy in a rehearsal playing a Bongo through a Mesa M2000 and Schroeder 1210 that made me go - wow! That has been the benchmark for years in my head of the sort of tone I'm after. Then on Saturday just gone I absolutely nailed the best tone I've ever had or heard. It was my Wood&tronics fretted Klimt, now with Thomastik flatwounds, through a Wampler Ego compressor into my Summit DI and Berg IP (just the one cab). It was the most stupendous clean, fat, smooth and detailed sound I've ever had or heard. Ludicrously fun to play when it sounds that good. So glad I made the switch to flatwounds on this bass. What's the best bass sound you've ever had and/or heard since you started playing?
  23. How opportune... I believe the OP has already been contacted by pantherairsoft, but for those others who may be interested in this, might I direct your attention to [url="http://www.reallyawesomepedalboards.co.uk"]www.reallyawesomepedalboards.co.uk[/url]
  24. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1368833223' post='2082206'] I've been gigging for almost 40 years and I've had only one amp failure in that time. Fortunately it was on the last song of the night. Since that incident I always take two amps to a gig. One is left in the car and I hope I never need to go and get it. Frank. [/quote] My experience is pretty similar. Gigging for 15, on bass and guitar, only really have one amp for each, never had an amp fail. Also never had call for a backup bass or guitar either.
  25. Where's the 'Like' button? *thumbs up*
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