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Everything posted by mcgraham

  1. Updated... Just a few items remaining, not including p&p but we can negotiate! Dunlop Volume - [b]£35[/b] Sansamp California - [b]£85[/b] Boss ME20 - [b]£70[/b] Really looking to trim down stuff I'm not using so please do get in touch! Open to offers... Mark
  2. I just can't quite fathom how this bass is still here.
  3. Bump back to the top. In a bit of a clearout frenzy at the moment so feel free to PM me.
  4. +1 BRX - if you're ordering a custom instrument and worrying about the features making the resale poor, that should be an immediate warning that you are not in the right place (philosophically speaking) for a custom instrument. That said, at least if he went down the 33" scale 5 string single cut route (which is a verrrry popular configuration for a not-off-the-shelf-custom config) then there are still select buyers out there who want this sort of instrument, so if you wanted to sell there is likely the right buyer out there... as is evidenced by this very thread.
  5. Both my W&T are 33" scale. Why? The first one came that way, and the second one I ordered I wanted to be the same. However, to be totally honest, I don't find that it makes much of a difference. There IS a difference (because 33" is not equal to 34") but I think that difference is over-egged. After a few years of going from 34" scale exclusively to playing these 33" basses exclusively with the odd dabble on 34" scale I can say that the slightly lower tension is definitely present (it's just maths) and perhaps subconsciously noticeable when you first pick it up (you can definitely discern it later on in playing time on the instruments), and although I KNOW the neck is slightly shorter (by that 1") I really don't notice the length difference when playing. I think the physical layout and design of the custom basses contributes far more to the comfort factor than that 1" scale difference. In short, I think there is a difference, I'm fine with it but I don't think it should be a deal breaker for anyone.
  6. Forgot to mention, I watched this and liked it, as I do all your vids!
  7. I like a balance of the two in any given practise session. If there's only enjoyment and no accompanying sense of 'this is too hard', then it isn't amounting to progressive practice and I don't feel satisfied that I'm going anywhere. If there's only a sense of 'this is too hard' and no accompanying enjoyment due to progression, then it isn't amounting to progressive practice and I don't feel satisfied that I'm going anywhere.
  8. Just saw Maiden at the Ice Arena in Nottingham. Great gig. I'd like to be positive about Airbourne but I can't. Frankly, Airbourne were *shocking*... though it's hard to tell how much of that was the fault of the FOH mixing. I genuinely lack the words to adequately describe that support slot - basically the drummer did four to the floor kick drum in EVERY section of EVERY song, except for the intro to one song. Unfortunately, coupled with - dare I say it - the ludicrously excessive amounts of bass they were pumping out front I literally just heard thump thump thump thump thump thump *woooAAAAARRGGGhoooo* {from the singer} thump thump thump thump... ad infinitum Maiden on the other hand were fantastic. Phenomenal stage presence by Bruce. I started about 20 metres from the front, but by the 6th song decided to move forward. I managed to get about 3 people from the front where I experienced a palatable level of moshing... though conditions were somewhat cramped. The highlight for me was the great close-up of Harris and the guitarists lined up in a bank of 4 less than 2 metres in front me during the encore as I was dead centre at the front by that time. Was anyone else there?
  9. Woah!!!! UBER-bargain! I'm all set for W&T basses at the moment, but someone NEEDS to get in on this.
  10. I like her playing, certainly at/above a standard that is worthy of pro-circuit. I don't actively listen to her stuff though. Fair play to her for making a career out of her skills (it's not easy to do these days), long may her career continue to improve!
  11. This is the one Shep. Specifically the bassline that is from 0.00 to 0.06s and then repeats throughout the verses.
  12. Oh how very PC of you... don't suppose you'd like to play along? for the sake of 'fun'?
  13. Question: has anyone heard Chris Cornell's song 'Part of me'? it has a killer synth-bass-esque groove on it. I'd like to approximate that sound. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might achieve this sound. I already have the OC2 and a Copilot Orbit (not useful for this sound) but I suspect a LPF is necessary to get closer.
  14. So what would people like to hear at the Bass Bash?
  15. Given the weight of those pedalboards I wouldn't be surprised if you could beat me at deadlifting.
  16. Non-stop extended periods of slaping can be tolerable... when tasteful, non-repetitive and at an acceptable volume. It's when it's not tasteful/poor, exceedingly repetitive with the same riffs over and over, and at ear deafening volume that I start to consider self-harming as a more enjoyable alternative,
  17. Hmmm.... We could put the back seats down? Perhaps it's worth us trying this in advance.
  18. I love that less than a year ago you sold all your effects and went down to a Mini with the aim of 'keeping it simple'... 'O how art thou fallen'...
  19. [i]Why[/i] is this still here?
  20. mcgraham


    I won't spend money on subtle effects, so the Bluesky is out for me - I wouldn't spend £250 just for the shimmer feature and the occasional bit of subtle reverb. That said I generally like a dry sound, particularly as excessive reverb clutters a live band too much when playing in all but the deadest anechoic chamber (IMO).
  21. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1287559' date='Jun 30 2011, 12:31 PM']I might change my username to "the humpinator!"[/quote] Get Max to make you one with a corrupt graphic missing the first 'T'.
  22. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1287432' date='Jun 30 2011, 10:44 AM']Isn't the idea that you [b]can't[/b] really hear it? It's getting rid of the rumble you can't hear in the first place, so your speakers can work more efficiently, no?[/quote] Yup! If you have standard ear buds try sticking a bass boost setting on your ipod/equivalent mp3 device. You are likely to find that the bass increase is negligible if even discernible, but the overall volume will drop and the top end seems slightly more muted. Take off the bass boost and the volume shoots back up along with the normal treble content. My understanding that this occurs because the driver is wasting energy trying to inefficiently reproduce frequencies that it inherently struggles with, and this occurs at the expense of the rest of the frequency content. Probably an incorrect analogy (to a greater or lesser extent) and not quite what happens, but gives a rough idea (I think?)... Therefore, if your cab is only being fed frequencies it can DEFINITELY handle at power levels it can DEFINITELY handle, it's likely to perform better.
  23. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1287300' date='Jun 30 2011, 08:44 AM']I guess the [b][size=3]humpinator [/size][/b]would be a more efficient way of doing it.[/quote] That's an altogether [i]different [/i]kind of device that Max would be offering. His surname is [i]not [/i]Moseley. ...and I imagine it would be a more efficient way of 'doing it'... it certainly would reduce the need to find a willing partner!
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