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Everything posted by mcgraham

  1. I'm with Bilbo on this one. I've heard a little bit of Kennedy and think his tone is excellent - definitely one of my favourite tones. I also find he grooves very well and fits the song nicely. However I find his soloing to be a bit random and nonsensical, not in a 'I don't understand jazz' kind of way, but in a 'i'm a teenager in a guitar shop' kind of way. If you watch the video of Weckl band playing "The Chicken" on youtube, I just don't understand what he's doing with the solo. It just seems like sheer legato speed with the occasional riff thrown in the mix. I'm not professing to be better than Tom, he's clearly very accomplished, I'm just saying that this is what it reminds me of. Perhaps this solo isn't the best one to judge him by? I'd be happy to be shown I've misjudged him.
  2. Dave, thanks so much for posting that info up, I really do appreciate it!
  3. Cheers Mark! Much appreciated.
  4. If you have to ask... In brief (not briefs ) you stand on the board, the pump powers it, it feels like your playing your bass through a dance club sub without the typically accompanying deafness. It works like this: the Board is a platform with what can be described as the inside of a speaker (minus the cone) inside it. It's large and flat, but only an inch or two thick. The Pump is an amp that powers it. The user (yikes!) stands on it during operation and their instrument signal is routed through the Pump, which in turn drives the mass inside the board (the speaker bit I mentioned), which couples the bass frequencies you can feel into you. It is amazing, particularly with headphones on or in limited volume venues. Make sense? PM me if you want more info or are tempted by it and want to give it a whirl. I'll look up the website once I'm home! I'm not exactly going to search for 'pleasure pump' on Google whilst at work...
  5. Bump. No-one even remotely interested in this? Not even the tiniest quanta of iota of minuteness of interest?
  6. Great looking and sounding amp. Tempting. Sorry to be a pedant, but you say...[quote]It has [b][u]never been played/switched on [/u][/b]...[/quote] Yet you also say...[quote]Its a classic sounding 60w Marshall all valve head, [b][u]that sounds awesome when you really crank it[/u][/b][/quote] I find these two statements somewhat incongruous, as I don't see how you could verify the latter if the former is true. Could you perhaps clarify? Cheers!
  7. Hi all I'm upgrading to the deluxe version so I can more easily change the pre-gain and brilliance settings. Would like to get back what I paid for it: £145 posted PM if interested - I'm sending out a load of pedals tomorrow, so message me quick if you want it to go out at the same time. Mark
  8. Bass amps are a funny thing. On one hand you want something that fills the lower frequency sonic territory appropriately and so you want something full and not excessively coloured in its tone - on the other hand, if it's even useable as a bass amp then it clearly can't be excessively coloured in the first place. Not quite like guitar amps which are all about the colour they impart. Personally, my amp GAS stopped after I got my Berg IP and was killed stone dead when I got the EX112 extension cab. It is as uncoloured as I want to go, powerful, punchy, clear, articulate. The form factor is ideal, and ease of use is unsurpassed.
  9. It's amazing how quickly the cost of pedals racks up. I'm doing a clearout at the moment and thought I should add up the total of what I'd get if they all sold, and what seemed like a handful of pedals all averaging less than £100 second hand added up to a grand! That's with second hand values too, so think how much I must've spent on everything having bought some stuff brand new. Mental...
  10. Bump for a great little device. I use mine in fits and starts, but still know I need to keep it around. A looper is a must have (IMO) for any serious musician. Irreplaceably useful for practicing things, and also for improvising/arranging/transcribing.
  11. Are you after a trem first, leslie second; or a leslie first, trem second? If you're wanting a straight trem there are LOADS of truly amazing options out there. - For simplicity and tiny size: the Lovepedal Baby trem (I've just sold mine unfortunately) - For simplicity with a bit more useable controls on top surface: Boss TR2 - For versatility and small size: Catalinbread Semaphore - For complete versatility: Goatkeeper, or Empress Trem, or Catalinbread Stereo Semaphore (Goatkeeper and Semaphore are HUGE). If you're wanting a leslie there are also LOADS of great options out there, but they tend to be more expensive: - Strymon Lex - about to release this amazing leslie sim, great new company if you've not heard of them. - Tech 21 Rotochoir for bass - also sounds amazing - H&K Rotosphere - THE defining leslie sim of the last decade and a bit. However, my personal favourite is something that is both but neither of these: Catalinbread Pareidolia. There's nothing else quite like it. It has two trems going 180' out of phase with one another, one connected to a high pass filter one connected to a low pass filter so the bassy part of the trem is at its peak when the treble is at its trough, vice versa, and they pass each other in the middle. Because of this you can create a variety of different sounds that really does put trem and leslie on the same spectrum, and you can move between them depending on how deep/shallow the depth in combination with how fast/slow the speed is.
  12. Mate, I haven't the first clue what I'd do with it or how to even operate the thing! I'd love to help you out, but I'd just be selling it on again otherwise!
  13. EDITED: The clearout continues and here's a list of the remaining effects I'm thinking of letting go. They are for sale but open to trade offers too. Boss DD6 - [b]£75[/b] posted Boss ME20 (for guitar) - [b]£90 [/b]plus p&p SFX Custom eq/boost - [b]£120 [/b]posted (SFX Micro-EQ with added mute f/switch in landscape configuration [think Zvex] and tuner out) [s]Catalinbread Formula No. 5 - [b]SOLD[/b] Boss GEB7 - [b]SOLD [/b][/s] I'm also looking for a low gain OD for guitar (e.g. Timmy, Boss BD2 or Keeley equivalent, that sort of transparent chimey sound) if anyone has one. Cheers!
  14. Want to clear stuff out (don't need to, but want to - go figure). This is something I love but don't get to use very often so am willing to let it go. Want to recoup most of my costs on it so feel £450 is a reasonable price (plus P&P or you can collect from Nottingham for free - I'm right beside one of the M1 Junctions).
  15. I think the real question is... '[i]isn't[/i] bass?'
  16. Have you checked out the Blackstar 1W series? Ideal for home practice and great tone. Also only around £100, so you could get away with keeping both the guitars.
  17. In all honesty I think that the general populace is blissfully unaware of the bass as an instrument and as a function. However, I think that as a developing instrument and with new and more exciting players out there, there is a slowly developing realisation that bass is not just 'the low tuned guitar in the background played by the grumpy looking middle aged man in the back' but actually a beautiful instrument in its own right. Re: 6 string shredding - it's not as prevalent as you might think, just quite 'in' with the bass playing culture at present. And even if you/I don't like it per se, it's good because it brings out new tools, techniques, and brings bass out of the shadows and into the foreground. So in answer to your question: 'Yes, I think it is getting cooler, but only ever so gradually'
  18. Bass has [i]always [/i]been cool. It's those nerds who play them that ruin the image
  19. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='1164600' date='Mar 16 2011, 04:29 PM'][Pedant Point] Is that BIG {girl's pants} or {BIG GIRL'S} pants or what? [/Pedant Point] G.[/quote] Does one exclude the other? Surely large underwear is suitable for large wearers of underwear and vice versa? [/Pedant Match Point]
  20. Yes indeed! TBH I don't consciously decide to do one over the others, I just know which they are and have practiced so that I use whichever technique gives me the sound I want in the most efficient manner.
  21. A violinist I spoke to years ago said there was three distinct types of vibrato: (i) from the wrist to the fingers (ii) from the elbow and forearm to the fingers (iii) the whole arm moves. I find I vary between all three depending on the depth and speed of the vibrato I want. E.g. subtle and fast I use the wrist, slow but massively deep I use (iii), medium depth and moderate speed I use (ii).
  22. Depending on when it is I'd be interested in the hands on workshop.
  23. Twickerman, it does sound awesome from all the demos I've seen. This is more or less going to be my dedicated 'chop' tremolo for guitar. I've got the Catalinbread Pareidolia for beautiful sine wave type trem, but I want... no, [i]need[/i] a standard trem that can give me square wave chop. I love tremolo
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